Have you ever broke a bone?

My left fibula is crushed( skateboarding accident) and my right ankle has been broken (jumped over log and landed wrong), Both of these were left untreated because I didn't realize they were broken since people always go on and on about how much broken bones hurt and they didn't hurt enough to warrant me being concerned.
I broke a tooth a few weeks ago, I had a cavity there and my densist said it was fine, then that tooth cracked (and my dentist still said it was fine) and now about a 1/4 is missing, it doesn't hurt, a little sensitive to cold but it will be fine. ( the bill for it will hurt though, I can already see that. :/
I have never broken a bone and I hope I don't because doctors make me squeamish. I have sprained my wrist playing soccer before. I reached my hand out to block the ball from the goal and didn't realize until after it hit me that was a bad idea. That wrist has been a bit weak sense then.
My left fibula is crushed( skateboarding accident) and my right ankle has been broken (jumped over log and landed wrong), Both of these were left untreated because I didn't realize they were broken since people always go on and on about how much broken bones hurt and they didn't hurt enough to warrant me being concerned.

I almost didn't go to the hospital for this reason. My foot and ankle were definitely in pain, but I was like "it's bareable so it's probably not broken." Thankfully the professor that saw me fall down the stairs insisted that I go (and actually called the ambulance for me! It was quite the drama lol)
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I've never broken a bone despite going through things that would normally break bones. I was born extremely hypermobile in the majority of my joints so when I fall, the surface area for impact is larger because my joints twist naturally. It's hard to explain tbh. I saw a physiotherapist and was tested for general hypermobility. The test is calledthe "Beighton Score Test" or something, it's out of 9. I got 9/9,something only about 0.2 % of the population has. Needless to say, it puts me at a very high risk for muscle problems and arthritis.
Ouch, I hope it isn't too bad and wish you a speedy recovery :(

I've never broken a bone, nor been in an ambulance. I don't think I've ever done anything to result in it either. I never did anything risky as a kid as I was an absolute scaredy cat. I've only sprained my ankle a few times, and that's about it.
hope u have a quick n easy recovery!

I cracked my collarbone when I was really really young, like so young I barely remember it, but that's all.. so far >:0
I'm not sure if I broke my right foot or if it was sprained. Regardless, it happened to me when I was somewhere around three years old. I do remember how it happened though. There was this guy who was walking behind me and my parents. Then he accidentally stepped on the back of my foot and I fell over on my face. It hurt a lot but I didn't cry either...

Oh did you know? If a child were to break their bones, not only would it be healed, but it would also be stronger than it previously was! I'm not saying you should go out and break every young child's bone though. lol
When I was really little I was jumping on the couch while watching teletubbies, there was a solid glass table next to said couch, so I'm hopping along trying to do the teletubby dance with them. Ended up falling off the couch and smacking my head off the table, cracked my head open and apparently knocked myself out cold. My mom heard me fall and rushed me to the hospital. I don't entirely remember everything after that point, but I remember walking up in my mother's truck and I was laughing for some reason, I could see my mom talking to my dad.
I've luckily never broken a bone! I did bump my head pretty hard once when I was a kid though and I can feel a weird, lumpy patch under my skin where it was, so I may have dented my skull? But it could just be thick scar tissue, so IDK.

Honestly, I'm so glad I've never broken a bone, it's probably the thing I'm most squeamish about, like when I watch horror movies, the blood and guts don't really get to me, but if someone breaks a bone, I'm just having a full body cringe.
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i broke my collarbone when i was 8 but it went undetected by doctors so i had to keep doing sports while it was healing lol. it healed fine but still hurts sometimes
I haven't broken any bones yet and hope it can stay that way.
when I was 12 i fell off my bike and landed on and broke my left arm

was pretty annoying because I was on my way to buy a watch I liked, which would've been worn on the arm I broke
I guess my previous post in this thread no longer applies. 2 days ago I broke one of my toes. Today I just got home from having an X-ray which confirms the bone is broken. Luckily it's only a single crack, and I should recover without major complications. Walking is going to be a challenge for about a month but I don't have to do a lot of walking anyway.
Nope, I've never broken a bone. I don't play sports, I don't do any athletic activities that pose dangers, and I don't do anything stupid. If I were to break a bone it'd probably be from tripping and falling or getting hit by a car from me not paying attention to traffic.
Interestingly, I sprained my pinky a long while back after getting it caught in the area where a the door hinge is. A few years later, while playing four square in middle school, I broke my pinky from a very soft ball.. I guess i have weak fingers.. heh.