Has anyone bred hybrids yet?

No. I haven't tried too hard yet because I don't have too many flower varieties (my native lilies, windflowers, and pansies). I was hoping I would've found more flower varieties by now, but no luck. I also was waiting to have full access to my island (with ladder and such), and I've only had that for a few days.

I think I'll make a garden area today or tomorrow and start working on this. I can at least get hybrids for the 3 flower types I do have if nothing else.
I managed to make a purple hyacinth :blush:
I got some cool hybrid from some mystery islands and managed to grow that one from them
Today I got a pink windflower orange tulip black rose and three blue pansies needless to say I was quite satisfied.
currently working on it! i have groups of flowers scattered around my island and i'm trying for as many combinations as i currently can. i've mainly gotten orange and pink hybrids, but today i got my first black lily. :blush:
I woke up this morning to an orange rose and two purple mums
I have about 8 pink mums and just got a purple one too.

I also just got an orange tulip yesterday.

Other than that no luck. :X
I've bred quite a few pink ones! I've never been able to breed them when the flowers aren't in bloom though, and I've had multiple groups going.
A few rose hybrids grew on their mountain on their own (Pink, orange, black) and I was lucky enough to get the ladder in time. Other than that no, I have not bred any hybrids myself.
Is anyone else having difficulty trying to grow hybrids? I’ve only grown 1 so far... I guess I’m using wrong flowers to bloom?