Harry Potter

Look, I could sit here all night and debate you guys, but due to time constraints and sleep deprivation that I've had for the past couple of months, I need sleep. Look, arguments never end, they just go on and on and on. I'm getting rather bored and I feel that this is not even about Harry Potter anymore. Nice Argument Gents. Talk to you tomorrow.
dragonflamez said:
Bacon Boy said:
dragonflamez said:
Dragorium15 said:
Bacon Boy said:
Do you believe everything in your history book?
Being a student of history, I'm inclined to say yes I do believe everything in my history book.
wait, really?

Well, I have an issue with humanity, so I have an issue with written record as well.
Except it's obvious that Einstein is smart, because we have a theory that was proven, written by him. It exists. I don't need a history book to see that.
but he was a Christian. So how can you say Christianity is wrong when one of the smartest men alive was a Christian?
That's a stupid analogy and you know it.

'One Christian was smart, thus Christianity is correct'.

I suppose the guy who invented the wheel was a Christian too?
OH! And the Egyptians. I almost forgot about them. Damn devout Christians, them.
no, but if someone that smart believed in Christianity, doesn't that back it up at all?
Bacon Boy said:
dragonflamez said:
Bacon Boy said:
dragonflamez said:
Dragorium15 said:
Quoting limited to 5 levels deep
wait, really?

Well, I have an issue with humanity, so I have an issue with written record as well.
Except it's obvious that Einstein is smart, because we have a theory that was proven, written by him. It exists. I don't need a history book to see that.
but he was a Christian. So how can you say Christianity is wrong when one of the smartest men alive was a Christian?
That's a stupid analogy and you know it.

'One Christian was smart, thus Christianity is correct'.

I suppose the guy who invented the wheel was a Christian too?
OH! And the Egyptians. I almost forgot about them. Damn devout Christians, them.
no, but if someone that smart believed in Christianity, doesn't that back it up at all?
Not in the slightest.


If anything, science was a greater beneficiary of Einstein than Christianity.
Bacon Boy said:
dragonflamez said:
Bacon Boy said:
dragonflamez said:
Dragorium15 said:
Quoting limited to 5 levels deep
wait, really?

Well, I have an issue with humanity, so I have an issue with written record as well.
Except it's obvious that Einstein is smart, because we have a theory that was proven, written by him. It exists. I don't need a history book to see that.
but he was a Christian. So how can you say Christianity is wrong when one of the smartest men alive was a Christian?
That's a stupid analogy and you know it.

'One Christian was smart, thus Christianity is correct'.

I suppose the guy who invented the wheel was a Christian too?
OH! And the Egyptians. I almost forgot about them. Damn devout Christians, them.
no, but if someone that smart believed in Christianity, doesn't that back it up at all?
No, it does not.
Faith =/= Fact.
And a reason I'm mainly arguing is:
1. Cause I am a heathen, I guess.
2. Because it's just so fun!
3. Because everything you say doesn't make much sense logically. You should take a debating class, you don't defend your points very well.
Personally I don't believe something unless there's logical proof to back it up. God, Jesus and all things related to that is one of those things that can't be proven so therefore I do not believe in it.

Also what you said about the bible is a bunch of bs. The bible is not a history book, it's some strange book written by a random guy on drugs, or so it seems.
Jas0n said:
The bible is not a history book, it's some strange book written by a random guy on drugs, or so it seems.
All I know is that anyone who likes living in a desert can't be all that sane. D:
lol at the way the first post gives a summary of Harry Potter as if everyone on the planet doesn't already know what it's about.

I like the HP books okay. They're pretty entertaining...definitely not the best books ever, but they're a good read. Then the first movie and the fifth movies were both pretty good as well...but the 2 - 4 movies sucked.

Edit: Oh wait, this topic seems to be about religion now. ahaha
dragonflamez said:
Jas0n said:
The bible is not a history book, it's some strange book written by a random guy on drugs, or so it seems.
All I know is that anyone who likes living in a desert can't be all that sane. D:
Someone who thinks he can turn water into wine with magical powers can't be all that sane either xD
Jas0n said:
Personally I don't believe something unless there's logical proof to back it up. God, Jesus and all things related to that is one of those things that can't be proven so therefore I do not believe in it.

Also what you said about the bible is a bunch of bs. The bible is not a history book, it's some strange book written by a random guy on drugs, or so it seems.
that was sciencetology your thinking about lol
D.T. said:
I'm not a christian but Jesus seems like a pretty cool guy.
He can't be that cool if people wanted to kill him so badly they would go to the extremes that they did xD
The difference between christianity and scientology is that the leaders of christianity probably believe what they're saying...Scientology isn't a religion, it's a business.
D.T. said:
The difference between christianity and scientology is that the leaders of christianity probably believe what they're saying...Scientology isn't a religion, it's a business.
LOL Scientology is a religion based off of a sic fi writer and star wars :p
#gsw1996 said:
Jas0n said:
D.T. said:
I'm not a christian but Jesus seems like a pretty cool guy.
He can't be that cool if people wanted to kill him so badly they would go to the extremes that they did xD
who said they wanted to kill jesus? o_0
The people that put him on a stake and stabbed him to death, or whatever they did.
#gsw1996 said:
D.T. said:
The difference between christianity and scientology is that the leaders of christianity probably believe what they're saying...Scientology isn't a religion, it's a business.
LOL Scientology is a religion based off of a sic fi writer and star wars :p
Not really. The person that invented Scientology didn't believe any of the BS for a second. Hubbard believed that religions were a very profitable industry, so he invented one.
#gsw1996 said:
D.T. said:
Jas0n said:
D.T. said:
I'm not a christian but Jesus seems like a pretty cool guy.
He can't be that cool if people wanted to kill him so badly they would go to the extremes that they did xD
They were just jealous.
again, who said they wanted to kill jesus?
lol, are you serious.

I'm just guessing here, but I'm going to say the people that killed him.