Have you ever broke a bone?

Omg no Vanessa, I hope you’re feeling well :’(

On that note, I snapped my radius bone on my 9th birthday back in 2010 after I decided to jump off some play equipment running away from one of my friends while playing tag, falling straight onto my right arm. Had to get a plate inserted into my arm and a cast for 12 weeks, then the plate was removed after thankfully. Would not want to go through that again lol.
Twice. In middle school I fell out of my tree house and fractured my shoulder and then in high school I twisted my foot and fractured a bone at the area where the foot meets the leg. Quite painful T_T
Thanks for the well wishes everyone! I'm not actually in that much pain with pain meds + cast but obviously walking is difficult.
Omg no Vanessa, I hope you’re feeling well :’(

On that note, I snapped my radius bone on my 9th birthday back in 2010 after I decided to jump off some play equipment running away from one of my friends while playing tag, falling straight onto my right arm. Had to get a plate inserted into my arm and a cast for 12 weeks, then the plate was removed after thankfully. Would not want to go through that again lol.
Omk Hayden that sounds like hell :'(
I am sorry to hear that happened. :(

As for myself I have not; which I would think is from being a recluse that does not do anything or go anywhere. I have slammed my head into a fish tank and fell a story before (from inside my house) and somehow was okay. It is hard to remember exactly though as I was really young at the time.
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Jesus down the stairs, I hope you get better.

Also Snowesque wtaf how are you okay after falling an entire story???

I have never in my life broke, fractured or ripped somethin. I'm not entirely surprised, it's not like I'm reckless or athletic. I used to run and do colorguard, but I didn't keep up with either and I only ever got pains. Also, I do trip a bit, but never on that severe of a degree to break somethin.
I do have multiple scars on my knees to this day (that was years ago) from falling on pavement, which really scratched them up fierce. By the time I stood on my feet, the blood was halfway down my leg. Didn't hurt really, I could still walk fine.

To be fair I did have a wooden chest that was on the larger side break my fall, which was against the wall I fell. More or less I came out of it alright since I landed on my butt.
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Oh, no! I'm so sorry to hear that, Vampnessa. I hope you get well soon.

I have been very lucky to never break anything as I am a klutz. I have fallen down more than one flight of stairs. I have dislocated things and twisted and sprained my ankle, but that's about the worst of it.

A story is not really as far as you think. Not saying that you can't get hurt from it, people have been hurt from far less, but I used to have sleep-overs with my friend and we would sneak out at night through her 2nd story window and jump off the 1st story roof. In hindsight, we could have gotten hurt, but luckily we never did.
hope you're healed up and off crutches soon Vanessa! (in six weeks, i would expect)

I fractured my thumb playing baseball; fractured my ankle playing soccer; dislocated my kneecap playing tackle football; and fractured my elbow playing basketball. Probably had more, but never got xrays for other injuries to fingers and toes. Definitely broke a finger another time tho, coz its still crooked to this day. Dislocation was most painful of these, by far.
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Unless if smashing my thumb against the door accidentally by my mother counts, then no.
Oh, goodness gracious, hope you have a speedy recovery

I've never broken a bone, and honestly, i wanted to break my bone. Like when i was a kid i thought people who broke their bone was so cool cause they have a cast and what not. I literally tried every single day to bend my finger but i always chickened out when it started to hurt. I know, i was a weird kid (●__●)
Yeah, on December 6 2017 I broke my left patella, also tearing some major ligaments. I had to have major surgery and it took five months of physical therapy before I could walk without my giant leg brace on. Even now im not 100% back to normal, and I've been having some issues with arthritis already, but other than that it's perfectly fine now!
I've never broken a bone before, so I guess I've been pretty lucky so far. There as been a couple of times I sprained my ankle, but that's about it. So sorry this happened to you. :(
Oh no!!I'm so sorry to hear that you broke your ankle!That must have been painful and I'm sorry you had to go through that. I hope you recover soon and feel better!I'm thinking of you and sending positive vibes!
As for your question,luckily I have never broken any bones in my body even though I'm clumsy. It sounds really painful too so that's kinda scary. The only thing I ever had to do was remove a cyst/tumor but that's about it.
I really hope you get better soon though!
Oh, goodness gracious, hope you have a speedy recovery

I've never broken a bone, and honestly, i wanted to break my bone. Like when i was a kid i thought people who broke their bone was so cool cause they have a cast and what not. I literally tried every single day to bend my finger but i always chickened out when it started to hurt. I know, i was a weird kid (●__●)

This is literally what i did when i was a kid, haha i wanted a broken bone that badly
While at practice one day, I fell back on my hand and broke my wrist. Didnt hurt at all but the sight of it made me nauseas. It got twisted into looking simular to the letter Z. Because of that, it took the doctor a long time of twisting my wrist to get it back in place. Everyone was shocked that I didn't feel much pain.
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I broke my elbow about 2 years ago while I was skating. I had to wear a cast for a couple of weeks and do some physio afterwards. It really sucked. It still hurts once in a while to this day, and it makes a weird clicking sound when I bend my arm. I brought this up to the doctor who was looking after me, but he was a real jerk and just snapped at me.
dang :0 i'm sorry to hear about that!! i hope you recover quickly!
i once fractured my arm when i was skateboarding, haven't broken anything else since though
Around 1999-2000, can't remember exactly, I fractured a couple fingers when I fell out of bed and landed very badly on my hand. It bent all the way backwards and fractured the fingers and stretched all the tendons/ligaments. It was a bad injury. I don't think I've ever had anything hurt me worse in my life, so far. My hand was out of commission for weeks and turned blue/purple/greenish colors from the bruising. I had to be on light duty at work for a good while and wear a splint thing. I have not broken a bone completely though, just the fractures. That along with the other tissue injuries, was more than enough. I'd never want to relive that injury for NOTHING.