How do you eat string cheese?

How do you eat string cheese?

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i was only allowed to eat custom farm fresh cheese from a goat's bosom from this one heinen's in the city so im not sure ... :/
I've never ate string cheese before, but if I were to, I would pull it because it is called 'string' cheese. :blush:
I just pull. Either I pull in small strings or in big strings which usually leaves me four pieces of cheese.
'Pull it! It's hard not to.
I don't like string cheese very much. It tastes a lot like plastic. But when I do eat it I pull it apart into strands.
never had it. however I used to give it to the kindergarten kids when I was still a teacher assistant a few years ago :blush:
I usually pull it, but there's this one particular brand where I bite it. I have no clue why I do, I just do.
At first I pulled, then I gradually started always biting it because I realized that I was too lazy to pull. LOL
I don't think I've ever tried it but it sounds disgusting. I'm not a big fan of any cheese really so ):
i feel so nostalgic i've not had string cheese in so long. i can't remember but i'm sure i would have pulled it
to me, it doesn't matter.

i just eat it the way that I want to, if I feel like eating it by pulling it, I will c: