I feel tired of stuff being made more complicated than it has to be.
Also I feel I lost my sleepiness. There are a few things I feel concerned about on a global scale. Sure it is possible tomorrow can provide improved news on the matters, but I'm highly skeptical. Even though multiple tomorrows come.
Incredibly grieved at the human condition today tbh. Also the news in any online feed is a complete **** show today. I think it is a good time to take a step back from the internet and keep track loosely on what's going on just to have a general idea. I got enough on my plate without that anyway (not that I expect strangers to care or keep track of) But like I mentioned a few weeks ago, and even 2.5 years ago, I don't foresee anything getting better globally. Just get worse and it is really starting to show this month. It's just plain sad. So yeah, I feel grieved/greatly sad today.
I woke up a bit ago; woke up panicking a little and to a dream with a former personal friend in it. It brought up a lot of not good feelings and memories (the scenarios in dream were fictional). I’m talking to a friend now and I thought of my best friend for a second and am a bit sad now.
A little frustrated about something else. I want to think that I’m overthinking but it happened more than once. I don’t have the energy to deal with this.
I’m anxious again about a message I never got a reply to; I’m thought maybe they were busy but idk. I kinda don’t want a reply now though tbh. i think I should’ve kept my thoughts to myself.
My dad is sick and I'm pretty sure I am too. Oh well. More sleepy time for me!
Edit because I noticed I didn't say how I feel. I'm pretty tired and weak, but the moral is oddly good.