Halloween gingerbread houses— yay or nay?

I’ve been marinating on this since I saw the thread post. I love the idea of making gingerbread houses, and despite my artistic abilities, I am AWFUL at assembling gingerbread houses. If I picture a Halloweenly decorated gingerbread house, I‘d maybe put on purple icing for the roof, and black cobweb shingles. Perhaps some bats and some ghosts and skeletons posted up somewhere. Will I do it? Nah, probably not. Too many animals to worry about getting into it XD
YAY! That sounds like so much fun and the perfect combination! I love making Gingerbread houses during Christmas time so I am surprised I haven't thought of Halloween ones!!! The decorating with candy makes an even better orange pumpkiny halloween look! I do not think I have time this year but oh that is now on a list of fun things to do eventually! LOVE IT!
I love gingerbread houses in general! My family buys one for Christmas every year and I love decorating them.
Come to think of it, I think they actually bought a Halloween gingerbread house last year!!
sounds pretty groovy!! and they look rad, though i'm not a fan of gingerbread so i don't think i'd construct one. also i'm not certain about my artistic abilities
I've never made a gingerbread house of any kind myself, but I really like seeing them! ^^ Even if gingerbread houses are more typically associated with Christmas, I don't think they necessarily have to be a Christmas-only thing. All the Halloween ones I've seen have been really cool, and I love the idea of making them for other holidays as well.
I'd love to make a gingerbread house (or other form of cookie house) at some point, and I'd been thinking of it as a potential Christmas activity, but it might be fun to try for Halloween too! :giggle: Either way, I'll probably just use a kit ahahaha
I think they are cute. I wouldn’t eat them and I don’t make them myself or planning on making them, but they are adorable. I like the way they smell as well, but not their taste.
Yes, there also should be more Halloween trees.

Bonus points if you manage to make the creation edible.
I'm sadly not much for crafts. I can never make good gingerbread houses, cute as they are. I did, however, arrange a really beautiful fall-themed "sweet charcuterie" board. Not an actual charcuterie board, but it was pumpkin candy and graham crackers with various chocolates, melted caramel, cookies, marshmallow, etc.. Was a hit with my party guests. Centerpieces were those seasonal Little Debbie Pumpkin Delight cakes lol.
i don’t really like gingerbread so i’ve never bought one, but i think they’re cute! i love the idea of using them as decor instead of eating them though, so maybe i’ll give one a try one day. i loved decorating gingerbread houses at christmas time when i was a kid. ☺️
I do not like ginger or gingerbread but I love anything Halloween related I say yassss go for it make the best gingerbread haunted houses/ graveyards!!!!!