Harry Potter

#gsw1996 said:
D.T. said:
The difference between christianity and scientology is that the leaders of christianity probably believe what they're saying...Scientology isn't a religion, it's a business.
LOL Scientology is a religion based off of a sic fi writer and star wars :p
Yes, because Scientology is based on Star Wars, which was released 50 YEARS AFTER SCIENTOLOGY WAS CREATED.
D.T. said:
#gsw1996 said:
D.T. said:
Jas0n said:
D.T. said:
I'm not a christian but Jesus seems like a pretty cool guy.
He can't be that cool if people wanted to kill him so badly they would go to the extremes that they did xD
They were just jealous.
again, who said they wanted to kill jesus?
lol, are you serious.

I'm just guessing here, but I'm going to say the people that killed him.
he's not really dead he alive in Heaven well for people who belive if you don't I don't care
Dragorium15 said:
#gsw1996 said:
D.T. said:
The difference between christianity and scientology is that the leaders of christianity probably believe what they're saying...Scientology isn't a religion, it's a business.
LOL Scientology is a religion based off of a sic fi writer and star wars :p
Yes, because Scientology is based on Star Wars, which was released 50 YEARS AFTER SCIENTOLOGY WAS CREATED.
its pretty much the same thing its all BS
#gsw1996 said:
D.T. said:
#gsw1996 said:
D.T. said:
Jas0n said:
Quoting limited to 5 levels deep
They were just jealous.
again, who said they wanted to kill jesus?
lol, are you serious.

I'm just guessing here, but I'm going to say the people that killed him.
he's not really dead he alive in Heaven well for people who belive if you don't I don't care
Yes, but that's alive in a different sense. People still killed him on earth...no one was talking about plotting to go to heaven and assasinate Jesus.
D.T. said:
#gsw1996 said:
D.T. said:
#gsw1996 said:
D.T. said:
Quoting limited to 5 levels deep
again, who said they wanted to kill jesus?
lol, are you serious.

I'm just guessing here, but I'm going to say the people that killed him.
he's not really dead he alive in Heaven well for people who belive if you don't I don't care
Yes, but that's alive in a different sense. People still killed him on earth...no one was talking about plotting to go to heaven and assasinate Jesus.
That would be interesting, though.
Jas0n said:
#gsw1996 said:
Jas0n said:
D.T. said:
I'm not a christian but Jesus seems like a pretty cool guy.
He can't be that cool if people wanted to kill him so badly they would go to the extremes that they did xD
who said they wanted to kill jesus? o_0
The people that put him on a stake and stabbed him to death, or whatever they did.
Dude, if you're going to dis Christianity get your facts straight. Jesus was crucified if you even know what that means.
Dragorium15 said:
Bacon Boy said:
Dragorium15 said:
Bacon Boy said:
Do you believe everything in your history book?
Being a student of history, I'm inclined to say yes I do believe everything in my history book.
then you should believe in the Bible because it IS a history book. It has been proved time and time again that the prophecies in it have come true and there are some yet to come true.
But that's where you're wrong.

There are many false statements in the Bible.
Name one.
Bulerias said:
The bible shouldn't be taken literally... 99% of it is allegorical.
No it's not. That's a completely false statement. The Bible is a collection of various writings. Some are letters to a group of people, for example.

edit: Oh, but shouldn't this thread get back on topic? =)
Jas0n said:
D.T. said:
I'm not a christian but Jesus seems like a pretty cool guy.
He can't be that cool if people wanted to kill him so badly they would go to the extremes that they did xD
they wanted to kill him because he was preaching the truth. The priests were corrupt and falsifying their teachings to make money, then Jesus came along and told the real truth which was the opposite of the priests/pharisees' teachings. They got mad and killed him.
Bacon Boy said:
Jas0n said:
D.T. said:
I'm not a christian but Jesus seems like a pretty cool guy.
He can't be that cool if people wanted to kill him so badly they would go to the extremes that they did xD
they wanted to kill him because he was preaching the truth. The priests were corrupt and falsifying their teachings to make money, then Jesus came along and told the real truth which was the opposite of the priests/pharisees' teachings. They got mad and killed him.
And today we're right back to falsifying the truth to make money, among various other things...only now politicians do it, too.
Dragorium15 said:
Koehler said:
Dragorium15 said:
Adam and Eve.
How is it false?
Archaeological and scientific evidence have proven Darwin's Theory of Evolution, disproving the theory of creationism.
Don't even get me started on that one. I'm doing an in-depth study on that subject right now.

If you want, look up Kurt Wise or Ken Ham for Answers in Genesis.
I don't think evolution has been proven yet...it's still a theory. But I think there's as much evidence for evolution as there is for gravity. That's what people say anyway.

And evolution doesn't disprove creationism...it's impossible to disprove creationism.

It's also impossible to disprove any random claim about how the earth was invented...you can't prove that a giant space donkey didn't crap out the planet and suddenly everything was here. But that doesn't mean you should believe it.
Honestly I don't care what other people believe, as long as what they don't start forcing their beliefs on other people. I'm not going to be a rooster and come in here and tell people their religion is wrong.
Honestly I don't care what other people believe, as long as what they don't start forcing their beliefs on other people. I'm not going to be a rooster and come in here and tell people their religion is wrong.
Awwwww! D: