We all feel unmotivated at times, but there are no free passes to anything in life. You aren't entitled to anything you don't work your ass off for. If there's something you want (good grades, a job you like, a girlfriend, good friends) you have to work for it.
It takes effort on your part and others' for friendship to work. No one will just come to you to be your best friend; you have to find people with similar interests and put effort into being nice, taking an interest in them, and getting along even if they're annoying you. No one trusts people right from the start, that takes time and effort too.
As for school, maybe you don't realize the magnitude of the situation you're in. If your parents paid for you to go to school, you owe it to them to do well. The money they put into you going to school was hours and hours of their limited life span spent working to help you. If you took out a student loan, you have to pay it back unless you want a destroyed credit score that will prevent you from getting decent loans in the future, and can even affect your ability to rent a house/ apartment.
Whether or not you feel motivated to do things isn't the issue. You need to take action and do what's best for yourself, regardless of what you'd like to be doing at the moment. Lastly, self esteem/ self confidence is earned through accomplishments. Set goals for yourself and achieve them, and your self esteem will rise.
While I understand what you’re saying, it’s the same kind of speech my mom or dad would give me, that they have done their best for me, and I have to do my best, and honestly,
I hate that kind of speech.
I already asked them before since neither my mom, dad, or sister went straight through university and graduated like I will, if they are counting on me, or EXPECTING me to graduate, and they said no, they weren’t. They told me I should want this for myself. The problem?
I don’t want this for myself. I’m going to do my best to graduate and make my dreams come true, but it isn’t for me. The money I make from me dreams/goals in life and the land I’ll own once my mom passes, part of it will be donated to Mexico, Puerto Rico, and Ecuador, then before my parents pass, if I can, some of it will go to them, and the rest will go to myself.
I honestly hate the notion that as students, we try to graduate in order to get careers and live our own lives. If that’s the way you’re living your life, then who are you really serving? In the end, people who don’t give back to society or other societies are really only serving themselves. So I don’t pick myself up by the bootstraps in order to graduate and make my dreams come true for myself. No, I don’t care about my life. I would be better off dead if I didn’t have these dreams/goals. I do it for other people, to put smiles on their faces and food before them, food they wouldn’t have to eat had I not volunteered/donated. It’s not for me that my parents help me out and I do my best, it’s for them.