How did you get into Animal Crossing?

My first game was Wild World, and honestly I don't even remember how I first learned about it or what caught my interest. That might've been the time when I hung out on the old Nintendo NSider forums, so maybe I got hyped up for it there.
My parents gave me Wild World for my birthday in 2005, and I just loved chatting to my animal friends. I was a shy, awkward kid who didn't have very many friends so it was nice to actually have some friends, even if it was just in a game.
I was three years old when my dad introduced my brother and I to the gamecube version, it was our first video game. One of the only good memories I have with him, since he was quite toxic, and we've since cut contact. Anyways, I had two save cartridges that I recall: "Seaworld," and "Funtown." I didn't even know how to read yet. Either that or I just didn't like reading. I would talk to my villagers but never actually listen to what they were saying. Then I'd push them around and hit them with a net, that was my favorite! I specifically remember Hopper and Static being the two AC "mascots" in my mind. I also loved Biskit, always wanted to name a dog after him. At the end of the day I would always forget to save, so then the next time I booted up the game, Resetti would come yelling at me and I would be SOBBING. He scared me so much! I've played every game since.
My first Animal Crossing game was Wild World. I was just curious what the game was about and I found it interesting. I've only played it for a short time though and wasn't too invested in it.

I only became a super fan of the series in New Leaf, which I was also playing alongside Tomodachi Life (love that game).
My sister got a free copy of New Leaf when she bought her 3DS. She fell in love with the game and bought me a copy so we could play together. We were both hooked. We play NH together sometimes, but not nearly as much as we played NL.
I was 11 years old and my parents had brought me a DS lite with Nintendogs for Christmas. In the nintendogs box was also the little animal crossing pamphlet for Wild World. I was (and still am) obsessed with animals and I wanted the game as soon as I show it had animal in the title. I didn’t even know what it was about. So I saved up and by summer I had enough pocket money to buy it. Wild World was the first game I ever brought myself and I have such fond memories of just binge playing it that summer.
My step-sister had wild world and I remember going on and playing it and talking to Derwin the duck. I thought it was really cute. I went home that day and begged my mum to buy me it. I remember standing in the store and looking at the wild world cases and refusing to move until my mum had bought it for me xD
I was 11 years old and my parents had brought me a DS lite with Nintendogs for Christmas. In the nintendogs box was also the little animal crossing pamphlet for Wild World. I was (and still am) obsessed with animals and I wanted the game as soon as I show it had animal in the title. I didn’t even know what it was about. So I saved up and by summer I had enough pocket money to buy it. Wild World was the first game I ever brought myself and I have such fond memories of just binge playing it that summer.

this is practically identical to how I got into the game 😂 I'd received the Nintendogs Ds lite for Christmas and was fascinated by the Animal Crossing pamphlet so the year it came out I asked for it for my birthday and have never looked back. So many hours of my childhood were spent playing on WW, I took it nearly everywhere with me and spent a lot of time on holidays with my head still stuck in my DS (in fact it was during these times that my oldest brother and sister took an interest in it and we'd all sit around together taking it in turns to play it). Due to other life things and school I actually didn't play CF and NL a lot, though I did have both games, but when NH was released I was excited to get back into it and am really enjoying the game again:giggle:
I was a young child, probably 7 or so. It was sometime between 2001-2003. My parents liked to browse for movies at the local Blockbuster (throwback oh my god), and I would just look around and read the titles and see the covers. I went into the little gaming section by the south-facing window, and I saw Animal Crossing for gamecube, and it looked so, so, so cute.

So I went home with it, rented it for a few days or whatever, I'm not sure how long haha. I ended up making a temporary character and doing all of Tom Nooks chores, and then at the end Tom Nook told me something like "Sell Nook all of your stuff to make bells hahahaha" and I was just like -who the f is Nook?! He might have even said Tom Nook. I don't remember LOL.

But I ended up hiding the apples I shook from the trees in the large bushes, so no one could steal them hahah, and running around trying to find him. I never did find him LOL BUT my parents did end up getting me the game soon after :) and ever since then I've loved it~
Peanut butter gamer.
Pbg kept making videos on it and when I bought my 3ds it was in a deal where I got to pick 2 games. Figured it wouldn't hurt to try so I picked up new leaf.

Played it all the way home on the train and didn't come off until around 3 months later.

Was a great summer.
My now estranged grandmother gifted WW to me on Christmas '06, together with an AC-themed gel cover set to protect my thicker-than-a-snicker DS, the Christmas gift of the previous year, with. Not that it needed that, lmao. I've no idea where she got the idea to gift me that game from, as she doesn't know anything about video games and technology as a whole. It could just be that I did wish for it after having seen it in that one commercial, but that I don't remember. Or maybe my parents just told her to, lol. Regardless, I remember being happy about it and playing the game extensively. And then getting ACCF. And ACNL. And I even went back to ACGC and recently bought HHD too after being disappointed with the mess that is NH. Whether it was a blind buy on my grandmothers part or an actually calculated decision, I did have my fun with the series for almost 15 years.
i was so young that i literally don't even remember when i started playing, it's like wild world just randomly appeared and i just played it but i can't think of when that happened 😂
probably when WW released but idk

it was technically my sister who introduced me to the series since WW was her game
it's funny because after playing WW, i quickly lost interest and was about to stop playing until i saw lobo and thought he was the most adorable character and that's pretty much what kept me playing haha
When the first AC got released I was like 13 and I bought games for myself from time to time. I thought the cover looks cute and bought it. Now I am almost 30 and still playing every AC I get into my hands. I absolutly love the "build up a town" aspect.
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Ok, where to begin.... Well, back in 2019 my two younger sisters (one is 15 the other turns 11 next monday) had New Leaf and played together and i was like "huh i kinda want a big chonk of that" and funnily enough i used to HATE animal crossing because there's this 3ds app called, oh, i don't know, Nintendo Badge Arcade? Those fools pushed their AC badges and i loathed seeing them (i had no idea what animal crossing was at the time to be fair)

And so on November 10th 2019 i got New leaf: Welcome Amiibo and yeah i've been trying to like it ever since
(Also got Fire Emblem Fates with it too)
Ok, where to begin.... Well, back in 2019 my two younger sisters (one is 15 the other turns 11 next monday) had New Leaf and played together and i was like "huh i kinda want a big chonk of that" and funnily enough i used to HATE animal crossing because there's this 3ds app called, oh, i don't know, Nintendo Badge Arcade? Those fools pushed their AC badges and i loathed seeing them (i had no idea what animal crossing was at the time to be fair)

And so on November 10th 2019 i got New leaf: Welcome Amiibo and yeah i've been trying to like it ever since
(Also got Fire Emblem Fates with it too)
Dude, Fire Emblem Fates was the stuff back in the day when it came out. It was very poorly written and translated, a lot of the characters were shallow, cliche, and I loved every second of it for some reason lol. Beruka is best girl.
I was played a lot of multiplayer in Metroid Prime Hunters on the Nintendo DS back in early 2006, and one of my friends on that game recommended I try Animal Crossing Wild World. I had never heard of Animal Crossing before this, and thought the game sounded a bit too weird for my taste when they described it, but I decided to try it anyways. Fell in love immediately. I've been a huge fan of the series ever since. I had to have sank over a thousand hours in Wild World, especially during the summer. I ended up getting the GameCube version later that same year.

People were very social in Wild World. It seemed the goal was to add as many friends as possible and if no one had their gate open, you'd open yours. Since the player limit was only 4 players, you'd have to be lucky to make it in someone's town before it got full. We'd play online for multiple hours just socializing. The Bulletin Board was used for writing longer messages if needed. The game had its fair share of griefers though who could chop down all your trees if you went AFK too long, and hackers who had the power to literally destroy your game from ever loading again. I guess this started the downfall beginning with New Leaf where most people now only open for a minute at a time to fulfil a service or trade, or so it seems.
On my trip to Chicago, probably around 2011, my family and I went to a video games store and I wanted to buy a Super Mario game for my Wii, but my mom convinced me to buy this funny-looking game called "Animal Crossing City Folk". I immediately fell in love with the game, and started playing alongside my mom. Then I told my cousin to buy the game too, and so she did, so we started playing online, visiting each other's towns, until the online feature was shut down in 2014. Luckily, that same year, I got. 3DS on Christmas, but I didn't buy ACNL until August 2015, on my trip to Oregon. She bought the game as well in 2016, and then we played a lot until November 2018, when my 3DS broke :/ I had to wait until March 2020 play Animal Crossing again!
I was a big fan of the tech YouTube creator iJustine, and back in like 2012 or 2013, she was always talking about Animal Crossing New Leaf. I was so confused by everything she was saying, but then slowly, I started watching all her videos on the matter, and I found myself becoming hooked. Unfortunately she stopped making New Leaf videos, and I was just like "Darn it, now what?"

And then a couple weeks later I bought the game for myself, and Animal Crossing officially became a part of my routine. I was very happy to see iJustine get into New Horizons, especially since this time I had the game at launch, so I could actually follow along with what everyone was doing :)
My first game was Wild World, and honestly I don't even remember how I first learned about it or what caught my interest. That might've been the time when I hung out on the old Nintendo NSider forums, so maybe I got hyped up for it there.
This was me right here, minus the NSider forums part. I was talking to my brother about it last night, and there's so much peace that comes with the series. I love knowing that I can play a game without the anxiety of beating a boss or not dying.
I've been a fan of Animal Crossing ever since I played the original on the Gamecube. I played the other games casually since then, but I became a more regular player after New Leaf. I loved that game so much! :love: