have yalls ugly villagers grown on you?

For ACNL, I had Pietro as one of my starting villagers and I wanted him out ASAP. His clown-like inspiration eventually grew on me and is now one of my favourites <3
Omg Prince. I still want to boot him but I’ve really grown fond of his personality. I’m not 100% on the game mechanics yet, but I hope if I replace him with another lazy villager (fingers crossed for bob) they will have simillar dialogue because it is just so adorable and it puts a snile of my face! I cant get over walking up to prince sittibg under a tree and him saying, “guess what I’m doing! I... am... sitting!”
Renée grew a lot on me, and I now really love her! Hopefully the same will happen with Olaf… I just can't deal with him right now. Pls move
For ACNL, I had Pietro as one of my starting villagers and I wanted him out ASAP. His clown-like inspiration eventually grew on me and is now one of my favourites <3

He was my first camper. I always liked him, but he was never a favorite. I like his design in NL better, but his facial expressions are so darn cute, I’m obsessed with him.
I wanted to boot Genji when I got him as a starter but he was the first villager to give me medicine for my unfortunate wasp accidents instead of just telling me how ugly I look. His jock personality isn't that strong either.

Some odd-looking villagers have grown on me in the past, but Renee hasn't. Unfortunately, I don't really care for any of the uchi villagers' designs.
Renee was one of my starters. Initially I thought she was cute, but her personality isn't doing much for me and the bright pink kinda kills my eyes.

Yes....... they have grown on me.

I love Katt! ♥
Honestly I saw Bubbles (moved in uninvited and unexpectedly) and I was like EWWW but she has a peppy personality so she has grown on me lol
Ugly villagers give the island some personality! If there are only cute villagers - especially if always the same popular ones - it's so boring.
lol nope :( the only one who has slightly grown on me is egbert but the rest; getting booted asap

Egbert has definitely grown on me, I didn't think he was outright ugly when I randomly got him but rather basic/boring. But his sad eyes and clean design has gotten me attached.

As for a villager that's actually ugly, I hated that Peanut got randed to me but she's cute and has grown on me. She does Pilates with Boone literally every other day and the size difference is hilarious. Also she's angering multiple villagers and is in actuality a complete monster and I really appreciate that.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Ugly villagers give the island some personality! If there are only cute villagers - especially if always the same popular ones - it's so boring.

This, completely agree with this. I encourage people to not just have all of their dreamies at once because experiencing different villagers is fun.
shari from new leaf, which i was desperate to move out before and now i think she's sooooo cute and was happy i got her again. considering most monkey villagers ugly asf. in general the design in new horizons made a lot of villagers more tolerable.

this new villager that i got from the campsite though, rodney, i haven't talked to him yet. i'm planning to get rid of him ASAP i don't know if he will grow on me.
Ed forced his way into my island by being the first camper. I was planning to write him a hostile letter but he kept calling me and saying stuff and giving me gifts. I held off on the letter. I’ll probably just write him a welcome note now. Lol. He can stay as long as he wants but he can leave anytime he wants.
i took the first chance to evict rodney with velma, was happy when benjamin moved out, replaced simon with marshal and now quillson is my mortal enemy - so no, not really. i just ignore them, but tbf that reminds me of that one tweet that was like "nah fr, how do you get rid of villagers. i have the space dandy rat and i want him GONE" lmao
Shari was one of my starters, and I used to think she was ugly but I love her now! Also, Benedict, who has really weird cheeks but is nice.