House of Nightmares

I guessed sonic. When i told my family member, he was laughing and then finally he said- but sonic isn't even a nintendo character!

Then of course i remembered all the Sega vs Nintendo from back in the day and felt stupid, because of course sonic isn't nintendo!

But then - hey, wait a minute! Sonic is playable in smash!

And my lovely family member says 'yes, sonic is pretendo, not nintendo' 😑

In my defense, the sonic shapes are there. Sort of. If you squint. And sonic is sideways. 😂


I forgot to submit an answer andkakfjsm

Thought to be honest even if I did submit there’s no way I would have guessed it was Porky. If you can see any character in that then you probably have superhuman vision. Oh well, no free carnival coins rip. 😞 Congratulations to everyone that actually did get it right. Hopefully I’m not a dumbass next time and don’t forget again lol
I gave it 2 min and that was it. Would not have thought to look at Earthbound characters so I'm glad I restrained myself!
Ah dang what a shame it was from a franchise I didn't know about 😅 I did see the shoes, hand, and spiky hair, like I could see the silhouette, but I've never play Earthbound so I had absolutely no idea which character looked like that : (
You know what, Earthbound and Mother 3 should be played chronologically for full context of the story.

(Also, I'll be calling him Porky instead of Pokey to keep the story context consistent.)
Actually you are right, I don't know much about the series! Also, even if Lucas was around then...
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The worst part of that context is that in the Japanese version, Porky's dad (Aloysius) apologizes to Ness about his children only for him to beat up Porky and Picky afterwards upon returning to their house in the prologue, instead of the typical punishment of "no dessert" which is present in the localized English version.

The tipping point is that both Porky's parents hated Ness' family.

You could guess where Porky got all the mannerisms or was raised from with that context in mind.
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damn didn't realise when the deadline was - still dont, its all good - due to the shoes I was gonna go for like one of the inkling characters? Because the shoes did look like similar to what they wore.
Then I saw spikey hair and I also thought..s-s-sonic/???
Either way wouldve been wrong.

I was trying to research nintendo characters via shoes but it didnt go well, nor did I really have a good place to look.
Congrats to the people who did guess it right!