How do you feel about plastic surgery?

1. Do you agree with people getting plastic surgery purely for cosmetic purposes (not for reconstructive purposes like rhinoplasty after a broken nose)?

If you can afford it, if it makes you happy, go for it! Skin Decision: Before and After is a great Netflix show that really thoughtfully discusses how plastic surgery can help improve someone's self-esteem and happiness. Fair warning, they have shots of surgery in the show that can be a bit gory if you're squeamish but it's a great watch.

For example, to get rid of scars from a really traumatic accident, or to get rid of excess skin after losing a significant amount of weight.

2. Are you okay with how common it is in some places like the US, Korea, and China?

I don't like the pressure for people to feel as if they have to undergo plastic surgery because their natural bodies are not enough, because they look at examples of models and celebrities in media who are extremely edited, who have the money to afford all kinds of procedures.

Even though plastic surgery is common, I feel like there's still quite a taboo for people who say they pursue it or have gotten it done. This, I think leads to an unrealistic expectation of what beautiful bodies look like, as well as of what surgical procedures entail.

3. Have you had any kind of cosmetic procedure done, yourself, and if so, what drove your decision to have it done?

I haven't had anything done. The only thing I can think of is braces, though that isn't surgery, and even then, I mostly had it done for health reasons (to fix my bite).

4. For those of you who have never had a cosmetic procedure done, would you ever consider it?

I'm quite wary of the risks that come with surgery so I'm not that keen to do it unless I am fully aware of the risks and whether it's suitable for what I want.
1. Do you agree with people getting plastic surgery purely for cosmetic purposes?
Yes; it is their body.

2. Are you okay with how common it is in some places like the US, Korea, and China?
Yes and no. Due its popularity, a lot of advancements have been made in the field. Though, a lot of social pressure has become of it as well.

3. Have you had any kind of cosmetic procedure done, yourself, and if so, what drove your decision to have it done?
I have had braces and I would do it again. I like the look of the alignment.

4. For those of you who have never had a cosmetic procedure done, would you ever consider it?
I would consider getting more; currently I would like to get a rhinoplasty. While this would be mostly cosmetic, I think it may help improve my airway as well.
I wouldn't get it. But for some females, it does make them look like barbie dolls and others don't. I really don't care about it, just sometimes imo it doesn't always look good on people.
I'm all for it if someone wants it to fix something (broken nose, cleft lip, accident involving injury, deformities, birth defects, ect...) but other than that it just makes people look worse. I would not get it myself unless somethin happened to me or I ended up needing it for some reason. Plastic surgery (in some cases, not all) doesn't last and overtime start to either harm the person or reverse the effects (like if they got a neck lift, the skin will start sagging again after a while, or botox injections fading). How common it is doesn't affect me unless I needed it, so being in places that its common would help that person who needs it find a good doctor easier (I hope).
I would ask how much the person wants to alter and why.
Someone who is trying to entirely reconstruct who they are, maybe they should attend some therapy first, and root out some other issues first and then come back and see how they feel.
If there's a massive defect and they want it resolved, then I entirely understand it and support it.
Nobody wants to live with an eyesore attached to them, I'm sorry.
You should be happy with who you are, but you should also be spending everyday pushing yourself just that little bit farther to be the best version of yourself. Should you erase your entire identity? No. Should you reduce your massive, honking nose? If you want to, go for it.
So it's their body, their choice. My personal opinion is I feel like if a person does it for themselves and not to please anyone else, it can be a great experience for them and even a healthy one that boosts their confidence and makes them more comfortable in their skin. But unfortunately I do feel like the majority of the time people get plastic surgery for others. They feel like they have to look this certain way to achieve status or even love. I think this is a dangerous way of thinking and their money would be better spent on therapy to help them accept themselves and not seek these things through their outer appearance.

For me, I have considered plastic surgery in the past for the wrong reasons but I grew out of it and began to accept my natural self more. I do always consider it an option though, I just have to make sure it's for me.

One other thing is I have always found natural looking people beautiful, moreso than people who you can tell had a lot of work done. I don't care if things are uneven or someone doesn't fit some perfect mold. "Flaws" are what make people unique and interesting to me. Almost every time I've seen a before/after of someone who got a lot of surgery I prefer the before. Just a personal preference of mine.
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1. Do you agree with people getting plastic surgery purely for cosmetic purposes (not for reconstructive purposes like rhinoplasty after a broken nose)?
yes u do u girls and boys and nbs
my mother and sister actually both had cosmetic procedures. whether or not u "agree" or "disagree" is irrelevant, it's their lives and if they feel better about it then they should go for it. u only have one body and if it helps u love your body even a lil more, then by all means 🖤

i only feel uncomfortable about it when the person is clearly forming an addiction to plastic surgery / is entirely consumed by finding all their flaws and "fixing" them. in that case i think they should probably seek professional help to talk about what's going on before getting additional surgeries

2. Are you okay with how common it is in some places like the US, Korea, and China?
yeah i mean, i'm pretty indifferent unless it's the above scenario and i think it's more than just wanting plastic surgery

3. Have you had any kind of cosmetic procedure done, yourself, and if so, what drove your decision to have it done?
erm, no i am really afraid of stuff like that. i don't like going unconscious, i was close to having a panic attack for going under when i got my wisdom teeth out

4. For those of you who have never had a cosmetic procedure done, would you ever consider it?
i would want it if it was totally instantaneous and painless (and free) but like. it's not any of those things. i helped my mother/sister when they had their stuff done and it's also very very VERY gross aftermath.
Other people can do whatever they want/whatever helps them love themselves more. I personally wouldn't do it because I'm pretty afraid of pain and medical procedures.
I have conflicted feelings about it. There are all of these impossible beauty standards to live up to and many people are not born with the standard "good looks". I myself have thought about getting some procedures done, or at least daydreamed about it. But on the other hand, I'm sad that this is the way modern society has gone. We have such a warped idea of what it means to be beautiful that people feel like they need to get surgery to feel accepted. I would never expect my partner to be perfect looking, yet I have this idea that I am not up to par for not looking perfect. I guess I'm brainwashed by all the advertising that tells us we need to think that way. That if we don't spend a ton of money on our appearance then it means we aren't good enough.

I think that the modern porn industry has done a number on people psychologically as well. There have been studies about the effects of porn on expectations of beauty (and other things) and it's not great for relationships or much else. I guess maybe because it's different from say, a fictional movie. The idea behind pornography is that it's supposed to be real (thin storyline or not). In reality, it's anything but real. So I think it warps some people's ideas of what women and men should look like.

Hollywood and the fashion industry do the same thing as well, of course. Models are Photoshopped to perfection. Even on TV shows now, I've noticed that whether or not the actor is Botoxed to the point of being a statue, shows have been using blurring techniques on people's faces to cover blemishes and bags under their eyes. It looks really obvious (probably because TV shows have less of an effects budget than movies) and it makes me sad. I saw one episode of a show where a man and woman were talking, and they both had bags under their eyes, but they only blurred the bags of the actress.

Anyway, it's not like I'm morally opposed to it, and to each their own, but I would be lying if I said I didn't have strong reservations about what it means that people are getting so much plastic surgery these days.
1. Do you agree with people getting plastic surgery purely for cosmetic purposes (not for reconstructive purposes like rhinoplasty after a broken nose)?

2. Are you okay with how common it is in some places like the US, Korea, and China?

3. Have you had any kind of cosmetic procedure done, yourself, and if so, what drove your decision to have it done?

4. For those of you who have never had a cosmetic procedure done, would you ever consider it?
1. personally i wouldn't do that. true beauty is found on the inside and spending several thousand dollars to try to make yourself prettier on the outside is somewhat useless imo. then again, everybody wants to look good, so honestly i can't blame them. people can do whatever they want with their money.

2. pfft. idc. again, do whatever ya want. it just means we have a bunch of plastic-faced people running around. doesn't hurt me.

3. no, i have not. probably because I'm a teenager.

4. i would only consider it if i got my face screwed up to the point where i was unrecognizable ig. if i got like a scar on my face or something, i wouldn't do it. but if i had several scars and burns and terrible stuff happen to my face... then maybe. i like to look good too, lol. (do i sound like a hypocrite???)
it's sad that our culture makes people so unhappy with themselves that they feel the need to surgically change their appearance. i don't judge anyone and i don't think it would be better if no one got plastic surgery to fix insecurities, but like... idk i don't love that there is such a large need and want for it, if that makes sense? of course if someone is unhappy with the way they look they should be allowed to change it to look more like what they want, but if society has shamed someone into disliking their looks to the point where they want to change it to be more conventionally attractive? that's what i don't like.
1. Do you agree with people getting plastic surgery purely for cosmetic purposes (not for reconstructive purposes like rhinoplasty after a broken nose)?

It's a toss-up for me, to be honest. To say that I'm completely against it isn't quite how I feel, but I also tread very cautiously around it. (Plus, it would make me a hypocrite, since I myself have been considering getting a nose job.)

In the past (when I was younger, more self-conscious, and more sensitive about the idea), I was definitely more against cosmetic surgery then, especially certain kinds, like implants and fillers and such. But now, as an adult, I've come to see it as a way for people to have control over their bodies and, by extension, their lives. It's a form of (body) autonomy and independence.

Generally, though, I don't see anything wrong with getting plastic surgery for cosmetic purposes to boost one's self-esteem and/or improve one's appearance. I often find that looks and health go hand-in-hand; for example, an overweight person who does liposuction would benefit both health-wise and appearance-wise, if that's the route they wanted to take (as opposed to diet and exercise). That's why, it's hard to say what's "right" or "wrong" in this case. Of course, this is about our opinions, perspectives, and/or personal experiences anyway.

I actually have a more personal example, to offer some more perspective: Just recently, my brother got a very small procedure done to remove a fat/oil deposit in the corner of his eye, as well as a jutting skin tag on his head that would stick out and grow bigger after he would go to the barber. The procedure merely required some numbing cream and poking/scraping, so you could hardly call it a surgery, let alone plastic surgery, even though it cleaned up his complexion quite a bit.

With all that said, I do feel that, ideally, people would moderate and limit the amount of cosmetic surgery they get. I believe in quality over quantity, and less is more. Plus, I can be quite the naturalist and minimalist myself. So, I think if you can get away with or accept something you already have, then you should. (Besides, that $h1t gets expen$ive...)

2. Are you okay with how common it is in some places like the US, Korea, and China?

This one is the real toss-up for me, I would say. Just because something is so common, doesn't necessarily mean it's a good/beneficial thing. Like I said, for me, it's quality over quantity. Nonetheless, I respect and admire science and technological advancement; so, in a way, I would still try to take advantage of what's out there.
But just as I stated in my first answer, I would tread very carefully and be very moderate and selective about it as much as possible. And, obviously, get it done with someone you can naturally trust. My brother's procedure was done by a relative, but obviously not everyone's family has a surgeon.

3. Have you had any kind of cosmetic procedure done, yourself, and if so, what drove your decision to have it done?

Not yet... (See my next answer.)

4. For those of you who have never had a cosmetic procedure done, would you ever consider it?

As I mentioned in my answer to the first question, I'm planning on getting a nose job done in the near future. This is a decision that took me a while to settle on, and for obvious reasons (money, though I'm not the one paying for it, plus psychological preparedness).

In my culture, it's quite common to get a nose job (or any kind of cosmetic surgery, really), since we tend to have larger noses. Almost all the women in my family have gotten one, including my mother and grandmother.

I was never particularly insecure about my nose. But, after a lot of time, thinking, and talking with family, I finally came to the conclusion of doing it; I personally agreed that my nose could be altered a little (but still look natural) to suit/compliment my face better. And since my mom is the one who always suggested getting it done, I have her full support.
1. If it makes you happy, go for it! Don't have plastic surgery for anyone but yourself though, it's your body so your choice. That being said, even if it is for yourself, make sure you're not having a procedure just because of low self esteem. You're beautiful the way you are ✨

2. I have a suspicion that they're only so popular because of unrealistic beauty standards, so no, I'm not really ok with it. Media ends up making you feel like you need that body and/or face shape to be happy and loved, and it's just not true.

3. Nope, I'm still a minor anyway.

4. I wouldn't be having surgery, other than maybe top surgery 👀 (no more booby for me hehe)
people can do whatever they want... as long as it makes them happy and not an addiction idc. u just have to be sure
ill never get plastic surgery but ik people who have and theyre happy with what they got done. not saying that things never go wrong cuz they obviously can i think most people going into plastic surgery are aware of the consequences that can occur though
1: yeah i agree. I think you have to do what makes you feel happy and dont let tbis get out of control. Balance is the perfect word for this theme, if a person is discontent or want to change something with surgery than thtas fine, but it requiresna lot of ppanning an thinking like doing a tattoo

2: Well.... culture is something i cant argue about and indont know gery much about tbis topic

3: Yeah. EYe surgery (miopia correction)

4: yeah
My answer to all of this is that people can do whatever they want if they have the money and credible surgeon to do so. It only becomes an issue when getting surgery becomes less about feeling better about oneself and more about satisfying an addiction.

I don’t think I would have anything done on myself, though. I do have a birthmark on my face, but it doesn’t bother me.
their body, their choice. if it makes them feel confident, then sure i dont really mind it
Sounds terrible I’d never do it I’m my life and I think that it is wrong to do to your body
Ever since I was young I wanted to get cosmetic surgery to get rid of my cleft chin. I absolutely hate it, I used to wake up everyday and look in the mirror and swear I would get surgery when I had the money. I have more problems to worry about now, and I'm more accepting of the fact that I'll never really afford the surgery, so I don't often dawn on it as much. But I still hate it just as much as I did when I was young. I also wanted some way to elongate my face overall. Though have never looked into how it would be done, if possible.

I think people have a right to change their appearance to their liking. Like, I won't say that I ENCOURAGE it exactly but... if you wake up everyday and wish for it, I'd say do it if you have the spare money. It's important that you look good in your own eyes. BUT I'd also hope that those people would try to go to therapy first if their dysphoria/dysmorphia is especially bad, since body negativity can be so debilitating to the point where cosmetic surgery is futile, and you'll never be happy how matter how much you change it. Especially BD, where you're essentially creating problems where there are none.

I do feel bad for people who do it just out of necessity in order to look good by society's standards, ESPECIALLY trans people who need it to pass. Like, screw people who judge by looks lmao. But I get it, and wouldn't necessarily try to talk anyone out of it, but I'd still try to let them know that even without it, they look great. I know that would rarely stop them from doing it, though.

As far if I'm okay with how prevalent it is, I think that's a tricky question that kind of loops back around to how I feel about people who do it out of necessity or fear. Like we definitely wouldn't have as many people getting cosmetic surgery if society wasn't so judgmental, and down right violent towards trans people especially those that don't "pass". So I guess no, I'm not really okay with that. But again, I understand why people do it.
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1. Do you agree with people getting plastic surgery purely for cosmetic purposes (not for reconstructive purposes like rhinoplasty after a broken nose)?
Sure why not? It's their body, their choice.

2. Are you okay with how common it is in some places like the US, Korea, and China?

Again not a problem to me as long as they are adults

3. Have you had any kind of cosmetic procedure done, yourself, and if so, what drove your decision to have it done?

No but I've thought about it

4. For those of you who have never had a cosmetic procedure done, would you ever consider it?

As I said above, yeah sure!

I wish our society wouldn't put so much importance on appearance, and I find it sad when people think they have to change something superficial about themselves just to be accepted. However, people should have the right mold their body to fit their mind!
Again, their body, their choice.