how are you feeling right now?

I'm feeling great, since I just finished an art piece that I'm really proud of! But I'm also slightly disappointed because I can't post it here, otherwise it would violate the Rules and Guidelines and I could get in trouble for it... TwT
I'm tired and cold and feeling a bit anxious. I hope I can get some rest tonight and feel better.
I'm tired and cold and feeling a bit anxious. I hope I can get some rest tonight and feel better.
Hopefully you can! Layer up in with an extra blanket or so and maybe that will help. I have a tight-knit big crochet blanket that I sleep with in the middle of winter and it helps a lot. I originally made it for when I did reenactments, but then I liked it too much to go roughing it in the woods with such a nice blanket lol.

I don't have work tomorrow, so I can sleep in. It's a nice feeling knowing I don't have to go to bed early and be right back at the grind.
I'm tired and cold and feeling a bit anxious. I hope I can get some rest tonight and feel better.

I hope you can find something to do to deal with anxiety or solve what ever is making you anxious. 💜

I was chatting with a friend on discord and also am working on my drawing and all of a sudden I feel so drained. i was telling my friend about something I was anxious about and then after, got worried about giving her a bad impression even though I know they don’t judge. Not sure if that was what drained me or how much energy I’m putting into this drawing 😅; this drawing is the most challenging and ambitious one that I’ve done yet. I’ve only been working on it today for a little bit and yikes in the energy spike. So might be something else even though drawing has drained me before (like when I was drawing without breaks some of my earlier projects 😅).

Overall, I’m a bit down today but honestly not too bad. There has been good things. Excited (and sad cuz i have no lapis on my main account) about a new unit in a game I play. Happy with all the cute things my kitties did today and last night. Last night, I was going into the living room and in the shadows from around a corner Spanky jumped about two feet in the air at me. It was so cute 🥺 and also startled me since she never did that before 😅; she does jump at our legs a lot though. ☺️
I was feeling ok today, but now I feel disappointed. I found out that Lionsgate is (or has already, idk) making a new Pinocchio movie. Apparently, I just live under a rock because I had no clue about it. It's just... awful. I hate Pinocchio enough already, but now my hatred is even worse. Thank you, Lionsgate for giving us something no one even asked for. But yeah, I'm feeling pretty disgusted and disappointed at the moment.
sick and tired of myself for wasting the whole day several days in a row.
i'm getting work done right now so i'm happy about that and feel somewhat accomplished, but it's almost 6 pm and i know i will repeat the cycle of going to bed too late and getting up even more too late because i didn't get my day started until 1 pm.

i wake up early enough to not completely waste the day but i just stay in bed and i don't know why, it makes me feel terrible.
Honestly? I feel god awful. Argued with my significant other this morning, it's snowing/hail stones/raining outside (so very grey and miserable), I need a cigarette (but am trying to quit smoking) and ... Ugh. I just feel crap today, and I wish I could go restart the day, or better yet, that I could go to bed despite it being stupidly early (only just gone 7pm) and the fact I'm wide awake. I'm just fed up today. :(
Feeling somewhat normal? Very tired but not feeling a lingering sluggish and sicky feeling like I've been experiencing the past few days. I think I'm finally getting better ^^
I'm feeling better today after getting some sleep last night. Plus I think it helped that the weather finally got above 50F again today so I wasn't so cold and my sore throat is getting better.

Thanks @TheDuke55 and @Dunquixote for the well wishes!
Nervous? My Chromebook is very low on battery and the charger I'm using isn't working. :/
I've had that happen with my old Mac laptop. Maybe try a different outlet. With my old charger I would have to keep plugging it back into the laptop/wiggling it until it reached that 'right' spot where it would light up and start charging. I had to eventually cave in and buy a new one.

The problem with it was that the wire inside the cord was getting frayed/broken so there wasn't a very good connection between the outlet/laptop due to faulty wiring. Could be the same case depending on how old it is.

@Dunquixote That sounds awesome about your drawings! I remember the ones that you did last year (dang it's crazy that it's already been that long lol) and they were amazing! Sometimes a break between working can be beneficial, so I get that. There are a lot of times that I want to just get done so much on my antique restorations on a given day, but I know if I rush it, I won't like the results. Good luck with your big project! I would really like to see it, whenever you may finish it. (If you're alright with that, that is)

@LadyDestani That's great news! I'm glad that you're well-rested and feeling better. I really should get more sleep myself, but I normally get 4-5 hours. I do it to myself haha...I just don't like the idea of having to go to bed so early just for work. It feels like I don't get to do as much as I wanted to in a given day.
I'm feeling better today after getting some sleep last night. Plus I think it helped that the weather finally got above 50F again today so I wasn't so cold and my sore throat is getting better.

Thanks @TheDuke55 and @Dunquixote for the well wishes!
I’m glad that you’re feeling better ☺️💜.
I've had that happen with my old Mac laptop. Maybe try a different outlet. With my old charger I would have to keep plugging it back into the laptop/wiggling it until it reached that 'right' spot where it would light up and start charging. I had to eventually cave in and buy a new one.

The problem with it was that the wire inside the cord was getting frayed/broken so there wasn't a very good connection between the outlet/laptop due to faulty wiring. Could be the same case depending on how old it is.

@Dunquixote That sounds awesome about your drawings! I remember the ones that you did last year (dang it's crazy that it's already been that long lol) and they were amazing! Sometimes a break between working can be beneficial, so I get that. There are a lot of times that I want to just get done so much on my antique restorations on a given day, but I know if I rush it, I won't like the results. Good luck with your big project! I would really like to see it, whenever you may finish it. (If you're alright with that, that is)

@LadyDestani That's great news! I'm glad that you're well-rested and feeling better. I really should get more sleep myself, but I normally get 4-5 hours. I do it to myself haha...I just don't like the idea of having to go to bed so early just for work. It feels like I don't get to do as much as I wanted to in a given day.

Thanks so much! Ofc I’d be happy to share it when I’m done :).

Right now am anxious about going grocery shopping tomorrow (i just get anxious leaving the house), but my mom said I could check to see if they have the amiibo cards there :D. Feeling a bit down too but not as bad as earlier; my mood keeps going up and down. I got an idea for a small drawing/sketch that I might try even though I have that big drawing I’m working; kinda excited about it even though I am not sure if it will turn out (and end up being scrapped) :).
I feel surprisingly well? I talked with one of my friends at work (I don’t know if I’d consider it friends, though, because we don’t talk outside of work yet) and we bonded over traveling, lol. I also slept well in spite of waking up early because my dad needed an oil change. It was supposed to be last week but something came up and it had to wait until today. I wasn’t too upset about waking up early, though, because I can sleep whenever I’m tired due to the fact that I’m off work tomorrow. It’s been a decent day so far!
IN PAIN AND COLD. my office is much colder than the rest of the building, and i popped/twisted/sprained (one of those three, idk) my ankle yesterday and it hurts SO BAD. i collapsed on the dirt outside my house so im glad it wasn't on concrete, or else it'd be so much worse.

gib ibuprofen please :(
Overwhelmed the last couple days. I recently found a new job for which I'm happy but I will be relocated to Portugal soon and all the paperwork, contracts and getting everything in order has been a struggle. The next 2 weeks are going to be exhausting as well but I'm looking forward to it all being done and me finally experiencing a new chapter in my life 🥴
Right now, I’m not feeling very well.

Regretting how I spent my summon currency in a game I play and have not a lot of places I can earn it back; the game is not very generous in giving free currency as another game I play is. My bad luck ruined most of my mood on top of getting not very good sleep since i stayed up too late.

My sister and her family are visiting which means lots of noise and dad being overly anxious and overreacting for sure, and no privacy. not a good time for them to visit since i’m depressed and a bit irritable; I feel bad i got irritated with one of my nieces when she came in and corrected me when i called my kitties kitties and said they were kittens. Also annoyed that when i said we need to watch all the barbie pieces and toys on the ground because of my kittens, my sister dismisses me saying my kittens won’t bother it. the pieces are so small, small enough for them to swallow. how do you know what they won’t try to eat? also i have to watch them around the dog food or move it since they brought their dog and every time my late old kitty and now my kittens have eaten it. my dad always says he’ll watch or move it but i end up always being the one that move it.

I showed my sister the drawing that I’m working on and Idk I felt a bit disappointed with the reaction. She said it was cool but only seemed mildly interested; then again, that is how I am about stuff she tells me that don’t interest me so I guess I shouldn’t talk ><.

I haven’t eaten yet and am currently waiting for dinner to be done; hopefully that will help my mood out some.

There have been things that have made me happy today though too, just right now I’m dealing with more negative stuff 😅.
Pretty sore to be honest. Just finished work and got a lot done. I posted about it in the what are you happy about thread sometime last week, in where I mentioned that I was staying on schedule and would be done soon, but that did not happen lol. I can't control weather and it threw a wrench in my plans, but now I am done.

It was cold, it was super windy, but it showed no signs of rain until tomorrow night so I just froze my butt off to get it done.

@Dunquixote I can get that. My sister will sometimes drop her kids off at my house during the weekends. Usually when she knows I have my only night/day off which I totally need to rest up from working my exhausting shifts. It's annoying and they act so wild and break things constantly. Just the other weekend they were screaming at the top of their lungs and banging on pots and pans and they're like way past the age they should be doing that.

But every time I try to intervene or set boundaries my sister tells me it's not my business to do that. So I just changed my locks instead. I also fed them lots of caffeine and sugar (coke, candy, cake) before I sent them back with her as revenge for just dropping them off unannounced, before I got back from work, and with them home alone.

So yeah I can get what you're saying.