How do you guys deal with ACNH stress?

i reset my island once then took a two month break like immediately after ahah. i think playing less per day or taking a break altogether is the best way to reduce stress.
I would semi-finish each area (place some items, start terraforming or laying path, put up some fencing, etc.) so it felt a little more complete and not so messy, and then I would go back and fix those areas one at a time to get them exactly how I wanted them.
How do you use Animal Crossing and stress in the same sentence
I know right! 😂
I would semi-finish each area (place some items, start terraforming or laying path, put up some fencing, etc.) so it felt a little more complete and not so messy, and then I would go back and fix those areas one at a time to get them exactly how I wanted them.
I think I might do this. This will get rid of the "messy" feeling that I get.
Definitely ignoring the areas!
I also just remind myself that this game is totally okay to be played at a slow pace - there is no pressure to have my island completely finished any time soon. You can always set little goals for yourself, such as one day you're going to do one area and another area the next day. But don't put too much pressure on yourself!
It's definitely easier for me to enjoy my island by going one thing at a time, tackling the next problem once I'm done with the current one. For things I don't have an easy answer for - like the fact my eastern shore is meant to be a harbor, but my pier is on the western shore - my mindset is to just make it work. When things don't work out as I planned, the solution I find for them instead lends some personality and connection to my island that otherwise wouldn't be there. The little imperfections make it unique, even as my obsessive-compulsive mind strives for symmetry and long straight roads and matching paths.

Another thing that helps me is I deliberately don't grind for stuff. Having a mindset of *this game is supposed to last me years* helps me come to terms with the slow pace or non-compliant RNG. Perhaps for some people grinding is the game, and I can understand that (a little...) but for me that would make it no longer fun. I guess I'm at peace with the fact my island won't be complete, at least not until Nintendo stops releasing new content for it.
You just tear everything down. My island is currently under construction, and I just moved everything in the top right and left corners of the beach, destroyed any flowers in the way, chopped down a bunch of unnecessarily amount of trees, etc. Sometimes the best way to start over is from the ground up.
I just spontaneous combust.

Also I choose to work on my island projects in small doses at odd hours of the night. Times that I find peaceful and calming.
I'd give yourself one or two tasks a day :D That way you can feel productive only doing one thing really well that day and can give yourself a pat on the back! AC should be a fun relaxing game! Don't let the stress of people on the internet that are speeding through stuff affect your wellbeing. It's okay for things to take a while. :)
sorry this is long!

I usually ignore messy areas until I want to decorate them, then make a to-do list!

For example, if my beach is full of flowers (which it is rn ;u; ) I'll add that to the to-do list. Depending on how much it stresses me out, I'll prioritize getting rid of the flowers, then focus on that one area until it's done. "Done" can mean just cleared out of junk/flowers, or it can mean fully-decorated. Whatever I feel like "done" is for that day, or that play session.

My daily to-do list usually looks something like this:
- fossil-hunting/find the glowing money spot
- hit rocks
- check my flower garden for hybrids, then water my flowers
- talk to all my villagers (no gift-giving); search houses for who's making a DIY
- check the stores
- run around and look for Flick or Gulliver
- look for the DIY bottle on the beach
* optional stuff like decorating, terraforming, fishing and catching bugs, and giving gifts to my villagers.

Sometimes it is good to remind yourself that there's no deadline for your town to look a certain way. There's no rush to finish your island, and it can remain "messy" for as long as you like!
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Honestly, I play the game avoid real life stressors. I never take it too seriously. Eunice’s existence gives me serotonin, so I’m usually smiling when I play.
I just remind myself that I don't have to do anything that stresses me out right this minute. For example, all my hybrid flower plots are overgrown, and a lot of them need to be dug up and re-planted with new flowers for different hybrid colors, but I've left most of them like that for WEEKS, because digging up the flowers, re-planting them somewhere, finding and buying the right flower seeds, and then planting those is just too intimidating.

So I made smaller, less-stressful goals for myself, so I can still feel like I accomplished something in game, even if it has nothing to do with my flowers. Like making a new piece of furniture or giving all my villagers a present that day.

I also often take a day or two off from playing. I figure I'm dreading playing, that means playing would do the exact opposite of what gaming is supposed to accomplish (having fun, feeling relaxed), and I should do/play something else for the day.
Thank you guys for all the feedback! 😊 Today, my goal is going to be to island hop to find a good villager or adopt a good villager. If I finish that early, I will do my daily stuff. Then, I will set some sort of clean-up goal for myself.
I must be playing a different game. It's my relaxing play in bed game when I wake up in the morning, then it's my relaxing just before bed game in the evening.

It's the perfect chill game. Just chill.
I always set one small goal for myself each day.

Like terraform a certain section, work on the wedding section of my island, etc.

These are small enough tasks for me that I can finish them in a day and feel accomplished and proud of myself
I stress over the lack of content more than messy areas. Without TTing and no online account the content and duplicates in this game is stressful and frustrating.