How do YOU make bells?

Let's see:
-Sell duplicate fossils
-Money rock
-sell unwanted furniture/items
-Sell fish and bugs
-Picking up money; like with shaking trees

Selling fruit takes forever but every once in a while I'd sell a foreign fruit since they're 500 bells each xP
coffeebean! said:
Let's see:
-Sell duplicate fossils
-Money rock
-sell unwanted furniture/items
-Sell fish and bugs
-Picking up money; like with shaking trees

Selling fruit takes forever but every once in a while I'd sell a foreign fruit since they're 500 bells each xP
Pretty much how I make mine.
AndyB said:
coffeebean! said:
Let's see:
-Sell duplicate fossils
-Money rock
-sell unwanted furniture/items
-Sell fish and bugs
-Picking up money; like with shaking trees

Selling fruit takes forever but every once in a while I'd sell a foreign fruit since they're 500 bells each xP
Pretty much how I make mine.
me too ;)
DirtyD said:
I have a bunch of foreign fruit near Nooks. I fish a couple times a day. I do turnips on Sunday (hundreds of thousands of bells spent on them), and now I'm buying items cheap, and burying it all in my town, and charging people to dig it up, if i get the items cheap enough, i make a killing. During my first treasure hunt, I made around 3 million bells
Lol, you're from

I make bells by fishing...alot....

And I my foreign fruit trees grow fruits every three days, so that's about 50k every 3 days...[/quote]
every sunday i spend 1,500,000 on turnips - i would buy more, but usually after i get about that many, i get annoyed at the process of only being able to buy 990 + 400 from joan and stop.

selling turnips is the best foolproof way of making bells. i've been reading this and seeing some people saying you could lose a lot of money... maybe if you're looking at doing it for one week... but look at this example...

the first week, i spent 500,000 bells on turnips, because that's all i had. this was back when i was broken, lol. i sold all of my turnips at someone's town that had a lucky 584 price. i made like 5,000,000 that week.

the next week, i spent 1,500,000 and got back 6,000,000.

the next week, i spent 1,500,000 and got back 4,000,000.

the next week, i spent 1,500,000 and got back 8,000,000.

this week, i spent 1,500,000 and bought my turnips on sunday for 104 each. with that money, i bought 14,423 turnips. there's 144 spaces on the ground in my town... covered with bunches of 100 turnips... let's say this week is a BOMB week, and the highest price i can find on TBT or in my nook is 66 (that's the lowest i've gotten in my town, for the record). i'll have to deal with it, sell them, and if i did that, i would make back 951,918. i will be losing 548,082 bells, but compared to my previous weeks... uhh... sorry to say, but that's not exactly that big of a deal to me. i can handle losing 550,000 bells one week and then making 5,000,000 to almost 10,000,000 bells in the weeks to come...

i hope this makes sense to people. it really humors me when i see people saying things like,"OMG IT'S SUCH A RISK... U CULD LOSE SO MUCH IT'S SUCH A RISK!!!11" because really... no, it's not, lol. especially since this game is on-line, we're in an animal crossing community, and you're not bound to your one and only nook. maybe if you time travel, don't play every day, or for some reason physically can't run turnips to other towns it would be a bad idea... for the majority of people posting on this forum though, i don't think that applies to too many people.

for anyone still needing some encouragement, here you go:
like every one else who's rich, turnips

Your a noob otherwise :D
Horus said:
like every one else who's rich, turnips

Your a noob otherwise :D
i'm just not too keen about turnips. but i think that is the only way to get big bucks and fast. and really it's true what they say: "you got to spend money to make money" , in a more Animal Crossing way: "you got to spend bells to make bells" :)
bud said:
Horus said:
like every one else who's rich, turnips

Your a noob otherwise :D
i'm just not too keen about turnips. but i think that is the only way to get big bucks and fast. and really it's true what they say: "you got to spend money to make money" , in a more Animal Crossing way: "you got to spend bells to make bells" :)
turnips = uber
the treasure hunt idea is innovative, do you mean you buy from people on wifi for cheap?

I'm not very far along and don't have any foreign fruit yet (haven't wifi'd with anyone yet) so I mainly fish for profit (replacing lower priced fish with rare ones to maximize my selling per inventory)

I also do money rocks and sell any unwanted common furniture or duplicate rares, found in recycling, lost and found, buried, in trees, or from events.

don't have enough bells to try out the turnip scheme yet, and I haven't seen joan. I'm going to do some research on turnip tips first.
AVGanondorf said:
I sell foreign fruit. I get about 5 million bells a day. Takes about 1 hour to get five million.
lol? i'd like to see this orchard and you in action one day if you don't mine, lol.
dang, all you people have so much spare bells! sorry, if you are bugged about me complaining about not having much bells, but im just a very competitive person (when it's something i care about) and i just like to be even with other people.
bud said:
Just curious on people's ways on getting bells.
Me, I sell my duplicate fossils, shake trees (i usually stop after I find 2 pieces of furniture), find the daily money rock, sell unwanted snowman furniture, and fish. And every other day I will sell all the fruit from a third of the town. Depending on my initiative I can make as low as 10,000 to as high as roughly 115,000 bells in a day.
So just post ways you make bells and hey, maybe you might learn another way to make more bells! :) Also as a curious person, what was the highest amount you made in one day? I am curious to see how high the digits can get as I know there are many dedicated people here :)
hey am getting animal crossing this Friday hop we can be friends on there see you
hey you guys who got animal crossing city folk am getting this friday so can wait to play with you .ps. someone give me a message back okay bye