Guess the reference.

Actually it was from the Zelda cartoon but okay

Some dude named Zac according to a signature

"I hope you go to JAIL! And i hope your stupid house is TORN DOWN..."
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No clue.

"I have a feeling we could. Be much more than friends... We could be BEST friends!"
My quote was from Animal Crossing.

No clue.

I catn think of anything...
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Like no-one ever was! (Pokemon theme song)

"This is how to enjoy a hot spring:
Step 1. Breathe deep.
Step 2. Clear mind.
Step 3. Remove pants."
I personally have no clue, but Google says Kid Icarus. I've never played it but Pit's one of my favorite characters on Super Smash.

"Shush... keep quiet!"
"Yeah, we wouldn't want a bird to hear us chatting up there and turn us in."
"Hey! We're in enemy territory. Those are enemy birds."
Familiar, but I can't place it.

My last reference was from Kid Icarus: Uprising

pokedude729 said:
"This is how to enjoy a hot spring:
Step 1. Breathe deep.
Step 2. Clear mind.
Step 3. Remove pants."

Glad to see at least one other person here has played that game. ^_^

"That tornado's carrying a car!"
No idea.

No one tried guessing my last one so here again:
