Has your pet ever embarrassed you in public?

Has your pet ever embarrassed you in public?

  • Yes

    Votes: 13 65.0%
  • No

    Votes: 7 35.0%
  • I don't have a pet (I'm looking for confetti!)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


🐴 Devoted to Buck! 🐴 (UK)
May 26, 2022
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Lily of the Valley
Enchanted Forest Scenery
Lily of the Valley
Enchanted Forest Scenery
Lily of the Valley
Enchanted Forest Scenery
Lily of the Valley
Enchanted Forest Scenery
Lily of the Valley
Enchanted Forest Scenery
Whether they were being goofy, barking or sniffing others! I have two occasions when Blossom embarrassed me! When she was only a few months old I had her at the vets for a check up and a weigh in. While we were waiting she got over excited and left a puddle on the waiting room floor! Luckily, the staff were lovely and said they have had a lot worse than that. I did have a little smile though! The second time was also when she was a puppy. We were out on one of her first walks and she got her foot stuck down a drain cover. She wasn't hurt, but a few people were watching. They could have come over and helped, but no! I would love to hear any funny stories about your furry friends!
My cat escaped from my apartment out into an area still inside, just leading to the outside door. Usually this isn’t a big deal as it happened many times before and he just strolls around until I grab him. But this one time he slipped out, the upstairs Newfoundland dog was coming down the stairs. This absolutely terrified my cat. He freaked out and started sprinting full speed at the outside door. Surprised he didn’t give himself a concussion. The door would pop open a bit he hit it so hard. He then would go back down the hallway, and do it again. All while the neighbor and his dog was watching us. I was trying to grab him but he was so fast. After the 3rd time, I had to football tackle my cat to get him to stop. Let me with some good scratches and scars on my arm. I’m sure the neighbor has a great story to tell his friends!
Yes. My dog got spooked by another dog coming around the corner in a pet store. It turned into a loud barking snarling fest even though they weren't close to each other. The poor guy was looking at his dog like it was an alien. It was embarrassing.
Not me, but our dog jumped onto my older brothers school bus when it stopped at our house. (Medium sized lab).

He said the other kids didn't mind and most of them wanted to pet her.

Later I got older and rode that same bus. The driver noticed I was related and told me the story again. (Had already known from my brother).
Yess plenty lol. Where my parents live there is a big forest where they don't have to wear a leash (they need to be social tho ofc). Most of the times my dogs listen perfectly but certain days you can call them all you want, but they keep sniffing and scavenging and basically give you a middle finger lol. I'm a dog trainer so it can be a bit awkward when I'm with people and that happens hahah. If I offer a treat they come immediately tho, but they know what to do without it :p
Not really, no. I live very rural and my pets have never really went anywhere too public. Al of them have loved the outdoors and have plenty of room to roam to their hearts content. I always keep an eye on them and don't let them stray too far in case something like a big bird/hawk or some animal snatches them.

I've had huge hawks circling above when I've had my pets outside, but when that happens and if they're too close I put them inside or I keep an eye on those birds.
When one of my dogs was a puppy she used to love playing with other dogs and would run around with them but she only liked chasing - as soon as they wanted to play by chasing her she’d make this really high pitched squealing noise, even though they never touched her, and start running circles round everyone, at least it tired her out!

On the other hand, my sister has managed to embarrass us both and her dog on a walk - her dog can get easily distracted and go off exploring so we were out and she was calling over to him so I pointed out her was right behind us, turned out what she thought was him and was calling over was actually a fox 😂
My dog Fred is a very extroverted and wants to play with every dog he sees. If he sees another dog he growls and charges if he knows he can’t play with them. This has led to many embarrassing moments where I had to hold him back from reaching stranger’s dogs.
One of my dogs is a bit reactive.
He ran towards a dog behind a fence barking. Pulled me on my butt in a busy area. That was embarrassing.
Unfortunately my son has never traversed the outside world :C
