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Also looks great in my sig : ) Now to just remake my graphics shop button to look a little cleaner 8'D Thanks very much again^^ Definitely gotta save for a wallpaper hnnng >__<

I'm glad it does! :-]
Good luck with those buttons by the way! I actually think they look great as is, but then again, some polishing definitely doesn't hurt.

(I could also tell you how I do my own animated buttons, if you'd like! You're welcome to VM/PM me about if you're curious, haha.)
I'm glad it does! :-]
Good luck with those buttons by the way! I actually think they look great as is, but then again, some polishing definitely doesn't hurt.

(I could also tell you how I do my own animated buttons, if you'd like! You're welcome to VM/PM me about if you're curious, haha.)

Definiitely : ) And thank you! Haha yup practice makes nearly perfect for me xD And would love to know, will definitely PM^^
I have 2 orders, I hope that's ok!

FONT(S): I have request ones ~ Edo or Bilbo Swash Caps (this one has a little box it says "Bilbo Regular" and "Bilbo Swash Caps" please download the Caps one ^^
** I love both of these fonts, so could you make an example of both, so I can see which I like best?
TEXT EFFECT(S): Inner Shadow may be nice.. Main black color is good, then with an accent of one of the teal/greens in the actual art piece..?
I'd like the text in the banner. I'm not sure if you'd be able to, but if you could do the text in that swooping motion that's what I'm really going for, but if not, do whatever you can to make it look nice! ^^
EXTRA COMMENTS: I'm wanting to make this my new sticker for my Etsy shop to put with all my orders :3


LINK TEXT: Art Dump (and) FFXI Art Request
FONT: More requests, hope that's fine > .< Triforce (for Art Dump) and Final Fantasy (for FFXI one)
FONT COLOR: Black, or any color that matches the sig you made me is fine.
TEXT EFFECT: Outer glow (just a white glow would be nice)
LINK BUTTON COLOR: If you can use pics for bg's this for Art Dump - One and one of these 2 for FFXI - One , Two // if not, maybe just a light (a lil more on the green side) teal, and FFXI a light (a lil more on the blue side) teal
SWIPE ANIMATION COLOR: Faded white, I'd like it to also swipe over the text.. To make it kinda look like a shine that's passing over the button
EXTRA COMMENTS: Would like it to be a swipe like your example, but also a tiny line right behind it as well. So like this (say /// represents your example swipe) / /// so just a slightly thinner version of the swipe going along with it... If I make any sense @ .@
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I have 2 orders, I hope that's ok!

FONT(S): I have request ones ~ Edo or Bilbo Swash Caps (this one has a little box it says "Bilbo Regular" and "Bilbo Swash Caps" please download the Caps one ^^
** I love both of these fonts, so could you make an example of both, so I can see which I like best?
TEXT EFFECT(S): Inner Shadow may be nice.. Main black color is good, then with an accent of one of the teal/greens in the actual art piece..?
I'd like the text in the banner. I'm not sure if you'd be able to, but if you could do the text in that swooping motion that's what I'm really going for, but if not, do whatever you can to make it look nice! ^^
EXTRA COMMENTS: I'm wanting to make this my new sticker for my Etsy shop to put with all my orders :3


LINK TEXT: Art Dump (and) FFXI Art Request
FONT: More requests, hope that's fine > .< Triforce (for Art Dump) and Final Fantasy (for FFXI one)
FONT COLOR: Black, or any color that matches the sig you made me is fine.
TEXT EFFECT: Outer glow (just a white glow would be nice)
LINK BUTTON COLOR: If you can use pics for bg's this for Art Dump - One and one of these 2 for FFXI - One , Two // if not, maybe just a light (a lil more on the green side) teal, and FFXI a light (a lil more on the blue side) teal
SWIPE ANIMATION COLOR: Faded white, I'd like it to also swipe over the text.. To make it kinda look like a shine that's passing over the button
EXTRA COMMENTS: Would like it to be a swipe like your example, but also a tiny line right behind it as well. So like this (say /// represents your example swipe) / /// so just a slightly thinner version of the swipe going along with it... If I make any sense @ .@

Accepted! Adding you to the waiting list asap

Concerning the decorative text - I am able to curve the text so that it fits the curve of the banner, and I will definitely provide you with a sample of each font :-]

Concerning the link button - I really don't mind all the recommended fonts, don't worry! I'll also make sure to use those images as a background.
I can add another thin swipe behind the main swipe as well, although do you want both swipes to go over the text or just one swipe to go over the text?
Accepted! Adding you to the waiting list asap

Concerning the decorative text - I am able to curve the text so that it fits the curve of the banner, and I will definitely provide you with a sample of each font :-]

Concerning the link button - I really don't mind all the recommended fonts, don't worry! I'll also make sure to use those images as a background.
I can add another thin swipe behind the main swipe as well, although do you want both swipes to go over the text or just one swipe to go over the text?

Ah, thank you!
And both, please! ^^
Alright, I can do all of that :-]
I bet I can get this done by tomorrow afternoon.



4 / 5 waiting list slots available!
1 wallpaper slot available

Ok, may I ask if you could do the sticker first, to be sure? I may be going by the place I get my stickers done on Wednesday, so if it's done by then I could stop by there to get them done ^^
It's no rush :0 just want to be sure, if something was to come up while making them, that it'd be more likely the sticker got done. I'm not sure, I'm back at phrasing.. lol.
Ok, may I ask if you could do the sticker first, to be sure? I may be going by the place I get my stickers done on Wednesday, so if it's done by then I could stop by there to get them done ^^
It's no rush :0 just want to be sure, if something was to come up while making them, that it'd be more likely the sticker got done. I'm not sure, I'm back at phrasing.. lol.

Yep, totally. I can confirm that the sticker design will be finished by Wednesday, at the latest. I've gotten all of my requests finished on or at my prediction times, so you rest assured ;-]

coming back for another wallpaper if that's okay wwww

SIZE: 2500x1600

Let me know if you have any questions!! www

coming back for another wallpaper if that's okay wwww

SIZE: 2500x1600

Let me know if you have any questions!! www

Of course! Accepted :-]
I'll add you to the waiting list asap, Jint!
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Screw you, double post > .>




Payment received! And I got your requests finished today, as I promised ;-]
Images are HUGE so I put everything related to the decorative text you requested in spoilers.

I went ahead and rendered the image, so you can put it on top of any colored background/background image for your sticker. I'll also be around for the next few hours, so if you need me to change anything/fix something, I'll be able to do it before you go out to get the stickers done. But without further ado, here are the different versions:


V1, Edo font with text along a curved path


V2, Edo font with warped text


V3, Bilbo Swash Caps with warped text along a curved path

I have to say, Edo looks a lot better with all-caps and the Inner Shadow effect (as Edo is a naturally thick font), so personally I think V1/V2 are the best of the bunch, but you're free to choose whichever one/ask for a re-do ;-]

And here are the buttons:

Hope this is what you had in mind! But as always, feel free to point out anything you're not satisfied with and I'll make a change asap.
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Payment received! And I got your requests finished today, as I promised ;-]
Images are HUGE so I put everything related to the decorative text you requested in spoilers.

I went ahead and rendered the image, so you can put it on top of any colored background/background image for your sticker. I'll also be around for the next few hours, so if you need me to change anything/fix something, I'll be able to do it before you go out to get the stickers done. But without further ado, here are the different versions:


V1, Edo font with text along a curved path


V2, Edo font with warped text


V3, Bilbo Swash Caps with warped text along a curved path

I have to say, Edo looks a lot better with all-caps and the Inner Shadow effect (as Edo is a naturally thick font), so personally I think V1/V2 are the best of the bunch, but you're free to choose whichever one/ask for a re-do ;-]

And here are the buttons:

Hope this is what you had in mind! But as always, feel free to point out anything you're not satisfied with and I'll make a change asap.

They look super great, ty! :D
I forgot to make Bilbo's not all caps, but I do like Edo's a lot anyway so it's fine ^^
Thanks so much again ~
They look super great, ty! :D
I forgot to make Bilbo's not all caps, but I do like Edo's a lot anyway so it's fine ^^
Thanks so much again ~

No problem, glad you like them! And I was actually wondering why you would ask for all-caps text with a cursive font like Swash Caps, lol. I thought that was just what you wanted though, so I didn't say anything about it xD;;



4 / 5 waiting list slots available! (Wallpapers can no longer be requested for this batch, however)


@Jint; For now, I'm going to say that I'll most likely be able to finish your wallpaper by the weekend! It looks like I'll be pretty busy for the next few days but I'll get it done on time regardless
No problem, glad you like them! And I was actually wondering why you would ask for all-caps text with a cursive font like Swash Caps, lol. I thought that was just what you wanted though, so I didn't say anything about it xD;;

Yeah, I think at first I was just wanting Edo, but then remembered Bilbo too and forgot to change it to "Kain's Krafts" cuz I also believe Edo is all caps anyway, lol. But it worked out fine :p
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LINK TEXT: [Type the exact text here.]WE❤ART
FONT: [See the fonts reference.]ANDES
FONT COLOR: [Type the color name or hex code.]White
TEXT EFFECT: [See the text effects reference.]Inner glow, white!
LINK BUTTON COLOR: [Type the color name or hex code.]Black
SWIPE ANIMATION COLOR: [Type the color name or hex code.] Light Pink!
EXTRA COMMENTS: [If you want me to include anything else, type it here.] Could the swipe possibly be a heart shape?
(and I am gonna order a wallpaper when they are open!)
LINK TEXT: [Type the exact text here.]WE❤ART
FONT: [See the fonts reference.]ANDES
FONT COLOR: [Type the color name or hex code.]White
TEXT EFFECT: [See the text effects reference.]Inner glow, white!
LINK BUTTON COLOR: [Type the color name or hex code.]Black
SWIPE ANIMATION COLOR: [Type the color name or hex code.] Light Pink!
EXTRA COMMENTS: [If you want me to include anything else, type it here.] Could the swipe possibly be a heart shape?
(and I am gonna order a wallpaper when they are open!)

Accepted! Adding you to the waiting list asap
I've got you covered with the heart swipe, Evvie ;-]
It's definitely possible, as I've made a bunch of those already, haha. Though I have to say, a white Inner Glow probably won't look too great with white text, so I'll upload multiple versions for you to choose from.
Whoa Kain's buttons look incredibly rad *_* I finally have enough for a wallpaper whenever you open those again, but might wait till I save up to 1k haha xD Definitely need me one at some point though : D
Accepted! Adding you to the waiting list asap
I've got you covered with the heart swipe, Evvie ;-]
It's definitely possible, as I've made a bunch of those already, haha. Though I have to say, a white Inner Glow probably won't look too great with white text, so I'll upload multiple versions for you to choose from.

Thanks :D
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