Avian Maiden
Aerith's Creature:
Has New Horizons thrown you off and made you question what's possible? Have you been disappointed by your memories, which once were home to hoards of New Leaf knowledge, failing you at the climax of their relevance?
I myself... have shown to be imperfect. There's a lot of quality of life changes and conveniences of New Horizons that I have taken for granted. My pristine nostalgia goggles for New Leaf have become a bit clouded. My first mistake was running wherever my heart desired, and destroying a patch of flowers. Oops. Well, not much of a big deal, because my entire town has been taken over by them. I had plans to move some of them with my shovel, because I didn't want my inventory clogged up with petals, and destroyed another patch that way, LOL, completely forgetting New Leaf doesn't allow you to pick flowers, and digging them up kills them. Aside from that, I seem to be doing okay about remembering what I can or can't do. I wish I could remember more of the 'cans', because the little touches and hidden details that New Leaf was known for are what keep it higher in my heart than New Horizons.
I myself... have shown to be imperfect. There's a lot of quality of life changes and conveniences of New Horizons that I have taken for granted. My pristine nostalgia goggles for New Leaf have become a bit clouded. My first mistake was running wherever my heart desired, and destroying a patch of flowers. Oops. Well, not much of a big deal, because my entire town has been taken over by them. I had plans to move some of them with my shovel, because I didn't want my inventory clogged up with petals, and destroyed another patch that way, LOL, completely forgetting New Leaf doesn't allow you to pick flowers, and digging them up kills them. Aside from that, I seem to be doing okay about remembering what I can or can't do. I wish I could remember more of the 'cans', because the little touches and hidden details that New Leaf was known for are what keep it higher in my heart than New Horizons.