How do we feel about Zipper T Bunny

i love bunny day now... 🥳

but i don't love him...

I would be far more forgiving towards Bunny Day if it didn't involve Zipper. I'd still be annoyed by all the eggs spawning everywhere, but I'd be okay with it all in all. Zipper just ruins it for me, lol.
That hopping abomination and eyesore can stay off my island. There's nothing worse than getting into the game and Zipper being there when you open your door. You're shaking trees? He's probably behind one watching you. There should be a town ordinance; the event can remain, but he has to stay by the airport so that he can be sent packing at a moment's notice. Wandering around my island isn't allowed.
i used to think he was creepy but now he's just meh
like i saw him hopping around my island once on the first day of easter (tbh i already forgot when that was) but since then he hasn't been on my island so he doesn't bother me
I like Zipper :)
Did you know that the sound differs when he jumps in different locations? (hard, sand, water)
I think Animal Crossing was a lot creepier and scarier way back and ACNH is leaning off a bit from that.
So having a little creepy aspect is kind of fun lol
I find him a bit creepy but overall he seems like a nice guy. He's far from my favourite, but he doesn't deserve all the hate imo.
I thought I would dislike him from looking at memes, so it was a pleasant surprise that I like him a lot! I find him cute at first glance, then he gives off very strong Five Nights at Freddy animatronic vibes if I look at him for a longer time. I made a point to talk to him while his back was to my rep so I could see his zipper. Makes me wonder who's underneath that costume... 🤔
I like the idea of Zipper but the execution of him leaves something to be desired. I'm pretty sure it's the eyes that make him look kind of creepy because I don't feel that way about bunny villagers in general. Just like real bunny costumes you'd see around Easter at the mall, Zipper has that creepy factor. That said, I kind of think it's funny and I've enjoyed Zipper much more this year than last.
Zipper is a bit scary side for me, his jumps irritate me. Bunny should be cutest little thing right?
I skipped out on Bunny day last year and this was my first year participating. In my opinion I'm not too fond of him. I get freaked out with him staring...
I hate him but like, in a lighthearted fashion. I'd give him some coffee and some chocolate and tell him it's alright to take a break.
I like Zipper. I actually think he’s kinda cute. I haven’t experienced much of Bunny Day, so that may be partly why. I stay away from memes too, though I think I did see a few somewhere 😅. I like how he tells me it isn’t a costume, but he won’t let me look at his back. lol