Have You Tried Durian?


Leaving TBT for now. See you at the next AC game!
Mar 10, 2015
Ghostly Kitty Ice Cream Cone
Shadow Kitty Plush
Spring Shamrock
So I just found out that this fruit in real life smells and apparently it smells horrible enough to be mistaken as a gas leak.

My coworker is going to bring one in on the 30th for us all to try at lunch. I'll update this on my experience but until then, I wanted to hear of any stories you may have!

Have any of you tried this fruit? What was it like? Is it really as stinky as everyone says? What did it taste like?
I've moved this thread to Brewster's!

I love Durian so much. I pretty much eat it all the time when it's in season!! It does kind of smell like a gas leak, but I think it depends on the type / how long it's kept for and how (fridge/room temperature). You get used to the smell too, so it isn't actually quite bad after a while. To me, most durians just smell really sweet and yummy lol. They have a custardy texture and are kinda sweet and heavy unlike a lot of typical fruits (it's a heaty fruit). Some even have an alcoholic taste, which is the type I really like. I only like eating them at room temperature and I don't like them after they are saved in the fridge or made into cakes/icecream etc. I think because it's so sweet that durian cakes are just too overwhelming for me. They really aren't to everyone's taste though so beware :'D
Only ever heard of it in AC.

If it smells like gas, I'd steer clear of it.
i never tried it cuz i don't see it anywhere in my stores. i want to though.
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Never seen it in real life, only in pictures and in Animal Crossing, much less tried one. I'd be up for giving it a shot at least once though.
Never tried it before, but it sounds interesting and I’m open to new experiences, so I’ll give it a shot sometime.
Never tried it but would be willing to! Why would it smell like gas though???
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I have :3

It smells okay, just smells a bit bad :p
I would say it's not that bad, just bland to me.
my mom loves it, i cant stand the smell but i've heard it delicious. i've only tried it when it was baked into a cake but it i couldn't really tell it was there.
It's funny - I've never thought durian smells bad, but everyone else where I live does. People compare it to smelly socks, gas leaks, body odor, etc. and I just think it smells like sort of overripe fruit. The taste isn't so bad, but the texture isn't my favorite thing in the world; each time I've tried it, it's gotten easier, but the first time is usually more than a little gross for most people! I'd say definitely try it if someone is bringing some - just be aware it'll take a few more times before you get used to it enough to appreciate it XD
I've never seen a durian where I live. I only know about them because of Animal Crossing. I might be willing to try one if given the chance, but it would depend heavily on the smell. My sense of taste is linked closely to my sense of smell, so if it's that bad then I would feel nauseous and couldn't eat it.
So I just found out that this fruit in real life smells and apparently it smells horrible enough to be mistaken as a gas leak.

My coworker is going to bring one in on the 30th for us all to try at lunch. I'll update this on my experience but until then, I wanted to hear of any stories you may have!

Have any of you tried this fruit? What was it like? Is it really as stinky as everyone says? What did it taste like?

I just watched Irish people try some on youtube. There was much gagging and swearing.

This isn't the Irish taste test, but it does say they are only in season from July to August. Not sure how to tell if you have a bad one since the good ones smell rotten.

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I haven't tasted it yet and don't want to try one because the smell and probably doesn't taste good, but my parents love it. There are many stores selling it in my place

I often mistaken Durian as Jackfruit lol
i've tried it bc some family members like it and made me eat some
personally wasn't a fan, it was a few years ago but i remember the texture was really mushy and tasted strange to me
i've also had durian cake and didn't like it that much either
Unfortunately my local stores do not carry them, so I have not tried it!
I would not be opposed to trying one though, from what I heard they have a really unique taste that is comparable to cream. I likely would not care about the smell if I ended up enjoying the taste!
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Considering that I can't stomach brussels sprouts due to their smell alone, I'm pretty sure I couldn't handle coming close to a durian.
Our local grocery store only sells one at a time. I?m not even kidding. As for smell, I hear some people think it smells good and others think it smells like the most disgusting thing they?ve ever smelled. Unfortunately, I?ve never tried it but I would love to!
Considering that I can't stomach brussels sprouts due to their smell alone, I'm pretty sure I couldn't handle coming close to a durian.

Yeah I'm kinda sensitive as well so I probably would have to use something to shut down my nose smelling it lol. I'm kinda curious how it actually taste, though.