How do you guys deal with ACNH stress?


I have the results...
Apr 4, 2020
Black Hybrid Rose
Black Famous Mushroom
Yellow Candy
Yellow Candy
Yellow Candy
Yellow Candy
Yellow Candy
Yellow Candy
Yellow Candy
Yellow Candy
My island is a mess. I left with my inventory nearly full. I had to make a Sherb sign. But I didn't have time before I had to stop playing to get the custom design and the customization kits. I also have to clean up a new bamboo area. Plus, my beaches are filled with flowers... How do you guys deal with ACNH stress?
step away from the game for a bit, come back when i’m feeling productive again. i try not to overwhelm myself with too many tasks so at the start of the day i like to figure out what i especially feel like working on on my island and go slowly from there.
step away from the game for a bit, come back when i’m feeling productive again. i try not to overwhelm myself with too many tasks so at the start of the day i like to figure out what i especially feel like working on on my island and go slowly from there.
I have to island hop tomorrow, so I can't step away. 😕
I have discovered that if I decide on a single task to do, like remove flowers from a particular area or terraform a small section, it becomes much less overwhelming. My upper cliff was pretty much covered in windflowers, so the other day I spent a couple hours digging them up and getting rid of them. The perfectionist in me has a panic attack when I think about all the things I have to do, so deciding on one for the time being helps.
I always take a break and just relax and de stress when I feel the responsibility pile up in ac. Once I feel like I can tackle the hard parts of my island, I get on and go at it as hard as I can till I feel worn out, and then I rest again. Sometimes I’m just lazy and don’t work on parts of my island for a while, but mostly I just break the troubled areas into sections and try and deal with them the best that I can.
I have discovered that if I decide on a single task to do, like remove flowers from a particular area or terraform a small section, it becomes much less overwhelming. My upper cliff was pretty much covered in windflowers, so the other day I spent a couple hours digging them up and getting rid of them. The perfectionist in me has a panic attack when I think about all the things I have to do, so deciding on one for the time being helps.
This makes sense. What I did today was I came up with a task: finish entrance. I did that, and then I did more, and that's what got me. Thank you!
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Is looking forward to the in-game positives useful? Because I get to island hop tomorrow! 😄
Focusing on one task at a time and taking a break between long tasks like flower removal or terraforming or selling
I don't let a game stress me out. If I have to work on something I never look at the big picture and let everything I know I want to do pile up in my head. I just attack my tasks in small chunks until it's done.
I take a break. Even if it is to just stop playing for the night. My beaches are covered in buildings and flowers. Most of my cliffs are deleted and I deleted my river again. I have no trees. My island is a massive WIP at the moment, but I'm having fun.
Focusing on one task at a time and taking a break between long tasks like flower removal or terraforming or selling
I think I should try this.
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I take a break. Even if it is to just stop playing for the night. My beaches are covered in buildings and flowers. Most of my cliffs are deleted and I deleted my river again. I have no trees. My island is a massive WIP at the moment, but I'm having fun.
True. I guess thinking about the finished product will be helplful. 😊
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I think I should try this.
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True. I guess thinking about the finished product will be helplful. 😊

I saw that you were island hopping I even broke down my island hopping sessions and just time box it. If you are looking for a specific list and OK with taking someone decent, set a limit either time wise or ticket wise, that the first 3 hours or 50 tickets you'll look for a dreamie otherwise you'll take the first villager you are okay with having temporarily
This makes sense. What I did today was I came up with a task: finish entrance. I did that, and then I did more, and that's what got me. Thank you!
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Is looking forward to the in-game positives useful? Because I get to island hop tomorrow! 😄

I agree. One thing at a time. I'm currently working on clearing a section of my island to make room for other things, and I must do it one small step at a time. Remove paths, remove flowers, etc.
It helps me that you only can move one building/house at a time (per day], so once I get to where a building is in the way, I'll stop and pick it up tomorrow after it's not in the way.

I love to look forward to the positives of the game. I havent been island hopping in a while, but I am looking forward to doing it again, if for no other reason as to just gather resources and forget about island designing for a brief moment.
Ok, so tomorrow, I'll just quickly fix my inventory issue, then I'll just go island hopping to get my "messy town" off my mind. Then, I'll come back do my daily stuff and if I have time, finish today's project.
I deal with it by taking a really long time to get started on big projects, and making sure to put them in a situation I can at least live with before I allow myself to quit. There's no part of my island I absolutely hate, so I don't get stressed out about it, and I'll make little tweaks here and there to improve them.
I mean, my approach with the game is doing things slowly. When I did unlock terraforming, it was pretty overwhelming, but it never got to the point where I felt stressed. I play AC for enjoyment, and I remind myself to not rush into things, and that progress requires patience. I think it only gets stressful if you're insistent on wanting to get things completed in such a short timeline.

I would take it day by day, you don't need to get everything done right away. You might even find yourself feeling more inspired to work on your island when you do it piece by piece, since I find rushing the completion of things does not always yield the best results. :)
great tips from everyone here. stepping away and focusing on small chunks at a time work well for me. as do things that i can't possibly do wrong, such as talking to villagers or fishing/catching bugs. much less daunting than reimagining my whole island or completing my museum art section..