Greenery is back

I don't miss the snow, but dang my paths look like barf on this brownish-green grass. Anyone have an exciting new path for spring?
I didn’t think I would be as excited as I was to see greenery again. It was drizzling on my island and it made all the varying shades of green look even more beautiful 🥰, just like in real life!
I'm really happy that the snow has melted. Honestly with IRL snow I'm getting super sick of it so it's a nice change to get to escape my snowy reality and get to see some greenery. I'm excited to see the bright green too, I almost forget what it looks like. I'm looking forward to spring this year since last year I was still building my islands and didn't really have a livable terraformed space until nearly summer. I feel like my islands look and feel better now without the snow.
honestly I absolutely love the way it looks now!! obv it'll be even nicer to have green grass back but I'm very happy with this for now, it reminds me of the autumn and it all just feels very cosy. and it makes a nice change from the blinding white
So happy the snow is gone. Feels like I can start decorating more without immediately hating it because the snow makes it stand out too much.
honestly I absolutely love the way it looks now!! obv it'll be even nicer to have green grass back but I'm very happy with this for now, it reminds me of the autumn and it all just feels very cosy. and it makes a nice change from the blinding white

I loved the snow, but you're right, it was a bit blinding. I usually play ACNH in the morning before work, so I'd wake up and then turn it on squinting hard for the first few minutes as my eyes adjusted to the brightness of the snow. However, today when I turned the game on I finally didn't need to squint!
It made me really sad, i kept running around saying "oh no, the snow is gone!" i thought i had one more day :cry: I love Winter, and when it snowed for the first time in Fall i was so excited, and now everything is just yucky brown (i know it turns green later). I could TT backwards but it's just not the same (plus i hate TT-ing unless necessary). And knowing it will be a super long time until it snows again makes me sad too.
Built a snowman yesterday btw, he's told me he's really happy looking at spring.

Its cool they let that happen.

My Animal Cross dirt paths also look great in this green.
I am missing the snow, it is still winter here I was hoping the snow would last longer. My town feels like it is warm now and not cold anymore.
I don't think I'd quite call it green haha but yea...I guess it's fair for accuracy but I wish it was the deep green. <3 Hopefully it's not long till it turns fully.
More like brownery lol

I didn't expect to miss the snow so much 🙁 I think I will be more excited once the grass starts to get really green again.

Yes you’re right it’s brownery haha still better then snow now. I’m excited to see actual green grass for sure😀
I maybe in the minority but I am actually glad that the snow is gone. The Greeny makes my island more stand out more. I really miss it.
I'm indifferent. Nothing really changes for me until March or the Mario update. The only difference is that now the seasonal diys changed from winter to spring. I've played since launch so I already have all the young spring diys.
It makes sense the grass would be off colour for a bit since it was covered in snow for 3 months. Almost like it's a muddy colour which is perfect cause when it snows irl, the ground is muddy as heck afterwards. I can't wait for some nice bright green though!
Snow was great but not for too long, so I'm happy it finally melted! The actual green colour is not the best, I truly prefer something more light and bright, but it's better than nothing and still, I prefer that than our previous snow! And as said some of you, island is most of the time more beautiful without snow.
I'm glad the snow has finally gone. I felt it started too late and perhaps it should've started early December - but it has also felt like it has been around forever.

I'm also happy that it hasn't gone straight to the bright green grass. Back when I had the snow, I TT to Easter time for Cherry Blossom and the change from white to bright green hurt my eyes. I'd forgotten how green the grass actually gets in the middle of the year. So I'm grateful for the gradual change