Harry Potter

Bacon Boy said:
Good cannot exist without evil. Evil is the absence of God, and good comes from God. Therefore, good cannot exist without evil. If there was no evil, there would be no use to name something good, it would be called life. Now, evil is life, and the few that are good are outcasted as weirdos or religious people even if they practice no religion. Witchcraft IS real, no matter how much people don't want it to be real. It is, face the bold faced facts DF, it is real.
pics or it didn't happen.
Bacon Boy said:
Good cannot exist without evil. Evil is the absence of God, and good comes from God. Therefore, good cannot exist without evil. If there was no evil, there would be no use to name something good, it would be called life. Now, evil is life, and the few that are good are outcasted as weirdos or religious people even if they practice no religion. Witchcraft IS real, no matter how much people don't want it to be real. It is, face the bold faced facts DF, it is real.
If God doesn't exist, then witchcraft doesn't either.
And God doesn't exist for me.

no, just answer, I have a point and it works in with my answer. Do you guys believe Einstein was smart? Do you believe everything in your history book?
Dragorium15 said:
Bacon Boy said:
Do you believe everything in your history book?
Being a student of history, I'm inclined to say yes I do believe everything in my history book.
wait, really?

Well, I have an issue with humanity, so I have an issue with written record as well.
Except it's obvious that Einstein is smart, because we have a theory that was proven, written by him. It exists. I don't need a history book to see that.
Dragorium15 said:
Bacon Boy said:
Do you believe everything in your history book?
Being a student of history, I'm inclined to say yes I do believe everything in my history book.
then you should believe in the Bible because it IS a history book. It has been proved time and time again that the prophecies in it have come true and there are some yet to come true.
Bacon Boy said:
Dragorium15 said:
Bacon Boy said:
Do you believe everything in your history book?
Being a student of history, I'm inclined to say yes I do believe everything in my history book.
then you should believe in the Bible because it IS a history book. It has been proved time and time again that the prophecies in it have come true and there are some yet to come true.
But that's where you're wrong.

There are many false statements in the Bible.

I consider it less of a history text and more of a novel with a bit of fiction mixed with non-fiction.
Bacon Boy said:
Dragorium15 said:
Bacon Boy said:
Do you believe everything in your history book?
Being a student of history, I'm inclined to say yes I do believe everything in my history book.
then you should believe in the Bible because it IS a history book. It has been proved time and time again that the prophecies in it have come true and there are some yet to come true.
And then Jesus turned water into wine via molecular gastronomy!

And there was much rejoicing.
dragonflamez said:
Dragorium15 said:
Bacon Boy said:
Do you believe everything in your history book?
Being a student of history, I'm inclined to say yes I do believe everything in my history book.
wait, really?

Well, I have an issue with humanity, so I have an issue with written record as well.
Except it's obvious that Einstein is smart, because we have a theory that was proven, written by him. It exists. I don't need a history book to see that.
but he was a Christian. So how can you say Christianity is wrong when one of the smartest men alive was a Christian?
Bacon Boy said:
dragonflamez said:
Dragorium15 said:
Bacon Boy said:
Do you believe everything in your history book?
Being a student of history, I'm inclined to say yes I do believe everything in my history book.
wait, really?

Well, I have an issue with humanity, so I have an issue with written record as well.
Except it's obvious that Einstein is smart, because we have a theory that was proven, written by him. It exists. I don't need a history book to see that.
but he was a Christian. So how can you say Christianity is wrong when one of the smartest men alive was a Christian?
That's a stupid analogy and you know it.

'One Christian was smart, thus Christianity is correct'.

I suppose the guy who invented the wheel was a Christian too?
OH! And the Egyptians. I almost forgot about them. Damn devout Christians, them.