i’m feeling pretty nervous, anxious and annoyed at the moment tbh. i’m finally getting my wisdom and infected teeth removed in around 13 hours or so, and i… hate it lol. gonna try and keep this short and sweet since this isn’t the “what’s bothering you?” thread, but i hate any and all medical and dental procedures. they suck and are incredibly anxiety-inducing for me, so i’m not excited. i’m also not looking forward to the aftermath and the swelling, bleeding, gauze, multiple saltwater rinses a day, being unable to chew, drink from straws, smoke weed and lay/sleep on my left side and the fear of developing dry socket for the next 7-10 days. i need these teeth out
so bad, but it’s certainly not going to be easy. wish me luck. >_<
i’m also annoyed because 1) if my teeth had just been removed when they were
supposed to be removed (which was back in january, but my appointment was canceled the day before :/), i’d be completely healed by now and have nothing to worry about, and 2) my ibs is acting up, and i have less than 2 hours to get it under control before i’m unable to take anything for it (i’m receiving anesthesia tomorrow, so i’m unable to eat or drink anything after midnight). my medication’s packaging also just gave me a hard time when i tried to open it, and my attempt at using scissors to help resulted in me accidentally puncturing one of the pills.
tldr; i’m not feeling too sexy right now.