Hello! May I change my lurk of Bob and Tangy for Kid Cat and Punchy? Thank you!
Can i lurk for coco as well?
Hi, I'm new. I don't know how reservation actually works. But if possible, can I please reserve Rudy? He's one of the Jocks I'm currently looking for atm.
Can i reserve Tangy please?
Sure, you can reserve him.
Could I reserve Merry please?
(Also in case the person who reserved Snake won't take him I'd LOVE to take him ;__; )
Hi AccfSally! I'm unreserving Rudy! I got someone else . Thanks again for letting me reserve him!
TBH, I don't know how to explain it.OK, how does reserve work?
If you still have Snake I'd love to come pick him up!
Hi could I lurk for Bob, Elvis, or Drago please?