Have you already filled up your Expanded Storage?


Senior Member
Jul 27, 2020
Yellow Cosmos
Red Cosmos
White Cosmos
Pear (Fruit)
Tasty Cake
Today it finally happened. I got the dreaded "Your storage is full" message. I don't really want to add a secondary character just to have storage (because I hate when villagers keep talking to me about the secondary characters), so I'm cleaning it out and selling a bunch of stuff. Have you had this problem yet? How do you prioritize and decide which items deserve a place in your storage?
I haven’t filled it yet, but I have about 1800 things in my storage. I already have a second character so I can move stuff over to her if it does get full. My house is already decorated and I probably won’t change it, so I try to only keep furniture that is unorderable. Most of my storage is filled with clothes and materials though which I don't want to get rid of.
I just hit 1600 late December, so I'll be good for awhile. The winter coats are what pushed me to the old limit. Hopefully I won't hit 2400 anytime soon
I don't even have the upgraded storage. Sure I have 5 characters but even if I stored all their stuff combined on just one of them I still wouldn't even fill up the storage. Guess I'm not a hoarder haha.
I must be a packrat 😹

I'm getting rid of a bunch of clothes that are reorder able. I only wear about 5% of the clothing items I have.
Before the update my storage usually got filled up every season because I hoard the clothes but now I have a comfortable amount of free space available after expanding and doing a big storage clean out. I think I still have 800 or so free spaces left! Most of it is clothes or unidentified fossils. The fossils I always amass and then take out/sell at the end of the month.
Right now, I'm at 2.100 items. I didn't have a problem until I started working on cataloging clothing (including buying the entire Able Sisters stock daily) and collecting critters to have models made. I've been getting rid of at least an inventory's worth of clothing a day, too, but that's apparently not nearly enough to keep up with what I'm buying, so I'll have to do a big purge sooner or later, and as for the critters, I stopped collecting them pretty quickly, and am now planning on only adding rare ones when I find them and anything leaving at the end of the month, rather than going out and collecting everything.
I guess its not fair for me since I have 5 PCs however, since you only have one, I would recommend that you save non-reorderables. If you have the right materials, you can toss any craftable items as well. I would keep any seasonal crafting materials, like the maple leaf, for safe keeping because you'll never know if you want to craft them again. And finally, I would save hard to craft furniture like the Celeste items, since some fragments are only available at certain times of the year.
i just got my upgraded storage not too long ago, so i definitely haven't come close yet; before i got the upgrade, i think i had roughly about 100 spaces left to store things, however. very thankful for that update 🥺
I haven't quite filled it up yet but it's super close! I wish the upgraded storage had been a little more than it was but I'm happy we got more space at the least!
I think I'm at 2,050/ total amount. It's clothes at this point but I will clean out my other categories as much as possible.
I believe I have another 1,000 slots left before its full again. I've been doing occasional clean outs to prevent it from filling up too fast though
I haven’t even upgraded. I don’t want to fully expand my house. Occasionally my regular storage gets full, but then I just kind of start selling the ordables. Haven’t needed a larger one just yet.
I actually haven't even upgraded my storage... I'm usually such a hoarder, especially with clothes, so i don't know why in NH I've suddenly got hardly anything stored away. guess it's better for my sanity this way