⚔️ Dedicate your heart and set it ablaze 🔥
It's a mixed bag for me. I go on the subreddit to mostly look at memes but will occasionally come across an idea that I like and think makes sense to implement on my island. Usually, though, I just get random sparks of inspiration that may or may not turn out nice. XD
For island design, I find decorating villager yards to be fairly easy because there are multiple reference points (e.g. their preferred colours, style, hobby, and/or goal), whereas I usually get stuck on how to fill in small sections of the island here and there.
For island design, I find decorating villager yards to be fairly easy because there are multiple reference points (e.g. their preferred colours, style, hobby, and/or goal), whereas I usually get stuck on how to fill in small sections of the island here and there.