how are you feeling right now?

weird. maybe im actually an introvert in an extrovert's body because im socially drained after hanging out with my best friends today. ive always thought i was extroverted but im doubting it now.
Sort of sad now that my vacations is over but glad that 2022 will be finally over soon.
Feeling a little sick today. I picked up a cold from my family at Christmas. Luckily it's just that and nothing too severe. I'm also very tired because I didn't sleep well last night.

But mentally, I'm doing well. I'm ready for the weekend and the New Year.
everything feels so odd right now, but things are going into the right place it seems

this place feels so different from how it was when i joined when i was literally 9 and now after day i'll be turning 18 in april and graduating high school. it feels so unbelievably weird, and looking back on my history here there has been so many ups and downs i have experienced but the bell tree forums has ultimately shaped so many friendships and feelings i still carry today

i miss when i was active on this forum even if most of it wasn't even animal crossing related anymore but i'm so glad to see that nothing bad has happened to this website in this past years i've been on and off with it. it's crazy to see people i used to talk to when i was in middle school grow older, everything just seems so crazy right now

but **** it, i hope 2023 is a good year not just for me but for everyone i have built a relationship here with and everyone on this forum :lemon:
I feel a little bit better than I did yesterday. The situation isn’t fresh in my mind anymore. I needed the day off to not think about it. This was the longest stretch of time I’ve been upset about a particular thing (40+ hours). I’m glad I’ve been able to take my mind off of it, even for just a short time.
I feel alright beyond one leg is throbbing. The temp is changing outside (getting cold again) and it's causing a fog. I also heard that another winter storm is coming this week but idk how reliable that info is. At least we got more wood and got some of it stacked near the door today.
I feel pretty good mentally today. Later I'm gonna get some Christmas stuff out cuz I'm weird and was anxious last month.
I'm already feeling bitter and fed up. 2023 just started and already bad stuff is happening to me. It doesn't bother me as much because I am too numb to the pain these days.
I’m doing okay, weirdly enough. I packed my vape in my bag to take to work with me and I didn’t need to use it today. Things haven’t been too stressful, and my shift is over in an a little over an hour.
I feel like I’ve been too negative when I post on here recently, I guess Christmas got to me. I just hopped in when I really wanted to whine about something. It’s a random forum, could be worse but I actually respect this place and I don’t wanna be a pooper.
But I gotta get that under control! Right now I feel great, actually. I can finally voice chat again with my partner today and I did a lot of drawing and had fun yesterday.
Not very good, actually. My throat has been sore all day and I have a bit of a headache. I hope I feel better after some rest tonight.
I have a headache. Been having some issues so not feeling great. I've been resting but I think I just need to sleep. I fell asleep a few times today, and my pain has calmed and bleeding stopped, but still.
I have been thinking alot about the common man and how the nations are right now. I'm hoping things get better soon but idk. There's alot going on right now out there. All it takes is a fly briefly landing to tip the scales more it seems. And that's without considering the domino effect.
yeah, time to go sleep.. lol
Honestly, I feel dumb. I can't make a simple decision on what card deck to buy. I think I'll just take it as a sign to wait.
Still feeling sick, unfortunately. I felt even worse yesterday, but today I'm gradually improving. Hopefully, I'll be better by the weekend.
I'm feeling confused because I just found out that I can't get gifted YouTube memberships because I apparently I have a Brand account? What is all this nonsense. I just created my channel to upload cat videos for goodness sake. I swear I'm getting too old to understand this stuff. 😱