Giveaway Happy October/Halloween [Winners Announced: Thank You for the Support!]

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Question 2: I dislike having to start school. That's about it. XD
October 1: Question: What's your favorite thing about Autumn?

My favorite thing about Autumn is the weather, leaves change into beautiful colors, and also a friendly reminder; it's almost Halloween! :3
What is your least favorite thing about Autumn?

I cant stand the skunks, we get a lot of them around here during autumn. We can't open a window and turn on a fan without having the stench fill our noses, and we aren't even in a rural area :(
My least favorite thing about autumn is that there are very little holidays on the month. :p Thanks for the giveaway!
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Being reminded that Autumn is going to be transitioned to Winter x_x
After the hot and scorching summer, I agree that autumn cools the temperature down, but then it gets cold and I'm more prone to getting sick due to the cold :(
What is your least favorite thing about Autumn? hard since its spring here. worst thing about autumn is that it's almost winter GAH NO I HATE THE COLD D;
Thank you for holding this giveaway! :D

What is your least favorite thing about Autumn?

I actually don't live in a place where there is autumn (in the Philippines), so will I still be eligible for this contest? It could really affect me answering your questions.

Anyway, I suppose what I like the least about autumn is that it is when many people start school, and I know not a lot of people like school. :(

Though school doesn't actually start in autumn for me. :p
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October 2: Question: What's your least favorite thing about Autumn?
The fact that I cannot experience it in a tropical country.
October 2: Question: What's your least favorite thing about Autumn?
I'd say the weather I guess, I'm not a fan of cold, rainy weather.
Worst thing about autumn is that I have to wait for winter, I love the cold, but I hate wearing jackets and stuff XD also I don't like starting school and when the wind blows all the leaves in my face :/
October 2: Question: What's your least favorite thing about Autumn?

School. I almost miss the bus everyday.
what a cute little giveaway =)

October 2: Question: What's your least favorite thing about Autumn?

my least favorite thing about Autumn is probably my skin on my hands start to get dry and cracked cause of the new cold weather T_T
What's your least favorite thing about Autumn?

Hmm, I guess the fact that it's still too hot to wear cute sweaters/hoodies and jeans, but a little too cold to wear summer dresses and skirts. In australia, the cold weather only really sticks around for like a month in winter lol.
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I don't like wet leaves in Autumn. You can't jump in them anymore!
October 2nd: What is your least favorite thing about Autumn? it gets really cold up in michigan. here in the valley, there's just dead leaves everywhere and its slightly colder. also, the pumpkin gunk when carving jack o lanterns.
My least favorite thing about autumn? The leaves everywhere. They become slippery when wet making it kinda hard to walk in places with many trees, and in this country, wet leaves on train tracks means a lot of delays.
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