Trading Heart Balloons for Sweet Heart Balloon | [Date Trading] White Feather | [Buying] 2024 Sky Clouds Scenery

:alien:🛸:alien: Bump! :alien:🛸:alien:

hiya Halloqueen! any chance you'd be selling an unpurchased ISC star frag? or it could be purchased i guess if you used your super tokens to purchase it o: but just wanted to know if you'd be open to selling one if you currently have one / willing to purchase one with mission tokens to sell.

i can offer 600 tbt for it! (it's a bit confusing bc of the whole unique/untradeable setting they have right now)
EDIT: Nevermind
Sorry I missed your message!

hiya Halloqueen! any chance you'd be selling an unpurchased ISC star frag? or it could be purchased i guess if you used your super tokens to purchase it o: but just wanted to know if you'd be open to selling one if you currently have one / willing to purchase one with mission tokens to sell.

i can offer 600 tbt for it! (it's a bit confusing bc of the whole unique/untradeable setting they have right now)
I should be able to do that for you! Haven't purchased one yet so it's fair game. Let me double check my tokens and I'll confirm with you momentarily.
I should be able to do that for you! Haven't purchased one yet so it's fair game. Let me double check my tokens and I'll confirm with you momentarily.

yay! that's awesome! okay i'll be on standby then, thanks for checking to let me know c: if it's all clear, just let me know when to send the tbt 💜
yay! that's awesome! okay i'll be on standby then, thanks for checking to let me know c: if it's all clear, just let me know when to send the tbt 💜
So the math would check out, buuuut I accidentally mistook which fragment you wanted and thought it was Galaxolotl. That's what I get reading too quickly. 🙃

I did purchase my ISC Fragment with the Super Token, but:
- Fragments won't be tradable until after they're no longer purchasable for the Shop, as per Mick reporting from Jeremy.
- They're unique, so one per user currently.
- I want to keep mine as a memento for sentimental reasons.

So unfortunately I can't after all. Sorry for the mistake. :(
So the math would check out, buuuut I accidentally mistook which fragment you wanted and thought it was Galaxolotl. That's what I get for skimming. 🙃

I did purchase my ISC Frag with the Super Token, but:
- Fragments won't be tradable until after they're no longer purchasable for the Shop, as per Mick reporting from Jeremy.
- I want to keep mine as a memento for sentimental reasons.

So unfortunately I can't after all. Sorry for the mistake. :(

no worries, would it be alright if it's a Galaxolotl frag then? i think i might have enough to tokens to purchase one crew frag on my own but i need the ISC frag to go before a new Galaxolotl first. would it be okay to wait until the after lunar logic finishes/last mission tokens are sent out?
no worries, would it be alright if it's a Galaxolotl frag then? i think i might have enough to tokens to purchase one crew frag on my own but i need the ISC frag to go before a new Galaxolotl first. would it be okay to wait until the after lunar logic finishes/last mission tokens are sent out?
Fine by me! :)
:alien:🛸:alien: Bump! :alien:🛸:alien:

hiya Halloqueen! just wanted to give you the heads up that i'll be sending the tbt your way now! if it's okay, i'd like to hold off on purchasing the gaxo frag from the shop on your end. i'd like to see if i can purchase more things to go in between my ISC frag and the unpurchased gaxo frag on your end if that's alright. (most likely be more clear after the lunar logic results are up! tysm!!)
since I have no plans to buy an ISC fragment for myself I could do that! only thing is it would eat into my funds for a planet glow wand, so if you'd be willing to trade a wand for the ISC fragment that would work just fine!

if not then it's all good 😌💜
since I have no plans to buy an ISC fragment for myself I could do that! only thing is it would eat into my funds for a planet glow wand, so if you'd be willing to trade a wand for the ISC fragment that would work just fine!

if not then it's all good 😌💜
Sounds good to me. I was originally planning to sell one but we do what we must to build our dream lineups. Any set time for your wand?