Have you had your wisdom teeth pulled?

Yes I got mine pulled out when I was 17. I was absolutely terrified and fainted just from talking about it at the consultation (which was like, a year before I got them pulled out lmao) but the whole procedure/healing time was actually relatively painless. They gave me a whole bottle of pain meds and I only took like two. It took me over a week to be able to move my mouth normally and eat solid food but I wasn't in pain which is all that really matters. I just lay on the couch eating ice-cream and playing Happy Home Designer all day (that was the only time I ever played HHD lol)
I got mine pulled out a few weeks ago, also all four. It was a lot of pain for a while, but eventually it went away.
I had all my wisdom teeth removed, all four at the same time. Very strange feeling waking up after the surgery.
No, not yet and I'm hoping I won't have to have them pulled anytime soon. :eek: There is a suspicious tooth slightly poking through my gums though and it better not be what I think it is.
I’m in my late twenties and they haven’t grown in yet, so hopefully I won’t ever have to deal with them.
I’m in my late twenties and they haven’t grown in yet, so hopefully I won’t ever have to deal with them.

Be lucky, I've my upper right growing right now and it hurts.. I hope I won't have to pull it out because yeah boi not paying for dentist :(