How do you really feel about April Fools Day?


I'm just a ghost.
Aug 9, 2020
Red Envelope
Red Envelope
For me I really dislike it. Back in the day it used to be about people pranking each other, but nowadays its people trying to spread fake news, trying to pull off events that look real but it turns out to be fake, and of course the most annoying one trying to get attention with a headline click that seems reasonable.

I've been pranked personally but its when people often call me "dumb" because I fell for it. I always found that as an insult. Don't misunderstand its not like I can't take a joke. I know when a joke is actually funny, but when its taken a bit too far is a different story thats the type I don't like.
I don't take any notice of it anymore, in fact I completely forgot today was April Fools Day. In the past I used to just tell myself not to believe a single thing I read online until it was passed midday when news sites would admit to which of their headlines was an April Fools Day joke.
I try to ignore it. When I worked retail, it was annoying because customers thought they were funny, when it was just not funny and repetitive or just plain rude.
It's nothing to me anymore. As a child, it would be a day to look out for harmless pranks and funny events, but now that I'm older, nothing really happens for me on this day any more
I hate it too. I'm not really a fan of being pranked either, but moreso it's just forced and unfunny.
I’m not a fan. All I see is fake sports news on the team pages I follow, and none of it is even realistic. It’s like people want you to say “Omg Mahomes to the Patriots for a 7th round pick omg yay!!!” and there are crazy posts like that. Nobody falls for it.

I didn’t like all of the pranks, especially the hurtful ones. Sometimes people would ask someone out as a joke and then respond with something like “it was a joke I would never.” Stuff like that can really hurt people. I swear some people have to realize that other people have real feelings and it’s not cool to be ****ed with.

I’m only not okay with the hurtful things, though…
i've never been subject to a hurtful april fools thing, very luckily. i also dont really follow anything that i found annoying on april fools. usually its just brands being like "omg stupid thing for sale!!" i saw one earlier that was wigs for cats. i enjoy

i only ever see harmless things so i like it. i always forget about it until the day of and it gets me everyyyy time.

this is also a really good april fools joke
April Fool's always seemed like a day for people to pull pranks and call the 'victims' (for a serious lack of a better word) stupid for falling for them. I'm not really interested in it. Although, I'm loving the Kirby joke for this forum.
It's fun but since there is fake news and people get offended rather easily by such stuff in news these days you hardly see it. I did catch an entertainment park here pulling a fun joke on facebook though so there is that lmao.
Well, I mean, I don't usually get affected by anything on April 1st. Since I know it's mostly about fake stuff everything seems too predictable on being false info of basically anything.

Another thing, is that if it actually turns out to be real, it throws me off. You just can't believe anything on April 1st if you know everyone's going to do something faux for it.

Of course, if you wanna do a joke, you have to do it right. I remember one time in Animal Crossing Community there was this bad joke where every post would be randomly replaced by "This post has been blocked, in order to see it, you must become a gold member." or something along those lines. The worst part is that it happened so frequently, in order to see all of what that person said you had to refresh the page and hope you get lucky.

I don't believe I have seen a single bad April Fools day joke on TBT at all. (My favorite one was the Easter one)
I love April Fool's! It's a day to get small giggles out of people (or the funny type of sigh. reaction) and to be creative and silly. I'm a fan of silly things in general, so my view is a bit biased.

With that said: the circles I'm in don't tend to do any harmful pranks, and I'm strictly against jokes that fall into those categories, so most things I see are harmless (physically, mentally, and emotionally). It's important to be responsible with the jokes that you make -- if it's hurtful, then it's not a joke anymore.
I like it, as long as it's kept fun and harmless. Some people/places definitely take it too far though, and if it's actually upsetting people, that's not cool. I'm not a fan of obstructive pranks either; you never know when someone's having a rough day or is in a hurry or something, and things that get in the way of daily business can be really frustrating and annoying if you're not in the mood for it, or simply don't have the time. But when it's just silly, lighthearted stuff, I find it to be a really nice little change of pace for a day, and I definitely look forward to seeing what some places (like TBT!) will come out with.
I love April Fool's! It's a day to get small giggles out of people (or the funny type of sigh. reaction) and to be creative and silly. I'm a fan of silly things in general, so my view is a bit biased.

With that said: the circles I'm in don't tend to do any harmful pranks, and I'm strictly against jokes that fall into those categories, so most things I see are harmless (physically, mentally, and emotionally). It's important to be responsible with the jokes that you make -- if it's hurtful, then it's not a joke anymore.
Yeah as long as it's all harmless fun, I think April Fools jokes are great.

Back when Avatar the Last Airbender was airing, there was a huge lull between season 2 and season 3. I joined a forum for Avatar right around the time season 2 ended. During the wait and with people getting antsy with no news, I curated a huge announcement and trailer. I made believable quotes/article reviews with the creators, and then posted it. It was a small group, but they found it pretty funny.
It's always been a pretty nothing day for me. Never really been subject to pranks, so it's typically just like any other day. The gimmick feels a bit forced though.
It has always never meant anything to me. I struggle with humor, but even if I didn’t, the day still would be nothing to me. I did like how one artist that I did something for today by saying she changed her style; ofc, I was a little slow and wasn’t sure she was serious until I saw today was April 1st. I have trouble distinguishing jokes even when it is so obvious :/.