I was 11 years old and my parents had brought me a DS lite with Nintendogs for Christmas. In the nintendogs box was also the little animal crossing pamphlet for Wild World. I was (and still am) obsessed with animals and I wanted the game as soon as I show it had animal in the title. I didn’t even know what it was about. So I saved up and by summer I had enough pocket money to buy it. Wild World was the first game I ever brought myself and I have such fond memories of just binge playing it that summer.
Dude, Fire Emblem Fates was the stuff back in the day when it came out. It was very poorly written and translated, a lot of the characters were shallow, cliche, and I loved every second of it for some reason lol. Beruka is best girl.Ok, where to begin.... Well, back in 2019 my two younger sisters (one is 15 the other turns 11 next monday) had New Leaf and played together and i was like "huh i kinda want a big chonk of that" and funnily enough i used to HATE animal crossing because there's this 3ds app called, oh, i don't know, Nintendo Badge Arcade? Those fools pushed their AC badges and i loathed seeing them (i had no idea what animal crossing was at the time to be fair)
And so on November 10th 2019 i got New leaf: Welcome Amiibo and yeah i've been trying to like it ever since
(Also got Fire Emblem Fates with it too)
This was me right here, minus the NSider forums part. I was talking to my brother about it last night, and there's so much peace that comes with the series. I love knowing that I can play a game without the anxiety of beating a boss or not dying.My first game was Wild World, and honestly I don't even remember how I first learned about it or what caught my interest. That might've been the time when I hung out on the old Nintendo NSider forums, so maybe I got hyped up for it there.