Has anyone bred hybrids yet?

I haven't bred them but I found an island FULL of hybrid tulips. I have black, pink, and orange tulips!!
Is there a good guide available for hybrid breeding yet for all different types of flowers in NH?
I haven't yet, but I didn't have them in an efficient pattern. Today I put some diagonally (checker styled pattern) and am hoping that helps tomorrow. I haven't had time to, but tonight I will water my flowers. I haven't come across any hybrids on islands yet, but hopefully will soon. I want some blue and pink flowers!!! (Black ones too!!)
bred some pink cosmos and orange pansies so far.. also found a mystery island filled with blue and orange pansies so i lucked out there as well
I've got lots of black tulips, a blue pansy, an orange pansy, a blue windflower, and orange tulips.
I unintentionally got some black roses. I just planted a few red roses around a tree and the black hybrids popped up. Wonder if golden roses exist in this game.
Been trying to get the new flowers all figured out, so far I know that Red + White mums give Pink, White + White (it could also be White + Yellow or Yellow + Yellow) gives purple mums, I know green mums exist but I haven't figured out how to get them yet. Yellow + Red hyacinths make orange, Red + White make pink, and I think White + White makes blue? Im not too certain what gave me my blue hyacinths. Blue + Blue windlowers give purple (passing this from mouth to ear so not 100% certain, haven't gotten them myself), Red + White windflowers make pink. Still trying to get all them new hybrids, I've also seen purple hyacinths (really want those ones XD )
I had a orange cosmos that grew today that was next to a bloomed red cosmos and two different yellow cosmos that were not yet bloomed yesterday. One had yellow buds on it, and the other did not have yellow buds yet (had green buds, like when you pick the flower).
So I don't know if you can pick the flowers and they will hybridize anyway, OR if you have to wait a day after you pick the flower until there are colored buds before it will be eligible to hybridize.
My native flower is cosmos.
I haven't bred any new colors. Only a few orange windflowers (I keep calling them poppies in my head) from orange and white ones planted near one another. I haven't really been trying, though, as I'm still figuring out where everything/one is going to go, so my flowers are mainly clustered around the museum and plaza for now.
I got orange pansies and cosmos from yellow and red and pink cosmos from red and white and am currently trying for black cosmos with two orange ones will post results tomorrow if more show up.
I found an orange rose beside a yellow+red rose while exploring the island on my second day.

And today my white+white rose gave me a black budding rose, or at least I believe it's black. The colour kind of looks purple'ish on my screen so I'm not too certain. I'm trying a few other combinations and am hoping that they'll produce pink or blue roses.
You can safely dig up the bud and replant them no trouble Based on how new leaf worked it was white+white = purple for both roses and tulips orange always comes from red and yellow and pink from red and white.
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A single orange pansy, I've been rather unlucky with hybrids.
Other than my island-snatched hyacinth hybrids...Only one orange pansy, but I don't have many flowers, either. Only two mums from a friend. My natives are the horrible, hideous cosmos, and I am not breeding more of them.
You can safely dig up the bud and replant them no trouble Based on how new leaf worked it was white+white = purple for both roses and tulips orange always comes from red and yellow and pink from red and white.
So it is purple! Thanks!
It's been a while since I've last played New Leaf and I've totally forgotten that purple roses exist too
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You can also get black roses from two reds when they wilted a golden watering can would turn them into gold roses though flowers seemingly don’t wilt now