Count your Many Blessings
My left fibula is crushed( skateboarding accident) and my right ankle has been broken (jumped over log and landed wrong), Both of these were left untreated because I didn't realize they were broken since people always go on and on about how much broken bones hurt and they didn't hurt enough to warrant me being concerned.
I broke a tooth a few weeks ago, I had a cavity there and my densist said it was fine, then that tooth cracked (and my dentist still said it was fine) and now about a 1/4 is missing, it doesn't hurt, a little sensitive to cold but it will be fine. ( the bill for it will hurt though, I can already see that. :/
I broke a tooth a few weeks ago, I had a cavity there and my densist said it was fine, then that tooth cracked (and my dentist still said it was fine) and now about a 1/4 is missing, it doesn't hurt, a little sensitive to cold but it will be fine. ( the bill for it will hurt though, I can already see that. :/