How do you guys deal with ACNH stress?

i kind of just do whatever i feel like. if i feel like grinding for fish or bugs, i do it. if im in the mood for decorating, i do it. if i feel like cleaning up my beach ? (which is rarely) i do it !! i tend to have this attitude towards MANY things in my life so its no wonder it translated to animal crossing c:
i just shut down really. i stop getting on the game for days at a time, i dread getting on since my island is very incomplete right now and my inventory is full of trees that i need to find places for

i find that watching animal crossing speedbuilds and lets players gets me back into the mood to play and sometimes can even give me an idea. pinterest helps too but not as much
I honestly find AC to be one of the better ways I can deal with stress in real life. It gives me a outlet where I can figure out problems and be creative, making my island steadily better, clean and pretty. I even go to my friend islands that tends to get overrun with flowers and help dig them up and organize while chatting on the phone with her. I basically turn the "stress" into a "de-stress" :)
If I feel stressed about the game, I try to find a workaround. For example, swimming around for Pascal and wasting time trying to farm DIY balloons really stresses me out because I work full time and I have an elderly dog who I want to spend time with and I am middle-aged and I hate wasting time. So I buy DIYs here in the Nooks Cranny sub forum instead of wasting precious life minutes dicking around spending hours trying to get rare DIYs.

Life is too short to be stressed about ACNH DIYs. And really, the game creators shouldn't be making it an awful waste of time to find these things. So I don't feel guilty at all about "cheating". If they didn't want us to cheat, they shouldn't make the game so annoying and stressful.

I bought this game (more than one Switch and more than one copy of the game) to have a fun outlet to de-stress. So I manipulate it to be as fun as possible and as unstressful as possible.
I used to start projects but never finish them. This was super stressful because then my island is never complete. I started recently working on finishing areas one by one. I don’t move on to the next until I have finished the previous one. This makes it less stressful and my island starting to look like something.
.. I don't.
okay but actually if I'm just feeling overwhelmed I'll take a step back and just give myself a break, and then when I feel ready and motivated to do something I'll come back and have another go! for example I was feeling kind of stuck in my island but today I've totally destroyed the front part of my island since I watched a youtube video and found inspiration, so now I'm just taking my time building it back up
I dropped Pocket Camp because of pressure it caused. Hope this will not happen again with NH
I had flowers everywhere and my house was a mess, i decorated it to get the top hha score but i hated it. For a long time I did nothing. I didn't want to get rid of flowers cause I thought I might want to use them later and would have to go to a lot of trouble to get more. And I suck at decorating so I was avoiding my house.
I finally decided to start on the flowers(I turned my pumpkin patch into a flower garden to keep a few of each so I'd have them if I wanted them later). I went through at least 10 shovels digging up and selling/moving all those flowers. It took a long time too. But I'm glad I finally did it. Now I just have to make sure I get rid of excess flowers that pop up so they dont get out of hand again.
My house was even more work. In previous games I just put a different furniture series in each room but this time I decided to make a real house with bedroom,kitchen etc. I already had a few ideas in my mind so that gave me somewhere to start at least. It was a long frustrating process(my biggest issue was picking walls/floors). I had many times I just had to stop playing and come back either that night or the next day. But in time I got it done and I'm happy with the results. Good luck
I dont really have ACNH stress. My beaches are also filled with flowers which is annoying. I haven't finished decorating my island yet so I moved most of the flowers to the beach until I know where to put them but if it really starts to bother me then I'll just sell them and buy them again from people on tbt later. My storage was also full so I just made another character.

As for decorating, I still have a lot to do and it't not my favourite part of the game tbh but if I ever get bored of it or I don't like how an area turned out then I just stop playing for a while, come back to the game a couple of days later, look for inspiration online and try again. I've managed to make a lot of progress this way.
Honestly, I'm in the process of remodeling my WHOLE island from near scratch. I've had the game since release date but finally sitting down to work on the aesthetics has helped me feel better about my island personally.

I spent 3 days gathering items for my Asian resturant section and another 2 days working on Merengue's bakery area.

TL;DR: Sometimes changing stuff around helps and focusing on one section at a time is the easiest way to go about things
I listen to my favourite radio station (which only plays classical music/opera all the time), or I just listen to a YouTube video while I do things.
I don't get stress playing, but if I'm decorating and something isn't working out I usually stop before I do more damage, and just sit on it for a while, or do something else in the game. I really enjoy fishing so typically it's that :)
I mean hunting endlessly for a certain bug/fish/deep sea critter can definitely be exhaustingly annoying, but it certainly isn't stressful
My island is a mess. I left with my inventory nearly full. I had to make a Sherb sign. But I didn't have time before I had to stop playing to get the custom design and the customization kits. I also have to clean up a new bamboo area. Plus, my beaches are filled with flowers... How do you guys deal with ACNH stress?

I couldn't imagine if ACNH would be stressful at any point. Generally, playing games has to be something opposite from stress, and playing chilling games like ACNH is most-possible-stressful I can imagine.

All my flowers are controlled, there's no mess around. Inventory is being constantly monitored and having enough money I can sell everything I can buy later (except items "not for sale"). When my inventory is close to 1,800/2,400 I'm starting selling what is not really necessary and making profits, like fruits, pumpkins etc. From time to time creating bunch of "items of the day".
Only making profits from gold roses and other flowers are just decorative and may be used in the future if someone need them. As mentioned, all flowers are controlled, so there's no chance they will overgrow without my permission.
Animal Crossing is meant to be a relaxing game. I mean its not a game for like competition or grinding. I know people get impatient when they want to get their island as best as possible and they use Time Travel to speed things up. While that can be good it can make you feel burnout quickly in a week. I found out the hard way when I was time traveling myself and I felt just so bored with the game. I didn't restart because I don't want my hard work to go to waste. So I would say take your time each day and do what you can do today. Tell yourself "you know what I can do some of this today and some tomorrow" there is no need to rush things. Once you do it day by day it will feel less stressful.
take breaks. you can burn yourself out on a game if you play too much.

deal with the issues one at a time, whenever you want. it's a game you don't gotta do it right away or finish it right then and there when you do decide to do it. makes it alot easier to manage when you focus on one thing at a time.
Sometimes I like to destress (in game) by hanging out in my house. I will set up some cool rooms like this

(With either K.K. Fusion or K.K D&B)

I just built this one. Before this, it was a Christmas room with falling snow wallpaper, and before that it was a forestry camping area. Both with Stale Cupcakes.

If the stress is due to island layout, walking back outside your house can reintroduce it sadly. Some other things that help is designing at least 1 small area you're happy with on your island. That way you have a spot in your town you can escape to that isn't depressing or stressing.

It's not for everyone, but rain is extremely destressing for me IRL. TT to a rainy day in game, or even better, a thunderstorm....and enjoy.
Animal Crossing is meant to be a relaxing game. I mean its not a game for like competition or grinding. I know people get impatient when they want to get their island as best as possible and they use Time Travel to speed things up. While that can be good it can make you feel burnout quickly in a week. I found out the hard way when I was time traveling myself and I felt just so bored with the game. I didn't restart because I don't want my hard work to go to waste. So I would say take your time each day and do what you can do today. Tell yourself "you know what I can do some of this today and some tomorrow" there is no need to rush things. Once you do it day by day it will feel less stressful.
This is great advice. It really can be hard not to time travel especially when wanting the event items. I’m trying so hard not to time travel to get all the festivale items. Reminding myself that everything does not have to be done in a day.

@JKDOS thats a great room. Reminds me a still have to redo my main room it’s still Christmas. Listening to rain is a great way to relax.
i don't

literally i abandoned this game since august and only came back for my bday and christmas

well, now i got back at it and simply ignore really messy areas, i also work by acres, i clean and flat an entire acre and then i go to another acre