By hand. Our dishwasher broke a long time ago. We took it out, but didn't have the $ to replace it at the time. Now I've gotten used to hand washing, plus I use the space for other things now. I don't mind it. I use a powerwash type of soap, so I don't have to use much water.
most of my dishes are dishwasher safe so i usually use the dishwasher. i do own some stuff like cookware that’s not dishwasher safe and that needs to be hand washed. its not so bad though
mostly by hand because some stuff can’t go in the dishwasher. sometimes I’ll use the dishwasher, not often though. although I probably should use it more since I heard dishwashers uses less water than handwashing even when it’s not loaded to the max. I always thought the opposite growing up since my mom would only use the dishwasher for storage purposes. lol, Asian parents.
I use the dishwasher for more highly used and smaller pieces of dinnerware (cups, plates, utensils, etc.) and wash bigger things, usually cookware, by hand.
at home my dishwasher is just extra storage space for my mom. i don't think she even knows what a dishwasher is i do use the dishwasher at work since who wants to do dishes at work lol.