have you kept your old games/consoles?


happy go lucky
Mar 20, 2016
i was looking at the thread here, and a lot of people were mentioning that they did have the game, did have a console to play it on, etc. and that struck quite mad to me, as i still have every console and game i've ever owned - so, are you the same or have you thrown out/sold them?
Technically I still have a lot of my games from the PS1 era, but since I moved abroad they're still back with my family. Some broke or got lost over the years, but my absolute favourite game (Guardians Crusade for PS1) I still have to this day. It's a lovely pink disc with the black counter side PS1 discs had. It's weird to think I had this same disc when I was going to primary school (I'm now 24)!
I've never sold or given away any of my old consoles. Whenever I consider selling them, I just think of the good times I had playing on them. I always come back to them sometime, just to relive some old memories.
Let me tell you, I still have (and sometimes even play) the Tetris cartridge that came out in 1986, same year I was born. Both the game and my brick of original GameBoy works perfectly 'til nowadays. Now THAT is old!
Anyway, answering your question, I never got rid of anything, nor games nor consoles :)
Sure have I keep everything other than those games I never really had any interest in or fun with.

Still have my PlayStation One that my Dad gave me after he never really used it anymore. I also still have my first ever system I got (DS Lite) even though it's basically unplayable (buttons are mushy, hinge is cracked, touch screen won't calibrate anymore, and I ruined the cables to the top screen by mistake when trying to fix something else). I recently ordered a used Japanese DS of the same colour to use as parts to fix up mine as I want to keep mine as original as possible as it means a lot to me. It'd be easier just to use the Japanese one (no region lock and it's in perfect working condition), but my original one means a lot to me. Even though I do feel bad tearing apart a perfectly good DS.
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My good ol' N64 and Gameboy color still work fine. I still play Kirby 64, Pokemon Silver and Majora's Mask on it.
yeah i'm pretty sure i still have most of my old games?? haven't sold any i'm pretty sure and the ones i don't have are probably ones i grew out of and gave to younger cousins or ones i lost or threw away... most games i played when i was a kid were my brothers' so i don't really have any say in what happens to them :<
Well, I own every Nintendo console/handheld ever made. (Except for Virtual Boy) I also own a PlayStation 3, PlayStation 2, and original Xbox. I do not plan on getting rid of any of them as I still use them for some purpose. I do not know if I want another home console quite yet, especially because my current shelving for my consoles is pretty crammed as it is at the moment. If I do get another, it might be a Xbox One or Sega Genesis.
I've never sold a home console that I've owned, so I still have all of the consoles and some are pretty old now. We have a 64, GameCube, Wii, PS2, and Wii U.

As for handheld consoles, I've only sold one which was the first 3DS I owned so the money I got from it could go towards buying myself the New 3DS XL. I still have my Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advance, Gameboy Advance SP, the very first DS model, DS Lite, DSi, and my New 3DS XL.
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Yep I still have every system and game I've ever owned, except for the SNES because those kept breaking for some reason! >:/ (And we lost all our snes games to a flooded room in a previous house anyway, rip) I'm glad I never sold anything because I still like replaying all the older stuff, and the prices of a lot of it has gone way up due to collector value so re-buying it would be a pain. Actually I did sell 3 games before once and I still felt vague regret about it even though they were ones I absolutely never, ever played anymore. lol
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I keep all my games and systems. I still have most of the "old" consoles (NES, N64, exc.) and have kept them in working order.
Of course! The only ones I had to get rid of were my Nintendo 64, because at the time we didn't have space for it, and my first GameCube, but later I got one again.
Of course I do. I know where the GC and Wii games are, but the N64 and SNES I have no idea. I doubt any would work properly.
Being a Nintendo fan with their lack of backwards compatibility until the Wii, I was pretty much forced to keep them all! Only the Game Boys were backwards compatible, and I had so few of those, I just kept them. Now, you can dump your Wii, your DS, or even your GameCube, and use the newer systems. Kind of nice, but I miss the days when you HAD to keep the old if you wanted to play old games.
My ps1 broke down, so I threw it away. But I have all my other systems. All of the gameboys, ds, ps2, gamecube (still my favorite) wii, and xbox 360. I still play the games on those systems, so why not keep them?
I've only sold some handheld consoles which were the PSP, DS (currently still have one though), and Gameboy SP. The old consoles I currently still have are:

- Dreamcast
- Gamecube
- Wii
- DS
- SEGA Game Gear
- Xbox 360 (I have the Pro version which is pretty old)

I really wouldn't even consider selling them. They hold too many precious memories. I have regrettably parted with some games I wish I kept on the Gamecube though. Some of them I got back. I've still got a lot of the ones that have been with me since I got the console.
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Not really unless I know I play on them regularly. Only old thing I have to keep is my old NES because it's broke and I can't really go to the electricity recycling place nor do that truck come at good times so eh.

Not really any use to fix the connector and I don't know anyone who wants it broke so lol.
I still have my gamecube, playstation 2, Wii, and 2 DS', they're all just gathering dust, laying somewhere in a box all tangled up and stuff, LOL. I have like 60 gamecube games scattered around the place, some with discs missing, god I always lose my games or they go everywhere. But my 3ds is my life, i'd never do that <3 (total lie, ive lost the box of animal crossing, the 3ds box, etc) but i also love my gaming laptop ofcourse :3
I sold my DS, and games that I stopped playing (didn't like, bored of...) for DS, Wii, and two EXTREMELY bad 3ds game. Otherwise, no, not really. I have a Wii, Wii U, Gba, 3DS, Gamecube, and N64, as well as a super old NES that won't work.