How Do You Wash Your Dishes? 🍽

How do you wash your dishes?

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By hand. Our dishwasher broke a long time ago. We took it out, but didn't have the $ to replace it at the time. Now I've gotten used to hand washing, plus I use the space for other things now. I don't mind it. I use a powerwash type of soap, so I don't have to use much water.
I didn’t grow up with a dishwasher so it’s still pretty novel to me

I still do some by hand (esp pans, knives, nice mugs) but rest goes in the dishwasher
most of my dishes are dishwasher safe so i usually use the dishwasher. i do own some stuff like cookware that’s not dishwasher safe and that needs to be hand washed. its not so bad though
We have a dishwasher thank god. It's great, gets everything super clean, idk how I'd survive without it.
mostly by hand because some stuff can’t go in the dishwasher. sometimes I’ll use the dishwasher, not often though. although I probably should use it more since I heard dishwashers uses less water than handwashing even when it’s not loaded to the max. I always thought the opposite growing up since my mom would only use the dishwasher for storage purposes. lol, Asian parents.
I use the dishwasher! I only hand wash things that can’t go in the dishwasher but that’s not much
I use the dishwasher for more highly used and smaller pieces of dinnerware (cups, plates, utensils, etc.) and wash bigger things, usually cookware, by hand.
at home my dishwasher is just extra storage space for my mom. i don't think she even knows what a dishwasher is 😭 i do use the dishwasher at work since who wants to do dishes at work lol.
We've always had a dishwasher (by we i mean me and my sis, because my parents first got one when she was born) so we use that all the time. We've a big-ish? family so it's handier to use the dishwasher
I use a mix of both! I like to wash my dishes as soon as I've used them, but if I make a lot of dishes, I'll use the dishwasher.
I do both. Our dishwasher is old, and I don't know if that is the reason but, soap is sometimes still on dishes afterwards or a piece of food. So, I hand wash everything. Stuff that goes into the dishwasher are things that have grease on it like pots or storage containers to get the majority of that off so I don't have to use as much water to get it clean.
If you could put everything in the dish washer and it actually cleans it for real, that would be a magical time saver. I'm just thankful laundry washers actually clean clothing lol.
My family usually uses the dishwasher. We also hand wash dishes, but it's usually only when it's stuff that can't be in the dishwasher for whatever reason.
By hand, I don't have a dishwasher. It tends to be a very good mindfulness opportunity for me
Growing up I'd a dishwasher, but would still hand wash the bigger dishes. I do them all by hand now, but one of my wants when I've a house is a dishwasher! I don't mind it too much, but I dislike taking a while to cook, and THEN I've to take more time to clean all those dishes I just used. 😔 Doing them as I cooked was ok, but still lol. It's mind numbing a bit so I just auto pilot with some air pods in.
I don’t have a dishwasher so I just do it by hand, but I don’t really mind it.
I often wash the dishes by hand since the dishwasher is broken. I used to work as a dishwasher at my previous job, so I don't mind washing them anyway.