how are you feeling right now?

Bit salty due to a neopets thing and also too cold to go outside and do stuff casually.

Also Saturday's such a drag it's only 4 pm like ok lol
I’m feeling much better than I was this morning, though still dealing with depression. I’m really excited about commissioning @LittleMissPanda for some art for my first time ☺️. Browsing the art threads and shops has helped lift my mood and renewed my interest to save up tbt for more art :).

I also am having an itch to work on my island journal again even though I haven’t touched my AC game for months (kinda stressed thinking about how much stuff i may have missed 😅). For now, i’m focusing on my art and hopefully I won’t need a break after I’m done with this piece since I really want to draw more art and share it here. :) I hope I can improve my drawings of human characters soon since there are so many characters I want to draw eventually. I think this will be a long road until I improve since I need to learn anatomy and other things.
I started some new medications today so I'm feeling a bit weird, sluggish and tired. I'm hoping things will even out soon, though.
I'm annoyed. Some idiot pulled out in front of me while driving and almost hit me. They were extremely close to hitting me, but I swerved before they could. I've never been hit before, but it's really scary when you come close to it. So yeah, I'm annoyed that some people can't drive worth a flip.
I'm annoyed. Some idiot pulled out in front of me while driving and almost hit me. They were extremely close to hitting me, but I swerved before they could. I've never been hit before, but it's really scary when you come close to it. So yeah, I'm annoyed that some people can't drive worth a flip.
Good thing you avoided a collision and came out unscathed with both your body and car! It happens a lot when people aren't paying attention, but you handled it very well.

I remember driving to work super early when I first started (I was also super tired) and on the dark road I saw this thing that I had no idea what it was coming towards me. Turns out the truck in front of me kept losing his hubcaps and then tires. It was like swerving to avoid green shells in Mario Kart and totally woke me up fast. Unfortunately the driver behind me got hit, but thankfully only his side mirror was taken off.
Good thing you avoided a collision and came out unscathed with both your body and car! It happens a lot when people aren't paying attention, but you handled it very well.

I remember driving to work super early when I first started (I was also super tired) and on the dark road I saw this thing that I had no idea what it was coming towards me. Turns out the truck in front of me kept losing his hubcaps and then tires. It was like swerving to avoid green shells in Mario Kart and totally woke me up fast. Unfortunately the driver behind me got hit, but thankfully only his side mirror was taken off.
That's great that you were unharmed, sucks for the other person though. I would've been terrified. I'm really bad in stressful situations where you have to act fast, so I'm always nervous when driving.
Feeling a bit better than yesterday after talking to some friends but I'm still a bit annoyed at that one person. Also feeling a bit nervous about tomorrow but trying to talk myself into it's gonna be for the better.
I’m tired; I stayed up way too late again and then was woken up to say good bye to my sister and her family before they left. Just woke up an hour ago and am struggling to stay awake. 😅

Right arm’s muscles hurt a little since last night i had trouble getting honey out of the container and while squeezing, I felt like I pulled a muscle a little. When I went to draw, it hurt a little. Was a little sad that I couldn’t draw as much yesterday as a result (also hard to concentrate with family here).

I’m a bit down still but I should be okay later. :) I am happy the house is quieter now that my sister and her family are gone.
feeling slightly stressed because of all the work i have to do, but i'm in a great mood aside from that