Hiking Trip (Evergreen and The Poliwags Cabins)


For my outfit, I'm wearing a classic explorer's hat and top paired with some long pants to protect my legs from potentially harmful plants and bugs. Unfortunately my face was not so protected. I may have run into a tree. I also have some rain boots on for slogging through the wet landscape. Finally I'm wearing my glasses so that I don't walk off a cliff due to my poor vision. They didn't help me avoid the tree though... Well, anyway, moving on! I've brought with me a tent so that I may be protected from the elements while I sleep, as well as a pile of books full of information about hiking, fishing, stargazing, and other information I may need. I also brought a compass so that I don't lose my way and some fishing supplies. Specifically, I brought a stand of fishing rods and a cooler to store the fish in. I've never gone fishing before, but I'm sure everything will be fine!

it's that time again when i'm running low on materials, so on goes my log pack and a do-rag to keep my hair out of my face. i'm not the type for hiking, so i biked through the woods with my trusty mountain bike instead and found a nice spot under the trees to set up my cushy tent. i brought along a cooler filled with snacks and refreshments (what? you want me to drink warm water?) and a campfire to keep myself warm in case my blankets aren't enough. oh, and who could forget my shovel? i'm short on stones!

I found a strange book wedged behind my bunk last night. When I looked inside, there was a treasure map! I grabbed my shovel, lantern, and my trusty treasure-sniffing pup and headed out to follow the clues. My excitement grew after finding each and every landmark. I was very grateful for my choice of boots while traversing all these different landscapes. Eventually after days of sleeping in my hammock, I finally made it to the desert! The treasure is around here somewhere - I can feel it!

most people go camping to get in touch with nature or themselves, but not me — i go camping to see deers. they’re skittish creatures, ones that’ll take off at the quietest of sounds, so my outfit for this camping adventure isn’t your typical one; using a custom deer sweater, brown dress pants, reindeer hat, dog nose, brown frilly knee-high socks and black double-bridge glasses to create a makeshift deer costume, i pray that it’ll cause the deers to see me as one of their own and to not flee.

for a while, my only company are the tent that i’ve brought with me to sleep in, the binoculars that i use to see so that i can spot deers without getting too close to them, my pile of intensive deer research so that i have info about them with me at all times and the green leaves that i brought with me for the deers to snack on when suddenly, before my very eyes, a deer emerges and begins to eat the leaves!

A few weeks ago, I meet up with a friend who told me about a lake that he had hiked too. It was high up in the mountains on an island just north of Shady (my town), He couldn’t stopped talking about how good the fishing was, and how many he caught. i decided to go check it out.
I packed my tent for protection, and my warm and comfy, downy filled sleeping bag. A portable radio (with extra batteries), to check on the weather. I also packed my favorite drying rack. I would highly recommend the DF21, to anyone who wants to make fish jerky. And last but not least my camp stove. I can’t start the day without a cup of coffee.
I dressed in my favorite jeans, fishing vest shirt, socks, and boots. I placed a sun hat on my head so that I would not get sunburned.
As I was going out the door, I placed my tackle box over my shoulder and grabbed my fishing rod.
On the hike up I saw a lot of breath taking scenery. Next time I will pack my camera. I can’t wait to go back.

As with all my camping trips I have to keep it cool, so cutoffs and a lacy tank top for the win; plus wide hat and shades for brightness protection. I tend to prefer high altitudes for hiking trips because they don’t have those pesky bugs. But I have a touch of couch potato syndrome so once I’ve hiked high enough I need to be able to park it for a long while to catch my breath, so I always pack the plushest portable bedding I can, after all why not keep the little luxuries? As wonderful as the sounds of nature are, I would be lost without my music so I’ll play Hypno K. K. to compliment the birds and the streams. In the morning or in the evening, nature is always enriched by warm tea and something to sew, but when sewing becomes dull I can always flip through my sketch’s of some of the butterflies I saw back down in the forests.

For my camping trip, I would go camp somewhere where there are no known bears or anything that would be dangerous. Regardless, I still would pack an axe (realistically probably a tazor) for self defense, since I rather be safe than sorry. For shelter, I would bring a tent to experience camping on the ground in a tent for one time only since I prefer a cabin or trailer. I would then of course need something to sleep on which is why I picked a sleeping bag. Last thing I’d bring is maybe a plushie — probably an inexpensive one (as opposed to a squishable) since I feel insecure leaving home for even a little bit and I get scared easily by myself. I picked cargo pants since I they are comfortable and I like having extra pockets. I picked a green explorer’s shirt since my team color is green and it looks comfortable to hike in. I’d bring my sunglasses (with prescriptions) to keep the sun out of my eyes and an explorer’s hat as well. For shoes, I picked antique boots since they look easy to slip on and have no laces and probably would be comfortable.
My island rep Eris is my original character, so my explanation and choices will be about her rather than myself!


If Eris went on a camping trip she would definitely do something more casual, hence her cardigan-shirt combo and rubber-toe high shoes. No need for any intense gear on this camping trip, right? Well, maybe not for clothing, at least...

She's certainly no expert, but she's vey passionate when it comes to photographing astronomy and the subject itself, so her telescope would no doubt be one of her top choices to bring! In fact, the place she'd choose to camp for the night would definitely be somewhere with fewer trees and an open night-sky to get the best view possible. Of course, she'd need her lantern as a light source to scribble down notes about her observations. Despite being an amateur at astronomy, capturing these once-in-a-life time moments would certainly drain her after a while, so packing a picnic basket with plenty of food and snacks is a no-brainer. She would also set up a fire pit in advance for any meals she may have to cook, as well as provide a source of warmth for when the night gets chilly. Losing track of the time, she may or may not end up pulling an all-nighter from her long hours of observing the stars. Once the exhaustion hits her, she'd head into her cozy tent for some much needed sleep.

I've decided to go on a relaxing fishing trip in the cold, rocky, yet calm wilderness. If I don't return before sundown, I have a few essentials to get me by. I'm wearing my thick trusty denim jacket, cosy knitted hat, heavy-duty boots, and so on that will cover most areas of my body. It'll keep me warm and protect me from UV rays. In case I get injured, I have a first aid kit on hand. I also have my foolproof setup for a toasty campfire, cookware to cook up some fishy grub, and my monochrome fishing rod to catch said grub. When night falls, I will be zipped up tight inside my snuggly sleeping bag with my old reliable lantern by my side, ready when necessary to navigate through the darkness… cough, like if nature calls.

i decided that if i'm going camping it's going to be a fishing trip to catch the biggest oarfish the world has ever seen. it's a bit chilly where i'm heading so i decided to layer up with an anorak jacket, a hat incase of rain, a large backpack full of bait, hooks, snacks and other essential supplies, and slip proof rubber boots so i can safely fish off rocky shorelines. i'm also bringing along a sleeping bag, a portable stove, a small wood bench for gutting fish, some money in case i need to stop at a local rest stop and of course a fishing rod.

Since I'm going on a hike in the mountains, the logical outfit to wear was a mountain parka! I'm also wearing hiking boots and bringing a trusty backpack to hold extra hiking necessities with a bedroll attached for sleeping.

I'm bringing along a telescope for stargazing along with a mountain bike, because where better to ride one than the mountains? I also have a water pump for instant access to water and a microwave to heat and cook stuff because I don't know how to make fire. They have outlets on mountains, right? Finally, I'm bringing a sleigh, because isn't the whole point of climbing to the top of a tall, rocky mountain to be able to slide all the way down? I mean, why wouldn't you? It's probably safe. I think.

A nice birdwatching trip to the mountains is honestly the best, you can't go wrong with it if you have good equipment!!

First of all, a raincoat and good hiking boots are a must for me, especially since I read that there's a possibility of some rain next day when I'll be coming back. A backpack to pack every essential is also super important. Then, of course, a sleeping bag to spend the night in, a little lantern to get some light if needed without the need to make a campfire and some food and water to have enough energy to travel. Now for the birdwatching part - a notebook, pen and a bird book bundle to write down my observations and a camera (on the picture as an acnh item - nintendo switch) to take some beautiful photos ☺

It's been a few years since my parents allowed me out in the woods alone. I used to visit my grandmother, who lives on the other side of the great black forest, fairly often - but was not permitted to go anymore since the incident. I've learned a lot in the recent years so I'm once again permitted to visit my dear grandmother - this time taking all necessary precautions.

People would argue that dresses are impractical during long hikes - but my signature red cloak dries quickly, my legs are not restricted and my hiking shoes can carry me for many hours. In my backpack I carry all my essentials:

  • A lantern - so I am able to see once the sun sets behind the trees.​
  • A worn tent - so I have shelter at night since my grandmother's hut is a days walk away.​
  • A camping cooker - to boil the foraged goods I find in the woods which keep me fed and happy.​
  • A ridiculously small basket - which I use to carry mushrooms, herbs, berries and nuts I gather from the forest floor.​
  • And lastly, a sharp axe for self-defense. A local woodsman gifted to me, after rescuing me and my grandmother when the incident happened.​

More wolfs have been spotted by the townsfolk so I must be cautious... but I learned my lesson last time and will make sure not to encounter one ever again!

To recover from the rigors of Camp Bell Tree, I have booked a week at Camp Serenity.
Detoxification from three weeks of s'mores and Kool-aid, will require a cleansing diet of nothing but spinach smoothies. (blender, cup)
Mental and spiritual restoration will be accomplished through daily yoga and meditation practice, followed by an evening full of campfire sing-a-longs. (meditation cushion, yoga outfit, guitar, campfire)
No deadlines. No competition. No stress.
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For my hiking and camping trip, I am going to visit the cherry blossom forest! I wear the athletic outfit for the hike, which includes sleeveless parka, jogging shorts, leggings, sneakers, and traveler's backpack. I bring the tent so I can go inside and either relax or sleep. I have a radio so I can listen to music, camping news, and weather. At night, I turn on a lantern so I can see something. Whenever I get hungry or thirsty, I get something from the cooler. Last but not least, a book so I can read during relaxing time. This is going to be a fantastic trip!​
I seriously hope the text entry isn't too long.

For my hiking trip, I decided to wear an explorer’s hat to keep my face away from the sun. I’ve also decided to wear a multipurpose vest and outdoor shorts with everyday tights to protect my skin from mosquito bites and other environmental elements. With how paths can get rocky, muddy, and wet, boots are the way to go. I brought a knitted-grass backpack to carry tools essential for survival such as medicine, a slingshot, a fishing rod, a net, and a shovel. Don’t ask how I can fit all that because my backpack defies logic for some reason.

As for the things I’ve brought with me, I’ll be using a kiddie tent so bugs won’t crawl on me while I sleep and keep me safe. With how I eat lots of food, a fresh cooler is a must for me to carry fish that I caught, fruits that I found, and a beehive I took from a tree. My campfire cookware should be a big help to cooking, simmering, and roasting food I’ve found. Next, here are log stakes that I’ve found in the woodlands in the past couple of days. There’s still no sign of a sail lying around, so I may have to go to the mountains to see if there is one to make my long-awaited escape. And finally, I brought a cherry speaker to listen to music, particularly Drivin’ since it puts me at ease… I’m honestly surprised how I haven’t bumped into a giant tarantula or a giant centipede yet, or how I didn’t fall into a pitfall once.

I decided to vaguely reference the Desert Island Escape minigame that first appeared in Amiibo Festival and eventually New Leaf. I had fun playing that game. From there, you are to find three logs and a sail in order to escape the island within a limited amount of days. Throughout the adventure, you are also to make tools, find food (which are fish, fruits, and honey from a beehive), avoid pitfalls, and fight/run away from giant tarantulas and centipedes that lurk on the island in order to survive. If injured, medicine can be found on the island or made from scratch if one your villagers have a specialty in doing so. It’s a well thought out minigame as your strategies can differ depending on what villagers you choose.
My + button was having an issue so my screenshot has text on it, hope that’s okay!


For this camping trip, I’m wearing a tree sweater and an acorn knit cap so that I can blend in with my environment and fully bond with nature. I have an explorer’s backpack on in case I need a map, and so the trees know I mean business. I’ve layered socks and shorts over leggings so I can be warm during the chilly nights, but remove the leggings in the heat of the day.

Of course, I had to bring my trusty tent to sleep in. I also have a fire pit so I don’t have to eat my fish raw, a beach towel so I can bathe (and carry foraged berries in a sling), a book for evening entertainment, and a lantern, in case I have to contend with any bears in the dead of night. (Hi, Nate. Are you lost again?)

I'm new to camping, but I have always wanted to take a fishing trip! I am suited up in my most outdoorsy clothes, featuring some good boots for the mud and a jacket for cold nights! And in absence of a hat that says "Women Want Me, Fish Fear Me", a normal baseball cap will have to do.
I am taking this fishing trip VERY seriously. I took a wooden raft down the river, and I am dual-wielding TWO fishing rods at once! I even have an expensive life ring to throw myself if I fall overboard. To top it all off, everyone said I needed to take a cooler in case I get thirsty. It was hard hauling my workplace's water cooler all the way out here, though!

Fishing sure is hard work...
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I'm going camping for the night! For my outfit I am wearing a backpack to hold my things, a hat and sunglasses to keep the sun out of my eyes, I opted to wear pants instead of my standard skirt/dress because they feel safer for camping, lol. And some hiking boots so that I can walk around without too much issue!

I'm bringing along my tent so that I'm not camping out in the open, a telescope so that I can see the stars as well as a book to tell me where to look and what I'm looking at, and I'm bringing my paints with me so I can paint the sky. I also brought a picnic because I couldn't go camping without having something tasty to eat.