Not to scare you, but take their deadlines for food and water seriously. You don't want dry sockets like someone I know had.
Yes, I had no pain though; just swelling. My doctor numbed up my mouth pretty good so I didn't feel a thing (my head got pulled around a lot though lol). It was smooth sailing for me, I just had to take my antibiotics. I was scared I'd be in pain all day for 2-3 weeks, but in the end I worried for nothing. Just like others have said, it's only soft foods until your mouth heals. Soup, mashed potatoes, pudding, etc. Smoothies or ice cream can make a nice dessert too
My dad told me I looked like Lionel Richie when my jaw swelled up lol.
Deadlines? Do you mean as in, no food or water starting at this time kinda thing? Cuz if so don't worry i don't do that. I'm not allowed to eat after midnight (going to bed before that anyways).
Oh wow haha that's good! And ah I see, I have painkillers I'm suposed to take and the day after the surgery there's this mouthwash I need to use for 2-3 days iirc,,
But yeah oh man I've been worried about the pain aha, I'm pretty sure I have a low pain tolerance and I'm just :') rip. I know it's generally just a week or a few days, though but I can't help but worry haha.
Soft foods will definitely be my best friend haha.
Omggg pfff xD
I haven't had my wisdom teeth out, but I am recovering from oral surgery right now! I am one week post op and my teeth are wired shut. I had surgery on my jaw to fix my bite. Teeth are wired for three more weeks. I've been drinking bolthouse farms drinks. I reallyy like their protein coffee drink. Getting things with protein is good to help healing.
Also ask your surgeon about any foods you should avoid! They should be able to provide you with a list of good and bad drinks.
Yes, very! I took pain killers the first night when the numbness started to go away (cause I thought I'd be in pain), and I was high as a kite afterwards. Thankfully I didn't need them again. My doctor told me I had to use salt water instead of mouth wash.
So do I, I think, that's why I was so worried xD but I'm sure you'll be good. It isn't always as bad as we think it'll be, be sure to tell us all about it once you're able!
Oh I see! Omg though, high as a kite I'm laughing. xD Good thing you didn't need them again though haha. And yeah I was looking up stuff and found out about salt rinses, so I'm wondering if I have to do that as well ontop of this other special mouthwash I was prescribed?? Guess I'll find out later.
Yeah haha it's true, a lot of people who shared on here seemed to have a positive experience, so I'm hoping that will be the same case for me.
Wisdom teeth are teeth that grow into your mouth later than most others. In many cases it caused tooth crowding and other not so good things, which is why many have them extracted.What are wisdom teeth??