How has 2019 been for you so far?


Magical Girl
Sep 25, 2018
Wild that it's April now! Time seems to be going by fast.
My 2019 has been pretty bad but, it could be worse.

How bout you guys?
This year has been completely forgettable thus far for me.
Hopefully it'll pick up by June or so, but I doubt it.
Pretty bittersweet, mostly with the physical problem I've been having and starting birth control in January. But this past month or so things have been picking up again in a lot of other areas, and praying it continues uphill for the most part. :)
Just recently my partner and I moved to an apartment by ourselves, so it has been going well in that regard. :)
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Well it's the exam month so things will get really stressful but 2019 has been pretty good so far.
At everyone with a crummy 2k19: I hope it gets better soon!

at everyone doing well/enjoying the year: I'm happy to hear youre enjoying it so far.
Just kind of busy. I’m in my last semester of college and working, so I’ve always got something going on! Other than that, it’s been kind of uneventful haha, but that’s okay.

I hope everyone who’s having a bad year so far has a better time in the next nine months of the year. :)
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Well this was the year I got my fist ever car, paid with my own money I got from work. That's pretty awesome c:

I've been able to keep one of my 'not resolutions' and draw more often. I'm not more productive thou, I need to work on that. I forget the other not resolution I made. Maybe to not be forgetful? :/
Last year was a poop parade for me. This year seems to be going a little better, partly because I'm trying to make a conscious effort to not be as miserable. I'm tracking my moods so I can see how I'm doing, and so far I seem to have more happy or neutral days than bad days, so that's good. It's been uneventful so far, but that can be a good thing. Nothing throwing me for a loop. I'm finding I like uneventful more and more the older I get.
exams are in a month or two. we'll see about this year when i get there

so far, very average
Mentally fatiguing is the best description for my year so far. To say I've been running on fumes for a couple of months now would be an understatement.
Kinda meh I guess, but with what I'm doing now I'm having higher hopes that it will be better.