how are you feeling right now?

A little gutted. I explained this more in detail in the 'What's bothering you' thread, but plans fell through with my family so we went to see a movie yesterday. Movies and theaters have always been a place of comfort for me.

During the previews an argument broke out in the back row about seating arrangements. The unhinged man goes to the front of the theatre and begins pointing at people, yelling things and muttering threats. Security eventually kicked him out.

That's related to a very serious past trauma for me and I wanted to be anywhere except that movie theater. The suffocating feeling of being a sitting duck as a cold panic hit the room.

I was also enthusiastic about seeing the Bob Dylan biopic. Now I guess I have to wait until it comes to streaming.
I’m feeling a bit better today since I remembered to take my medicine (yesterday i may have forgotten to), but still not feeling good. A lot is on my mind that I’m either anxious about or upset about. Things at home hasn’t been great since my dad’s mental health continues to go downhill and my mom’s patience with him is gone. He isn’t taking care of his cough - allergies and a cold. she keeps saying things like she should have left him when I still a kid.

On a plus side, coming back has cheered me up quite a bit, seeing all my friends and reading the what made you happy today thread. 🙂 Kinda embarrassed though when I relook at stuff I just posted since my brain likes to second guess what I wrote >.< (ocd and social anxiety really sucks) 😅.
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Been feeling deflated today for the majority of the day and then I started crying again not too long ago. Was supposed to hangout with someone too, but I'm not sure that it's happening at this point.

My dad got me a sea otter plush because of the Dallas Stars, but I don't really care at this point... I just want to be left alone...
Been feeling deflated today for the majority of the day and then I started crying again not too long ago. Was supposed to hangout with someone too, but I'm not sure that it's happening at this point.

My dad got me a sea otter plush because of the Dallas Stars, but I don't really care at this point... I just want to be left alone...
Sorry to hear that! You bring people cheer. Hope you know that.
I'm tired. Woke up, haven't been able to go back to sleep. Also hurting, but less than earlier.
I am also excited. Someone gave us a tank last fall that they used for like a year that they didn't need anymore. I leaked tested it yesterday and no leaks! I also got most of the crud out while it was filling. It use to be for a turtle, so it was very crusty and I wanted to make sure it really didn't have leaks cuz I know turtles sometimes scratch silicone. I look forward to detailing it and cleaning the bottom panel tomorrow so it can come into the house. I also have a ton of rocks they gave me, so I hope to clean those this week too. I want to try to build some cool little things with them. Some are small and others are like the size of my hand but flat. So that will be fun.
I'm tired. Woke up, haven't been able to go back to sleep. Also hurting, but less than earlier.
I am also excited. Someone gave us a tank last fall that they used for like a year that they didn't need anymore. I leaked tested it yesterday and no leaks! I also got most of the crud out while it was filling. It use to be for a turtle, so it was very crusty and I wanted to make sure it really didn't have leaks cuz I know turtles sometimes scratch silicone. I look forward to detailing it and cleaning the bottom panel tomorrow so it can come into the house. I also have a ton of rocks they gave me, so I hope to clean those this week too. I want to try to build some cool little things with them. Some are small and others are like the size of my hand but flat. So that will be fun.
What will you keep in the tank?
What will you keep in the tank?
Well, my current plan is to propagate some of my aquatic plants in it, but I really want to start a colony of blue shrimp and aquatic isopods in it later this year. Beyond that is a wait and see kind of thing. Maybe throw some fish eggs in there if I come across them after I set the tank up.
My long term plans is to have a couple of 10 gallons to house shrimp, aquatic isopods, plant clippings from other tanks, and my white pond snails in, and raise fry. They would sit on the bottom of my racks. My 20 gallon longs is more about housing fish. So, I'll probably end up moving the colony later or just end up having different colonies of different colors/patterns. All tanks will be heavily planted so they should survive just fine even with fish.
I want to focus in on dwarf plants for nano tanks, and some that are a little bigger that I really like.
Sad. A little concerned too. Idk. Things feel weird since 2020. Not that pre2020 was super or anything.
...deleted a book of rambling prepost...
Ugh I'm getting way too chatty on the forums. I apologize, it's anxiousness and the lack of access to a spoiler tag on mobile.
I also still feel a little angry about my fish eggs too, but realistically it isn't just about the fish egg incident yesterday.
I recently upped my dose of a new (nonstimulant) ADHD medication, and so I'm slightly on edge waiting to see if it does anything in either direction. I was warned of the risk of nausea if I took it without food, so I had a small meal and am crossing my fingers that that was enough to curb that risk. I didn't really have any noticeable side effects before taking my current dose other than lower appetite (which if that's my only side effect, is cool with me) so maybe I'll be lucky and continue not to notice much, although I do hope the intended effect doesn't take too long to kick in.
Feeling a bit odd. Like a username in a sea of username, a person in a sea of people. Not here necessarily and not necessarily insignificant, I just feel small. Like when you stand next to the ocean and you suddenly realize how big the world is.
Pretty good which is a relief cause I've been a little cranky the past week or 2. Me and my mom had a peaceful morning making valentines day cards
Tired and really sore. Today was supposed to be my day off, but I was asked to come in on my day off. Was really looking forward to resting and having the day off, especially with trying to process upsetting news from Friday night.