How do we feel about Zipper T Bunny

I love zipper! i remember seeing him when i played new leaf and he eventually became one of favourite npcs! I get why people say he’s creepy though:) I also really love hearing people’s theory’s on who’s in the zipper suit. my personal favourite theory is that Phyllis is in the costume cos they’re personalities and speaking under their breath is pretty similar
I love zipper! i remember seeing him when i played new leaf and he eventually became one of favourite npcs! I get why people say he’s creepy though:) I also really love hearing people’s theory’s on who’s in the zipper suit. my personal favourite theory is that Phyllis is in the costume cos they’re personalities and speaking under their breath is pretty similar
I agree while i do love the theories he just is too creepy for little old me
I really like him, easily one of my fav event NPCs and really overhated imo! + the Bunny Day items are great, they're my fav event items in game.
I like Zipper T! I think he is funny when you stare at his Zipper. I always wondered who it was dressed up as him because he is so obviously a costume.

I'm also not creeped out by fake cartoon mascot type of suits. If I was, then I probably wouldn't like him.
I like him. I like his sarcasm and his demeanor in general. Plus in the previous games, I love standing behind him to purposely aggravate him about his mysterious zipper.

That was the first thing I did when I first played Bunny Day last year, lol.

SAME! hahahah i super feel bad about that but i love aggravating him a little bit too, find it hilarious, i did a lot in ACNH in the first bunny season, haven't done it in this season yet i dont know if it has to do that i love the new objects and though that as a reward i wouldn't harass him this time around hahah.

PS: i like him :)!
I personally find Zipper terrifying lol. I always thought it was Tortimer inside but now that Tortimer doesn't exist per se I feel like it's Tom Nook. Or his doppelganger 👀
I'm not a big fan of Zipper, I really like rabbits in general and would've loved to have a cute bunny npc who was actually an animal rather then most likely someone in a costume. I agree with what some others have said that he seems creepy and it's odd as I've always presumed it's a person under the costume which just seems strange in a game where the majority of characters (other then us players) are animals.

Also bunny day is unfortunately one of my least favourite events and I don't really like the DIYs, though I do love the Nooks Cranny items this year, so think that probably contributes to my dislike.
Probably the only event villager i actually tolerate/like, every other one angers me or makes me want to banish them from my town...
Not sure if they changed his personality for ACNH but as for me i hate most events in AC