High school subjects


Feb 10, 2014
Chocolate Cake
Blue Candy
Red Candy
Famous Mushroom
Togepi Easter Egg
Blue Feather
What subjects did you take/are you taking in high school? What were your dreaded and most liked subjects? Were you good at any in particular? Did you get to choose what you wanted to take? Did you have any bad teachers that made the subject worse?
I'm curious what people have been taking around the world!

In my final year I took:
Geography - I actually really like this subject, but I should have tried harder
General math (in Australia it covered financial/matrices/networks/data analysis) - best subject somehow
English (mandatory unfortunately) - the final is writing 3 essays over 3 hours; I am never picking up a pen again
Chemistry - hell HELL; hell
Japanese - まだわからない...
+ Biology I did in advance - same with geography!

I took the equivalent of calculus in 11th.. I couldn't have described how happy I was to go to general in senior year haha. (I've never failed a test let alone had an average under 60 :'] ). I was fortunate enough to have somewhat 'good' teachers throughout high school, though I know some of my friends dreaded going to math because their teachers taught too hastily.

What about you?
I loved and was good at any computer based course, like web design. Guess what I'm taking in college? ;)

Math is the worst by far. I didn't like gym cause ew sports and the sporty kids took it waaay too seriously, like chill man.
I had no choice in school but to take IT, it was compulsory for everybody and while I love technology and computers now, that lesson was incredibly dull. But that was mainly down to the teacher. I really dreaded maths, I love that subject and I was really doing well at it. Had to take some time off school for a few months and when I got back I was too far behind :(
Subjects I took by choice were food technology, RE, triple science, English Literatureand child development. I mostly enjoyed them, RE was always particularly interesting when we did the ethics parts of it
I'm not familiar with how the North American school systems work (feel free to fill me in) but from what I've gathered, things are done a bit differently over here. We don't choose certain subjects that we have to study for a whole school year but our school years are divided into 5 or so periods and we take new courses in each of them. Every course specializes in a particular aspect of a subject (except some that are just overviews). I guess this is not how it works for you NA folks?

As I'm in my senior year, I'm done with (most) obligatory courses. Most of the courses I take this year are subjects I'm going to take a graduation test in. For me they are English, Finnish, Swedish and history. This period I'm taking Swedish 7 (a 'normal' course), 8 (revision for graduation test) and 9 (composition), Finnish 6 (Finnish literary history), history 6 (cultures) and PE 2. I'm glad I'm done with most subjects such as maths, biology, physics and chemistry that I don't like.

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Ok I that became longer than expected
I guess what I was trying to say is that I don't take particular subjects lol
I hate one of my maths teachers because sometimes I can't understand what shes talking about because of her accent and she gets really pissed if you don't remember stuff she told you. I tried to tell the head of year but they just said that I was being unreasonable. Atleast I only have her once every 2 weeks
My senior year was quite easy; AP English Lit., AP Chemistry, AP Statistics, U.S. Government, Human Anatomy & Physiology, and Creative Writing. I also had two study hall periods.

My favorite subjects were English and math. I took all of the English & all of the math courses my high school offered during my 4 years there.
i guess im in the swedish equivalent of high school uh

currently im only taking the obligatory courses for year one in nature in gymnasium. i'm not taking all of them at once because my school is a bit different from other schools, we read a few subjects but more intensely and faster than other schools and then we start new courses lol.

currently i'm in these: social studies 1b (only 1 hour a week sso not a lot), Swedish 1, English 5, German 3, and math 1c. i ave like 6 hours of math a week im ded.

my cpurses will change around halloween, and then once again after christmas. next term (after halloween) i will have PE, chemistry, more social studies, no english, and a bit less math. yayyyy.

these are all courses that are obligatory, in year 2 (i think) we will get to choose courses that aren't obligatory. anddddd later this year we will get to choose if we're going to take science science or science social studies. (they are, like, two separate programs in the program. ok . and if u choose science science u have more science. and if u have science social studies u study geography n history i think )
My least favorite class was definitely Agriculture/Plant System. I honestly liked P.E. better than this class. I guess I had my hopes up too high because I thought this class was going to be about planting vegetables and learning about them and the like. But what we mostly did in that class was dig holes, make mulch, and get rid of a bunch of weeds, tree branches, etc. The only thing about this class that I liked was the easy A. You pretty much have to show up and make it seem like you're doing something to get credit for the day. Also, if you had a good grade for the class, the teacher would let you go to the library for the class period.

My favorite class was definitely music. I didn't make much friends in it but I just loved making music. I took Music all four years while I was at High School.
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My grade is dying because of ap lit .-. but it is the most interesting class I have. I'm a senior so I planned to take easy classes this year ouo
u.s gov
art 3
bible (which I think is useless but it's mandatory)
In past years I took mandarin all the way up to mandarin 3, psychology, ap physics, and ap lang.
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I'm a junior, and I'm taking:
Algebra II
AP US History
AP Lang
Spanish III
I'll also have Health and Personal Finance next semester.

Pre Calc (no honors option)
AP World History
AP Chemistry (never took chemistry before lel)
English 10 honors
Graphics Design
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Senior: Creative writing is really fun I love my teacher, psych II and soc II are ok, contemporary issues is amazing cause you get to debate and make people look dumb, statistics is meh,

I hated trig last year I wanted to die, same with geometry, and chemistry was really gay I don't give a **** about bunsen burners tbh they're not that fun

I really loved World History, Civics and Gov, and AP History they were all easy and fun, AP Lit was hard but I liked it a lot
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I'm a sophomore and I'm taking:

AP Chemistry
AP Studies (Which is supposed to be Honors English II and AP US History but it's combined in my school for some reason)
Spanish III
Honors Algebra II
Chamber Orchestra

AP Studies is killing me with homework. English and History together is a bad idea lol.
Right now I'm taking...

Fall Semester:
Freshmen English
French I
World History/Geography
Teacher's Aide
Essential Elements of Science

Spring Semester:
Freshmen English
French I
Essential Elements of Science
World History/Geography

I really don't like my English teacher, and my math teacher doesn't teach us anything. He just puts notes on the board and tells us to copy them without explaining. I don't enjoy my aerobics teacher so next semester I'll be taking regular P.E. My history teachers picks on the students and I find it very inappropriate. My science teacher is nice and I love teachers aide (he gives me candy haha)
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Back in school in my final years I took English, Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology, Maths and PE.

I had History, Civics, Geography and two language subjects in lower classes as well. Now I'm in pre med and I just have physics, chemistry and biology (':
I'm a freshman taking the equivalent of a junior class right now, Pre AP English II. Its torture, we have like 2 essays a week in the class.
When I was in secondary school, I had to take the compulsory subjects (English, Maths, Biology/Chem/Physics, Religious Studies, also German was mandatory for me), and I chose to study Geography, Art, ICT, and Japanese. :) I was good at every subject EXCEPT for maths and the sciences, I used to hate them. Maths was hard but I started getting good at it, whereas with the sciences, I struggled through those 3 long years. ;v;

But in sixth form I studied English Lit, English Language, Philosophy, and Media (which I dropped). Honestly they were kind of boring and I don't miss studying them at all.
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Senior this year taking;
AP Physics
AP World history
AP studio art 3D design
AP English language and composition

There are no honours options in my school and a maximum of 6 AP's can be taken (which people have done and been successful at but i can barely manage four)
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Mostly generic crap that continues off 9th grade and some new subjects like criminology, organization and leadership, writing class etc. Also international relations which was boring af -.- So glad I'm out of that though hah.