while i personally don't agree with it, at the end of the day, it's not my money and it's not my body. however, i do think plastic surgery shouldn't be taken so lightly as it is in some places. i also find the "happiness" argument interesting, as i feel like a lot of people who want to cosmetically fix their features are doing it to fit certain standards of beauty, even if they don't seem to believe that's what's driving them to do it to begin with.
idk, like, i guess i have personal reasons for why i'm against plastic surgery when it's solely for cosmetic reasons. like, i'm asian and i have monolids (or single eyelids), and in most asian cultures, double eyelids are considered an ideal feature. i grew up really hating having monolids ESPECIALLY bc monolids aren't as common among my specific ethnicity. and at one point, i even looked into double eyelid surgery. but now i absolutely love having monolids and wouldn't go through with the surgery even if it were free.
i know learning to love yourself and your features isn't easy and it's probably not realistic for everyone, but i do think considering surgical measures should be far off people's minds if they're not happy with their appearance
1. Do you agree with people getting plastic surgery purely for cosmetic purposes (not for reconstructive purposes like rhinoplasty after a broken nose)?
I think it's incredibly stupid and a great way to make cosmetic surgeons even richer.
2. Are you okay with how common it is in some places like the US, Korea, and China?
No, I think it is a sign of huge cultural problems that need to be addressed at their root.
3. Have you had any kind of cosmetic procedure done, yourself, and if so, what drove your decision to have it done?
4. For those of you who have never had a cosmetic procedure done, would you ever consider it?
Only if I was disfigured in an accident or something.
I'm not a fan, unless you do it to fix something that could cause you serious issues later on. I would never do it though. I think I look fine the way I am. I'd also fear something going wrong. S:
1. Do you agree with people getting plastic surgery purely for cosmetic purposes (not for reconstructive purposes like rhinoplasty after a broken nose)?
I don't know, to be honest. I think people should be allowed to do what they want to their bodies, but more than anything I just don't think it's worth it. I feel like it looks gradually worse and more obvious as you get older. There are a lot of ways to improve your appearance without doing things like that.
2. Are you okay with how common it is in some places like the US, Korea, and China?
I don't really care how common it is. I can't say I understand why they'd do it, but it's their body and it's none of my business, really.
3. Have you had any kind of cosmetic procedure done, yourself, and if so, what drove your decision to have it done?
4. For those of you who have never had a cosmetic procedure done, would you ever consider it?
No. I just don't think it looks good in years to come, and very rarely looks good when you first do it.
1. Yes!~
2. Yes! Mainly because, if it makes them happy, then they should be able to do what they want since it's their body and their opinion.
3. Nope!
4. Never! (Imagine all the snacks I could buy with all that money <: LOL )
1. Nope, I don't agree with cosmetic plastic surgery. We are all given the gift of looking completely unique, even identical twins look unique from each other - why would you want to change that? One of my sisters had plastic surgery & I cried about it, it broke my heart and I tried to talk her out of it. It doesn't bother me that she got the surgery, it bothers me that she didn't love & accept her own appearance.
2. I live in Southern California where it's very common to get plastic surgery, especially breast implants - it looks horrible. The plastic surgery in Asia is just plain scary since they completely transform your face - I've seen some of the before & after photos for Korean surgeries and they turn you into a different person.
3. I've never had any cosmetic surgery (obviously)
1. I have iffy opinions on it but basically I think it's fine? I do think that we need to work on making sure people don't idolize beauty standards and broadening what beauty standards are so that people feel less inferior when they don't look like a model, and that plastic surgery may become less popular as a result, but I still think that it's your body and you are allowed to do whatever you want. Even if it is related to beauty standards, there are some people who do get legitimately more confident after surgery, I think it's just about understanding what you really want and then going for it. Plus, sometimes it doesn't even have to do with beauty standards and is just like a body mod thing?? Which. I'm super okay with body modifications, I absolutely love tattoos and piercings. And while there are risks to getting surgery so getting surgeries that aren't 100% necessary does add extra risk to your life, really, everything in life is risky? I could drown on a cup of water or inhale a bug in my sleep or something, it's really not possible to avoid risk, so I think that if it's something someone really wants to do, they should go for it!!
2. Basically the same answer as before, I do think it may be partly a result of unobtainable beauty standards and I'm not okay with that sort of thing, but I really don't blame anyone who wants to do that sort of thing.
3. Nope.
4. Possibly!! I would probably never get my face done, but I've strongly considered getting a flatter chest (although that's very much largely relating to me being transgender), and I also really like the look of the surgery where you get your ears pointed to look like an elf!!
1. Uhhh, depends. If it helps boosts someone's confidence, then I guess that's ok. But when I see older women who've obviously done it, I just think, "Ew, you look disgusting with that stretched skin on your face."
2. I don't really care, and I never knew they did that in Korea and China.
3. Nope.
4. Unless I was mauled by a bear or something, then no. I'm happy with my looks.
1. Yes, it's a personal choice and if that's what someone wants to do, I don't see a problem with it. I guess looking at the bigger picture it's easy to say that it's society that has the problem that makes people feel like the need to alter their appearance, and we should fix that instead of letting people change their looks, but honestly there's nothing we can do about that. If you don't like your nose and want rhinoplasty, go for it. I don't see why people should judge.
2. Yes, but i'm not cool with the cheap sketchy plastic surgeons in some places that take advantage of certain people. (again I'm not sure if it counts as "cosmetic surgery" or not but the super cheap surgeons abroad that botch peoples srs surgeries, I don't agree with that.)
3. I haven't
4. I don't know if anything that I want done is considered "plastic surgery" or anything, but I'm going to say yes, I would. I don't want like purely cosmetic things done, though.
1. Do you agree with people getting plastic surgery purely for cosmetic purposes (not for reconstructive purposes like rhinoplasty after a broken nose)? If it makes people happy, sure. But I also feel like people should be happy with how they naturally look like.
2. Are you okay with how common it is in some places like the US, Korea, and China? I guess. I don't really care.
3. Have you had any kind of cosmetic procedure done, yourself, and if so, what drove your decision to have it done? Nope.
4. For those of you who have never had a cosmetic procedure done, would you ever consider it? Nah, I'm happy how I am now thx. But I'd certainly have if I'm injured or for reconstructive purposes.
Personally, as long as they're doing it for their own happiness and are doing it safely, people should go for it. It's their bod, and if getting, say, a smaller nose or more pronounced chin makes them happier, then I don't see why anyone should object. But, again, as long as it's done safely and they're not doing it just because someone else told them to.
Personally, I've never done any cosmetic surgery or have any interest in doing any.
1. Their body their choice. If somebody wants plastic surgery and is willing to risk their life to look a certain way then that's their problem, not mine. It doesn't matter if they come out looking beautiful or if the plastic surgery ends up being botched, their decision doesn't affect me whatsoever so it's not really my place to be concerned for them. I do, however, believe that plastic surgery doesn't necessarily help a person's self esteem and that it sucks to live in a society that puts so much pressure on unrealistic beauty standards. But if somebody believes it will help them then it's not really my place to make that decision for them.
2. Read previous answer.
3. No.
4. I would have cosmetic surgery in a heartbeat if it was cheap and had zero risk involved.
it doesn't bother me if someone gets plastic surgery and honestly it shouldn't since it's none of my business , but i don't really like the concept of going under a knife to conform to society's standards of beauty . if you have a surgery for you just because you like it that way then all the power to you , but if you don't want to change something you shouldn't feel pressured to do so .
Personally, I would never get plastic surgery for cosmetic purposes. I don't really care if someone else decides to get plastic surgery due to them being dissatisfied with their appearance. It is their choice to change their appearance should they wish for it. I, however, don't think that it is wise to get plastic surgery on a whim or because everyone else is getting plastic surgery. Getting plastic surgery should be a choice that should be thought over so that the person who gets plastic surgery wouldn't regret it in the future. Plastic surgery should not be a necessity for fitting in either. Getting plastic surgery should also be a choice that one makes for themselves without being coerced or forced to do so by others.
1. Do you agree with people getting plastic surgery purely for cosmetic purposes (not for reconstructive purposes like rhinoplasty after a broken nose)?
I don't really care what people want to do with their own appearances. Even if I were to disapprove of it, people wouldn't stop getting plastic surgery. If it boosts their self-esteem, why not.
2. Are you okay with how common it is in some places like the US, Korea, and China?
I don't really care about how common plastic surgery is in those countries. What I do care about is people like family members, bosses, or friends influencing or even forcing people to get plastic surgery due to the person being so called "ugly".
3. Have you had any kind of cosmetic procedure done, yourself, and if so, what drove your decision to have it done?
4. For those of you who have never had a cosmetic procedure done, would you ever consider it?
I am satisfied with the way I look so I would never get plastic surgery. Even if I wasn't I still wouldn't get plastic surgery.
1. Yes. It doesn't bother me in the least. It's their body and I don't have a say in it, and if it makes them happy, then good for them.
2. No, not really. This is a gray area for me. I feel like the media puts too much pressure on people to alter themselves and to constantly look good, when in reality, there's no real need to do this. In South Korea, it's commonplace to get plastic surgeries and it's everywhere in the media. The procedures there are also cheaper than the USA. This bothers me because young children will grow up thinking that it's normal to alter yourself, and that there's no need to love the body you have now, as you can always change it later. I would prefer if plastic surgery was more of an alternative method than something that absolutely needs to be done.
3. No.
4. I won't lie, I have considered it. It's something I would probably do if I was older and if I had more funds than I do right now. I don't hate my appearance and I'm actually genuinely happy with my body. But if I had the money to tweak a few things, then why not?