How did you get into Animal Crossing?

I was probably 6 or 7, and I asked santa for snow (I live in a place where it doesn't snow). My parents had Santa get me a Game Cube, with Spyro and Animal Crossing, so that I could expierience the snow in Animal Crossing. It was so sweet, and since then, I've played every single game. I'm 23 now and still love the snow, and love AC<3
I was probably 6 or 7, and I asked santa for snow (I live in a place where it doesn't snow). My parents had Santa get me a Game Cube, with Spyro and Animal Crossing, so that I could expierience the snow in Animal Crossing. It was so sweet, and since then, I've played every single game. I'm 23 now and still love the snow, and love AC<3
This is so relatable because one of the main things I like about AC is how I can experience seasons with it because in the country I live in, we don't have defined seasons like that.
I wanted Animal Crossing after seeing these ads (The Real World spoof ones, I don't remember seeing the first one)

I though the "Nice outfit. Where'd you get it, the garbage dump?" "Ummm, yeah!" exchange was hilarious.

Like a couple other mentioned, I probably saw it covered in Nintendo Power as well, although I don't remember that part. I do know that they were giving away Animal Crossing shirts as renewal gifts for a while and I saved the ad. A couple of months later when it was time for my renewal, I gave the ad to my dad. I was absolutely heartbroken when he called me into our den where he was placing the call and told me they were out of the shirts and I was going to have to pick another gift.
I had never heard of Animal Crossing really until last March when New Horizons came out. However, I knew a guy 10 years ago who used to greet people by waving his arms like Lloid the gyroid. I just didn't get the reference at the time.
I never heard of Animal Crossing until I was watching my favorite YouTuber by the name Chuggaconroy on YouTube who did a lets play on New Leaf. I saw what that game was and I was like fascinated by how it was. That got me interested into giving it a try. Sadly I never had a 3DS at the time so I wasn't able to play New Leaf.

Then by the time Covid-19 Pandemic was confirmed in March 2020 it was the time that I got Animal Crossing New Horizons for the Nintendo Switch and it was the game that really helped me through the pandemic. Sure it has its issues but it wasn't for this game I would be so lost in my thoughts and not know what to do. So yeah Animal Crossing really saved my life. I know I criticized the game so many times in threads but I would not ignore the fact that it helped me during a difficult time.
This is gonna sound bad, but I always knew of the AC games since the GameCube days, the famous TV commercial lol But never looked into it really. I was more into Mario/Zelda at the time.

Years go by and Pocket Camp was my first AC game ;p lol and then later got into the hype train for New Horizons. I totally wish I played the other titles when released now haha. I was young enough to play all of them on relase day >,<
Once I was at toys r us with my family and we could both get something so I saw animal crossing new leaf and I was like huh that looks cool, since I was into games like that. So my brother and I both got a copy and we loved it! Now I love animal crossing with all my heart.
Wild World was my intoduction to the series. In hindsight, it was lacking a lot of events that now are taken for granted, such as Turkey Day or Toy Day, but it made up for it by adding the Flea Market or La-Di-Day, for example. I don't really remember how I came to start playing it because I was like 10 and it's been 15 years lol.
I knew it existed, and I don't remember when and how but I tried Wild World and didn't like it. Fast forward to pre-New Leaf when I spent more time on the internet and all the Japanese players posted their designs all over the place, and I thought that maybe I should give the game another chance (also thanks to the new character models, I really disliked the old ones)

And one day I had nothing to do and thought "hey, nothing stops me from going out and buying the game right now" and I did.
Back in 2005 I was active on two forums: one for The Sims 2 and the other for Harvest Moon. In the lead-up to Wild World coming out it was a popular topic on both of those forums so I decided to give it a go.
Back in 2008, my brother asked to borrow Wild World from his friend. I had a go and instantly fell in love. Been a fan ever since~ :>
One day I was looking at the videos on the eShop and I saw the video where Reggie shows off his house in NL. I looked at all of NL's trailers and I thought it was interesting because it was different compared to any other game I've ever played, I liked how you could customize things like your house and clothes. Two weeks later I bought it and I became instantly obsessed.
I had bought a wii console for a family Christmas present so looked for a game that I thought my young son would like. I thought animal crossing looked fun and innocent. I got wii fit for myself 😊 He loved the game and was desperate for me to play. Like a previous story, I really wasn’t keen but to please him I sat down and he explained the game. I tried to enjoy it. I honestly didn’t understand how great it was until I got further into the game and I saw the princess furniture 😍 I was hooked 😂 I won’t tell you how many times I had to do bunny day to get enough money to buy the set. Zipper and bunny day still give me nightmares 😆
I remember when Animal Crossing came out on the Gamecube. I didn't really know anything about the game. I thought it looked weird from the few pictures I did see. I wasn't into animal crossing until last year with New Horizons grabbing my interest with the crafting mechanic. When New Leaf came out I actually read a little bit about what Animal Crossing was about. Whoever wrote their explanation made it sound really boring or maybe the game really is boring to me. They said something along the lines of coming to a new town and taking a big loan and having to pay it back and you build relationships with animals called villagers.
I think another reason why I never wandered into the Animal Crossing Franchise was because I have always been a big fan of pokemon... however I am disappointed with the direction they have taken. Like, their recent games have taken some very very small steps in the right direction.. but Kindred Fates caught my attention and I am riding on that being promising... pokemon is still lacking in lore/back story. Like Sword and Shield were improvements don't get me wrong. Maybe I just look at generations 1-3 with rose colored glasses. I mean, even Gen 4 had great lore and back story. I just hated Gen 4's pokemon/design choices.
Well I got New Horizons and I really really really like it. I really like the Characters too. And I can't believe it is the first animal crossing game that allows you to put things outside....Like that should have been a thing a game or two ago. lol.
Back in 2005 I was active on two forums: one for The Sims 2 and the other for Harvest Moon. In the lead-up to Wild World coming out it was a popular topic on both of those forums so I decided to give it a go.
Heeeey, that was the stuff when I was a kid! Which one was your favorite? I loved A Wonderful Life the most, feel like that was as real a life sim as I’ve ever played! Minus the Harvest Sprites, and trippy mushroom tree of course. (Sorry to be off topic haha)
I was really into games in the early 2000s and would keep up on what games were coming out. The original Animal Crossing on Gamecube must have captured my attention at some point because I remember owning it. I don't remember where I heard about it or when, though I'm guessing it may have been in a video game magazine because that seemed to be where you would get game news in those days. I remember enjoying it, but it kind of came and went.

I hadn't played another AC game until New Horizons. I bought a Switch mainly for Nintendo's first party games, though not specifically for Animal Crossing. It has become my favorite game on the console, though.
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Initially I wasn't took keen of the series when my friend showed me their New Leaf town when it first released. Then that following summer I had a strong urge to decorate and I remembered Acnl and decided to give it a shot. 6 New leaf cartridges and 2 Acnh islands later...^^;
Was curious about all of your origin stories so to speak haha. I like the series a lot, and I always like hearing people talk about it, so I wanted to know when and how you got into Animal Crossing! Wether it was the original, Wild World, City Folk, New Leaf, or New Horizons, I’d like to hear how it all started and why! :)

I got into it because my sister played City Folk a lot, and I liked doing her ‘chores’ for her like catching and selling fish and selling fruit. Eventually made my own character! I was waaay into life sims back then since my fav games were Harvest Moon AWL and Rune Factory Frontier at the time, so Animal Crossing certainly fit the bill for me.
My story is kinda boring but basically when I got my 3DS I saw a bunch of ads for the animal crossing new leaf game and really wanted to get it even though I had no idea what it was about. I was pleasantly surprised when I started playing at the age of 9 when I realized I have so much power. I never played a game like that before and I haven’t been the same since. Now I have New Horizons and trying to get a five star for my island lol.