Has your dreamies list changed w/ the addition of the new Sanrio characters?

I've really never had a true dreamies list. I made one, but more to jump on the bandwagon more than anything. I've already let a couple of my dreamies go, opinions have changed, and I find hunting for new villagers and making friends with them way more fun than just hanging on to the same 10 "perfect" villagers. Except Wolfgang. He will always be my curmudgeonly old island dad.

That being said, I really can't see any of the Sanrio villagers taking up permanent residence either, so I will probably cycle through the. Maybe from least to most favorite, in case I change my mind. It might be hard to kick out Étoile so Toby can move in 😆
I don't think mine has changed drastically. I mean I really love etoile and everything little twin stars, so she's probably the only new addition I'll make. I've been meaning to kick out one of my two lazies for quite some time now, so maybe now I can finally do that :>
No. Although Etoile is super cute, I’m happy with the villegers that I have. If anything, I’m more excited about the items.
etoile has always been a dreamie of mine, i'll probably kick tammy out for her once i get all the uchi reactions :)
It hasn't changed my dreams list much but I didn't have a full list anyway, I currently have around 7 dreamies who are permanent villagers on my island and then a long list of villagers that I'm swapping around in the other 3 plots while I try and decide which ones will become permanent. I'm excited to be able move Etoile onto my island as I think she's really cute but I'm unsure on whether she'll become a fully permanent villager or not, I don't mind not having all the personalities but I'm not sure how I feel about possibly having 3 normals on the island (Fauna and Molly are already permanent) so will have to see if I can get used to it or not. I like Chai too so I'll probably have her on the island too for a brief stint but I'm not too worried about the others, more excited for the new furniture items overall.
My dreamie list has constantly been changing and you can best belive Chelsea and Toby are finding some way on my island. I've wanted a candy witch for my fairytale island and Chelsea fits the bill so well. Plus I've liked the sanrio charcaters since new leaf.
I've been thinking about replacing Lopez with Toby but I'm not sure yet. It will hurt to lose Lopez cause he's been on my island since early in the game but maybe it's time for a change.

I have everyone I want.

The only time I'd feel conflicted, is if they collaborated with MH and Zelda again, and Felyne & Epona were able to move in. (Had them both in NL.)
I'm redoing mine for now. I'll do it in a few minutes as I really want Etoile. But that means I'll completely change (I'm exagerating a little bit I admit) my island as well as a villager = one sanctuary house (and because I don't like sheep villager, Aries house could be the camping) but I think she's the only one joining me at the end. Toby and Chai are really really cute though so I don't know, but yes, it will change a little bit for me... farewell Fauna, you were loved! 😭
I want Rilla but I don’t really want to move out Maggie. Everyone else in my town are my absolute favorites in the whole series and are permanent. So Maggie is the only one I would even consider moving out but STILL she’s so cute but so is Rilla!! Why must this be so hard?! Part of me is leaning towards keeping Maggie but I don’t know yet. I need to see Rilla in game first for myself.
I dont have a dream list and im just currently getting to know villagers from different personalities and rotating them once i have their picture and they ask to leave, with this said i also dont really have a fixation or real interest in any of this new villagers tbh at least not more than others, to me they are all the same ( i feel there isnt much pf a personality varietion anyways tbh ). What i really would like is to have their furniture. Lets hope we can find this pp through mysterious islands and i can manage to trade the objects
Sort of. I plan on putting together a Beachcore themed town when I get my switch lite (look, I know I have an AC addiction problem... I know, I know... I.... accept it.) and honestly yes, I fully intend to try and get a hold of Etoile because I absolutely love her. In my original Island and my Forestcore one, nah. None of them fit the aesthetic, or I'd be tempted.
I love them all, but I don't know who to move out to make room for them. >< Etoile is definitely moving in, though. As much as I love octopus villagers, I think I might move out Zucker. I've already got Drago for a lazy villager, and to be honest, lazy is my least favorite personality trait in NH...
But then I see the outside of Toby's house looks exactly like Drago's, and here I go thinking that I might move out Drago too in favor of Toby because Keroppi is my favorite Sanrio character. He'd also live in the Asian-inspired section of my island.
Chai is also really cute with her little teacup balancing act. Honestly they are all really, really cute. The only one I don't really care for is Rilla (gorillas are one of my least favorite species in the game), but I still really like her design. Real talk, she'd be the only gorilla villager I'd actually want on my island. I could see her moving in.
But then I don't want to lose villagers like Chrissy and Francine because I got really lucky finding both on island tours and don't have their amiibos. OTL

Lol, just when I thought I had all my villagers figured out, Nintendo throws this curveball. I'm literally all over the place.
i like lots of villagers and i change my roster up a lot once i get the photos i want. i'll probably move them all in at some point (not together though since chai/rilla and etoile/chelsea have the same personality & subtype).
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i might take toby as my 10th villager as his house is japanese style which is perfect for my island. depending on how many sanrio cards i buy, i might take chelsea and marty too ... but im not sure about their houses lol
I think I'm going to invite in Etoile and Marty, and live with them for at least a little while. I already have their cards so I'm excited to see them in the game so soon!
But yeah it's getting hard to pick who to kick out. At this point I don't think I have room for a cranky villager or a peppy villager :/
I have my 8 personalities down, and they are not moving, with two remaining villagers on rotation. I will move out Ken for Chelsea or Toby. Both of them are adorable.