How are you feeling?

annoyed as **** because I ordered a daniel bryan pom beanie like early last week and it still hasn't come. I was hoping to get it before I leave for texas for spring break but WWE shop got me like "NO! NO! NO!"
aaaah can't wait for may and summer.. ALL THE NEPU NEPU.

feeling good. managed to clear the rebirth 2 game on normal ending. might do the others/get the characters.buuut time for mai waifu game
I'm pretty relaxed right now, but I'm wishing it was Spring. This winter crap is driving me crazy.
I feel as though Animal Crossing is becoming a waste of time. Who's really going to see or care about my town? Don't I have better things to do? Le Lenny of TopKek really is a ****ty name which I made before I even thought about joining this forum because I wasn't going to take ACNL that serious and I don't want to put more time and effort into a garbage name such as that. Everyone hates me and I have to either change who I am or kill myself.

WHOA. Whoa. Bae I know your profile and everything says you quit this website but I'm gonna PM you and just hope that you get it, okay? No rash decisions. Take care of yourself, you're valuable, s2g.
I feel good~ Generosity is always a high for me. I just gotta rack more TBT up for another giveaway.
Tired, which sucks because I know if I go to bed I won't fall asleep and I'll just lay there for hours. :/

Overall I'm really excited though. Gonna go from the usual 10 degree weather to 56 tomorrow.
Dazed and confused. :confused: I just woke up from a nap and I feel like I've been asleep for years.
Alright, I want Tuesday though. Boys don't cry is so good and we're watching it then <3
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I didn't fall asleep until almost 8 o'clock this morning. I was hoping my partner would wake me up when he got home from work at noon but he figured I needed the extra sleep, and left me conked out til like, 1:30pm. I never actually managed to get myself a proper meal yesterday either, so now my stomach is in knots. Not feeling too hot.
I.. just watched Grave of the Fireflies. I am really bummed out now. I had been meaning to watch it for years and finally got around to it. I feel like it was something I needed to see, but at the same time... my eyes are still burning a bit.
I'm really relaxed. Today was a good day and I'm on spring break this week; which means a week to catch up on video games while dodging my real life responsibilities
I feel a little irritated, to be honest. JunoWallet is an application designed to reward you with gift card codes for a wide variety of different things by watching videos and such. I hadn't checked my account out in a while due to what I wanted being out of stock, and when I came back earlier today, I discovered almost everything was out of stock. This service appears terribly managed, and that's despite how professional they seem. I remember asking them before whether or not they'd be restocking what I wanted, and they said they would, days after I'd asked them. I can't seem to find many reliable alternatives with such a wide selection of content, so I'm stuck right now.
Tired... had to take commuter train and bus home rather than underground because some stations were closed due to some crap as usual.

Good, though. Great film today and been listening to some Dead <3