• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

How are you feeling?

Tired. today's lecture was boring so coulda been at home but i need money lol
Not great. Those few days of feeling awesome have finally come to their highly anticipated end, haha.

It's weird, because the birds outside are chirping like it's some lovely day outside, when we just got a bunch of snow overnight. I'm sure it's sunny and all (Haven't checked yet) but yeah, it's unbelievably cold out, and hearing birds going on so energetically reminds me of the warmer weather, when I can open my blackout shade and get a nice breeze going, listen to what little nature we've got going on in the city, etc.

I never thought I'd say this, because I love winter, but I'm kind of over it at this point.

Also feeling pretty tense and stressed because I have an appointment tomorrow and the person I'm seeing has a tendency to ALWAYS BE OUTRAGEOUSLY LATE without calling or giving a heads up of any kind. One time, I was one of seven people sitting in the waiting room for her, and then the receptionist told us she wasn't even in the building. Like... she just neglected to come in, and didn't call to explain why, either, so all of us were waiting for over an hour before we found out. I keep joking that I'll start showing up late to my appointments with her because late = on time in her case, but I'd feel too bad if I did that =_=
i've felt sick for a while now and it's gotten worse these past two days so i feel like ****.
I know that feel. Get some rest, friend. ♥

Haha, thank you for your replies.

Today has been much better! I don't feel as bad anymore (hopefully dodged getting sick!) & I didn't feel as tired while at school today. This afternoon was a different story, but I finished all my homework and I'm actually getting ahead in some of my classes. I've not been as stressed as of late, so I'm pleased about that.
Warm and fuzzy:

Because a guy friend has been getting super close to me these past couple weeks and we hang out almost every single day. He is a true gentleman and treats me with love and respect. Today we played volleyball and then went to the movies, where he enjoy watching me get scared at the intense scenes, and he drove me home and we had some pretty deep conversations. He makes me feel safe and wanted.

I don't know what to call our situation because we are not dating, but we might be a little bit closer than friends.
Could be better, going through a lot of **** and I wish someone could just brighten my life up again
Exhausted. Aggravated. Sore.
Generally just tired.
Happy that I found my other SD card but still pretty much exasperated and less than happy with most things.
Second night without sleep and it's wearing me thin.
Like **** because I wake up to my mom and sister argueing full blast. Like come on.

But also amazing because my boyfriend got me a corsairs stronghold win on tera while I was asleeep
tired.. not that i cant sleep though so just gonna chill and maybe watch some anime or play
- Passed in entrance exam
- I don't think I will be suspended cuz of lates
- Got a new phone really good quality from parents
- Found a part time job
- Soon to graduate and gtfo in my school and helloooo college~

Tired from
- Exam (NAT exam and its over)
- Projects, projects and projects

- - - Post Merge - - -

"- I don't think I will be suspended cuz of lates"

Plus I don't really think the teacher will give me pink paper thing plus it almost Graduation bwhahahaah